| *.mode* |
| *.pbxuser |
| *.perspective* |
| *.pyc |
| .DS_Store |
| .directory |
| /WebKitBuild/ |
| /test262-results/ |
| autoinstall.cache.d |
| project.xcworkspace |
| xcuserdata |
| .mailmap |
| |
| # Ignore Buildstream local files |
| /Tools/buildstream/.bst |
| /Tools/buildstream/.venv |
| /Tools/buildstream/cache |
| /Tools/buildstream/flatpak-version.yml |
| /Tools/buildstream/repo |
| |
| # Ignore auto-generated files by VS & VSCode. |
| *.vcproj.*.user |
| *.suo |
| *.ncb |
| /.vs/ |
| /.vscode/ |
| |
| # Ignore common tool auto-generated files. |
| .gdbinit |
| .gdb_history |
| tags |
| *~ |
| .*.sw[a-p] |
| .cache |
| .clangd |
| compile_commands.json |
| |
| # Ignore CMake caches outside of the build directory. |
| __cmake_systeminformation/ |
| |
| # Ignore files installed by WebKitSupportLibrary/WebKitAuxiliaryLibrary/WinCairoRequirements |
| /WebKitSupportLibrary.zip |
| /WebKitLibraries/win/ |
| !/WebKitLibraries/win/tools/scripts/ |
| |
| # Ignore files generated by Qt Creator: |
| *.pro.user |
| |
| # Ignore KDevelop files: |
| .kdev_include_paths |
| *.kdev4 |
| *.kate-swp |
| |
| # Ignore Eclipse files: |
| .project |
| .cproject |
| .settings |
| |
| # Ignore YouCompleteMe symlinks |
| .ycm_extra_conf.py |
| |
| # Local overrides configuration files |
| LocalOverrides.xcconfig |