blob: 44429b2e59680d67289fe0a3687f4587135ba796 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?13 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?14 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?15 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?16 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?17 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?18 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?21 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', assert_equals: (append ?22 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?25 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?26 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?27 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?28 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?37 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?38 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?39 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?40 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?41 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?42 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?45 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?46 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?61 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?62 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?63 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?64 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?65 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?66 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?69 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?70 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?73 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?74 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?77 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?78 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?81 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?82 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?85 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?86 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?87 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?88 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?89 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?90 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?93 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?94 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?97 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?98 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?99 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?100 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?101 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?102 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 100
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?105 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?106 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?109 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?110 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?111 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?112 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?113 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?114 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 100
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?117 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?118 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?121 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?122 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?125 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?126 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?129 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?130 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?133 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?134 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 100
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?135 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?136 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?137 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?138 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?141 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200', assert_equals: (append ?142 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '200',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?157 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?158 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?159 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?160 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?161 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?162 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?165 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?166 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?169 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?170 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?171 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?172 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?181 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?182 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?183 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?184 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?185 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?186 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?189 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?190 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '200', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?205 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?206 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 400
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?207 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?208 to debug) Wrong width expected 300 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?209 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?210 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 200
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '100', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?213 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 800
FAIL placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%', assert_equals: (append ?214 to debug) Wrong height expected 150 but got 400
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',
PASS placeholder: 'iframe', containerWidthStyle: '400px', containerHeightStyle: '400px', placeholderWidthAttr: '50%', placeholderHeightAttr: '100%', svgViewBoxAttr: '0 0 100 200', svgWidthAttr: '25%', svgHeightAttr: '25%',