blob: c4454a88efe8439cf743f5969da235fe88e8b48b [file] [log] [blame]
PASS the event is an instance of AnimationEvent
PASS the event inherts from Event
PASS Missing type argument
PASS type argument is string
PASS type argument is null
PASS event type set to undefined
PASS animationName has default value of empty string
PASS elapsedTime has default value of 0.0
PASS animationName is readonly
PASS elapsedTime is readonly
PASS animationEventInit argument is null
PASS animationEventInit argument is undefined
PASS animationEventInit argument is empty dictionary
FAIL AnimationEvent.pseudoElement initialized from the dictionary assert_equals: expected (string) "::testPseudo" but got (undefined) undefined
PASS animationName set to 'sample'
PASS elapsedTime set to 0.5
PASS AnimationEventInit properties set value