| Verifies that setting the label attribute of UndoItem affects the undo and redo action names in the platform undo manager. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS undoName is "Typing" |
| After adding the first UndoItem: |
| PASS undoName is "First 🥇" |
| After adding the second UndoItem: |
| PASS undoName is "Second 🥈" |
| PASS undoName is "First 🥇" |
| PASS redoName is "Second 🥈" |
| PASS undoName is "Typing" |
| PASS redoName is "First 🥇" |
| PASS undoName is "First 🥇" |
| PASS redoName is "Second 🥈" |
| PASS undoName is "Second 🥈" |
| After undoing and then pasting: |
| After undoing the paste command: |
| PASS undoName is "First 🥇" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |