blob: 7dcc44c12c4a1b4a9ff07eeb80f2924b483a7cbf [file] [log] [blame]
# Helper script for properly invoking the closure compiler in order to
# type check the ported dEQP tests.
# Assumes the Closure compiler:
# is installed side-by-side with the WebGL repository, for example:
# WebGL/
# doc/
# extensions/
# sdk/
# ...
# closure/
# compiler.jar
# The file inside the closure compiler needs to be modified
# to support WebGL2.
# and that the shell is cd'd into the directory containing this
# script.
: ${JAVA:=java}
$JAVA -jar ../../../../closure/compiler.jar --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --warning_level VERBOSE --externs compiler_additional_extern.js --js functional/**.js framework/**.js modules/**.js --js_output_file /dev/null --js ../closure-library/closure/**.js