| # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| # are met: |
| # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| # |
| |
| # Calling conventions |
| const CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters = constexpr Wasm::numberOfLLIntCalleeSaveRegisters |
| const CalleeSaveSpaceStackAligned = (CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * SlotSize + StackAlignment - 1) & ~StackAlignmentMask |
| const WasmEntryPtrTag = constexpr WasmEntryPtrTag |
| |
| end |
| |
| if X86_64 |
| const NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs = 6 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| const NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs = 8 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| const NumberOfWasmArgumentFPRs = 8 |
| const NumberOfWasmArguments = NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + NumberOfWasmArgumentFPRs |
| |
| # All callee saves must match the definition in WasmCallee.cpp |
| |
| # These must match the definition in WasmMemoryInformation.cpp |
| const wasmInstance = csr0 |
| const memoryBase = csr3 |
| const memorySize = csr4 |
| |
| # This must match the definition in LowLevelInterpreter.asm |
| if X86_64 |
| const PB = csr2 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| const PB = csr7 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| |
| macro forEachArgumentGPR(fn) |
| fn(0 * 8, wa0) |
| fn(1 * 8, wa1) |
| fn(2 * 8, wa2) |
| fn(3 * 8, wa3) |
| fn(4 * 8, wa4) |
| fn(5 * 8, wa5) |
| if ARM64 or ARM64E |
| fn(6 * 8, wa6) |
| fn(7 * 8, wa7) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| macro forEachArgumentFPR(fn) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 0) * 8, wfa0) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 1) * 8, wfa1) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 2) * 8, wfa2) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 3) * 8, wfa3) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 4) * 8, wfa4) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 5) * 8, wfa5) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 6) * 8, wfa6) |
| fn((NumberOfWasmArgumentGPRs + 7) * 8, wfa7) |
| end |
| |
| # Helper macros |
| # FIXME: Eventually this should be unified with the JS versions |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203656 |
| |
| macro wasmDispatch(advanceReg) |
| addp advanceReg, PC |
| wasmNextInstruction() |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmDispatchIndirect(offsetReg) |
| wasmDispatch(offsetReg) |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmNextInstruction() |
| loadb [PB, PC, 1], t0 |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigOpcodeMap, t1 |
| jmp NumberOfJSOpcodeIDs * PtrSize[t1, t0, PtrSize], BytecodePtrTag |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmNextInstructionWide16() |
| loadb OpcodeIDNarrowSize[PB, PC, 1], t0 |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigOpcodeMapWide16, t1 |
| jmp NumberOfJSOpcodeIDs * PtrSize[t1, t0, PtrSize], BytecodePtrTag |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmNextInstructionWide32() |
| loadb OpcodeIDNarrowSize[PB, PC, 1], t0 |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigOpcodeMapWide32, t1 |
| jmp NumberOfJSOpcodeIDs * PtrSize[t1, t0, PtrSize], BytecodePtrTag |
| end |
| |
| macro checkSwitchToJIT(increment, action) |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], ws0 |
| baddis increment, Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_tierUpCounter + Wasm::LLIntTierUpCounter::m_counter[ws0], .continue |
| action() |
| .continue: |
| end |
| |
| macro checkSwitchToJITForPrologue(codeBlockRegister) |
| checkSwitchToJIT( |
| 5, |
| macro() |
| move cfr, a0 |
| move PC, a1 |
| move wasmInstance, a2 |
| cCall4(_slow_path_wasm_prologue_osr) |
| btpz r0, .recover |
| move r0, ws0 |
| |
| forEachArgumentGPR(macro (offset, gpr) |
| loadq -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr], gpr |
| end) |
| |
| forEachArgumentFPR(macro (offset, fpr) |
| loadd -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr], fpr |
| end) |
| |
| restoreCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| restoreCallerPCAndCFR() |
| if ARM64E |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::wasmOSREntry) * PtrSize, ws1 |
| jmp [ws1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # WasmEntryPtrTag |
| else |
| jmp ws0, WasmEntryPtrTag |
| end |
| .recover: |
| notFunctionCodeBlockGetter(codeBlockRegister) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro checkSwitchToJITForLoop() |
| checkSwitchToJIT( |
| 1, |
| macro() |
| storei PC, ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr] |
| prepareStateForCCall() |
| move cfr, a0 |
| move PC, a1 |
| move wasmInstance, a2 |
| cCall4(_slow_path_wasm_loop_osr) |
| btpz r1, .recover |
| restoreCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| restoreCallerPCAndCFR() |
| move r0, a0 |
| if ARM64E |
| move r1, ws0 |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::wasmOSREntry) * PtrSize, ws1 |
| jmp [ws1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # WasmEntryPtrTag |
| else |
| jmp r1, WasmEntryPtrTag |
| end |
| .recover: |
| loadi ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr], PC |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() |
| checkSwitchToJIT( |
| 10, |
| macro () |
| callWasmSlowPath(_slow_path_wasm_epilogue_osr) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| # Wasm specific helpers |
| |
| macro preserveCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| # NOTE: We intentionally don't save memoryBase and memorySize here. See the comment |
| # in restoreCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() below for why. |
| subp CalleeSaveSpaceStackAligned, sp |
| if ARM64 or ARM64E |
| emit "stp x19, x26, [x29, #-16]" |
| elsif X86_64 |
| storep PB, -0x8[cfr] |
| storep wasmInstance, -0x10[cfr] |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| end |
| |
| macro restoreCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| # NOTE: We intentionally don't restore memoryBase and memorySize here. These are saved |
| # and restored when entering Wasm by the JSToWasm wrapper and changes to them are meant |
| # to be observable within the same Wasm module. |
| if ARM64 or ARM64E |
| emit "ldp x19, x26, [x29, #-16]" |
| elsif X86_64 |
| loadp -0x8[cfr], PB |
| loadp -0x10[cfr], wasmInstance |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| end |
| |
| macro loadWasmInstanceFromTLS() |
| tls_loadp WTF_WASM_CONTEXT_KEY, wasmInstance |
| else |
| crash() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| macro storeWasmInstanceToTLS(instance) |
| tls_storep instance, WTF_WASM_CONTEXT_KEY |
| else |
| crash() |
| end |
| end |
| |
| macro reloadMemoryRegistersFromInstance(instance, scratch1, scratch2) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_cachedMemory[instance], memoryBase |
| loadi Wasm::Instance::m_cachedMemorySize[instance], memorySize |
| cagedPrimitive(memoryBase, memorySize, scratch1, scratch2) |
| end |
| |
| macro throwException(exception) |
| storei constexpr Wasm::ExceptionType::%exception%, ArgumentCountIncludingThis + PayloadOffset[cfr] |
| jmp _wasm_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline |
| end |
| |
| macro callWasmSlowPath(slowPath) |
| prepareStateForCCall() |
| move cfr, a0 |
| move PC, a1 |
| move wasmInstance, a2 |
| cCall4(slowPath) |
| restoreStateAfterCCall() |
| end |
| |
| macro callWasmCallSlowPath(slowPath, action) |
| storei PC, ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr] |
| prepareStateForCCall() |
| move cfr, a0 |
| move PC, a1 |
| move wasmInstance, a2 |
| cCall4(slowPath) |
| action(r0, r1) |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmPrologue(codeBlockGetter, codeBlockSetter, loadWasmInstance) |
| # Set up the call frame and check if we should OSR. |
| preserveCallerPCAndCFR() |
| preserveCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| loadWasmInstance() |
| reloadMemoryRegistersFromInstance(wasmInstance, ws0, ws1) |
| |
| codeBlockGetter(ws0) |
| codeBlockSetter(ws0) |
| |
| # Get new sp in ws1 and check stack height. |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_numCalleeLocals[ws0], ws1 |
| lshiftp 3, ws1 |
| addp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, ws1 |
| subp cfr, ws1, ws1 |
| |
| bpa ws1, cfr, .stackOverflow |
| bpbeq Wasm::Instance::m_cachedStackLimit[wasmInstance], ws1, .stackHeightOK |
| |
| .stackOverflow: |
| throwException(StackOverflow) |
| |
| .stackHeightOK: |
| move ws1, sp |
| |
| forEachArgumentGPR(macro (offset, gpr) |
| storeq gpr, -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr] |
| end) |
| |
| forEachArgumentFPR(macro (offset, fpr) |
| stored fpr, -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr] |
| end) |
| |
| checkSwitchToJITForPrologue(ws0) |
| |
| # Set up the PC. |
| loadp Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_instructionsRawPointer[ws0], PB |
| move 0, PC |
| |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_numVars[ws0], ws1 |
| subi NumberOfWasmArguments + CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters, ws1 |
| btiz ws1, .zeroInitializeLocalsDone |
| negi ws1 |
| sxi2q ws1, ws1 |
| leap (NumberOfWasmArguments + CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters + 1) * -8[cfr], ws0 |
| .zeroInitializeLocalsLoop: |
| addq 1, ws1 |
| storeq 0, [ws0, ws1, 8] |
| btqz ws1, .zeroInitializeLocalsDone |
| jmp .zeroInitializeLocalsLoop |
| .zeroInitializeLocalsDone: |
| end |
| |
| macro traceExecution() |
| if TRACING |
| callWasmSlowPath(_slow_path_wasm_trace) |
| end |
| end |
| |
| # Less convenient, but required for opcodes that collide with reserved instructions (e.g. wasm_nop) |
| macro unprefixedWasmOp(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, fn) |
| commonOp(opcodeName, traceExecution, macro(size) |
| fn(macro(fn2) |
| fn2(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| end) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmOp(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, fn) |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_%opcodeName%, opcodeStruct, fn) |
| end |
| |
| # Same as unprefixedWasmOp, necessary for e.g. wasm_call |
| macro unprefixedSlowWasmOp(opcodeName) |
| unprefixedWasmOp(opcodeName, unusedOpcodeStruct, macro(ctx) |
| callWasmSlowPath(_slow_path_%opcodeName%) |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro slowWasmOp(opcodeName) |
| unprefixedSlowWasmOp(wasm_%opcodeName%) |
| end |
| |
| # Macro version of load operations: mload[suffix] |
| # loads field from the instruction stream and performs load[suffix] to dst |
| macro firstConstantRegisterIndex(ctx, fn) |
| ctx(macro(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| size(FirstConstantRegisterIndexNarrow, FirstConstantRegisterIndexWide16, FirstConstantRegisterIndexWide32, fn) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, index, loader) |
| firstConstantRegisterIndex(ctx, macro (firstConstantIndex) |
| bpgteq index, firstConstantIndex, .constant |
| loader([cfr, index, 8]) |
| jmp .done |
| .constant: |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t6 |
| loadp Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_constants + VectorBufferOffset[t6], t6 |
| subp firstConstantIndex, index |
| loader([t6, index, 8]) |
| .done: |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro mloadq(ctx, field, dst) |
| wgets(ctx, field, dst) |
| loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, dst, macro (from) |
| loadq from, dst |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro mloadi(ctx, field, dst) |
| wgets(ctx, field, dst) |
| loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, dst, macro (from) |
| loadi from, dst |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro mloadp(ctx, field, dst) |
| wgets(ctx, field, dst) |
| loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, dst, macro (from) |
| loadp from, dst |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro mloadf(ctx, field, dst) |
| wgets(ctx, field, t5) |
| loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, t5, macro (from) |
| loadf from, dst |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro mloadd(ctx, field, dst) |
| wgets(ctx, field, t5) |
| loadConstantOrVariable(ctx, t5, macro (from) |
| loadd from, dst |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| # Typed returns |
| |
| macro returnq(ctx, value) |
| wgets(ctx, m_dst, t5) |
| storeq value, [cfr, t5, 8] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end |
| |
| macro returni(ctx, value) |
| wgets(ctx, m_dst, t5) |
| storei value, [cfr, t5, 8] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end |
| |
| macro returnf(ctx, value) |
| wgets(ctx, m_dst, t5) |
| storef value, [cfr, t5, 8] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end |
| |
| macro returnd(ctx, value) |
| wgets(ctx, m_dst, t5) |
| stored value, [cfr, t5, 8] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end |
| |
| # Wasm wrapper of get/getu that operate on ctx |
| macro wgets(ctx, field, dst) |
| ctx(macro(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| size(getOperandNarrow, getOperandWide16, getOperandWide32, macro (get) |
| get(opcodeStruct, field, dst) |
| end) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro wgetu(ctx, field, dst) |
| ctx(macro(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| size(getuOperandNarrow, getuOperandWide16, getuOperandWide32, macro (getu) |
| getu(opcodeStruct, field, dst) |
| end) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| # Control flow helpers |
| |
| macro dispatch(ctx) |
| ctx(macro(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| genericDispatchOp(wasmDispatch, size, opcodeName) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| macro jump(ctx, target) |
| wgets(ctx, target, t0) |
| btiz t0, .outOfLineJumpTarget |
| wasmDispatchIndirect(t0) |
| .outOfLineJumpTarget: |
| callWasmSlowPath(_slow_path_wasm_out_of_line_jump_target) |
| wasmNextInstruction() |
| end |
| |
| macro doReturn() |
| restoreCalleeSavesUsedByWasm() |
| restoreCallerPCAndCFR() |
| if ARM64E |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::returnFromLLInt) * PtrSize, ws0 |
| jmp [ws0], NativeToJITGatePtrTag |
| else |
| ret |
| end |
| end |
| |
| # Entry point |
| |
| macro wasmCodeBlockGetter(targetRegister) |
| loadp Callee[cfr], targetRegister |
| andp ~3, targetRegister |
| loadp Wasm::LLIntCallee::m_codeBlock[targetRegister], targetRegister |
| end |
| |
| op(wasm_function_prologue, macro () |
| if not WEBASSEMBLY or not JSVALUE64 or C_LOOP or C_LOOP_WIN |
| error |
| end |
| |
| wasmPrologue(wasmCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, loadWasmInstanceFromTLS) |
| wasmNextInstruction() |
| end) |
| |
| op(wasm_function_prologue_no_tls, macro () |
| if not WEBASSEMBLY or not JSVALUE64 or C_LOOP or C_LOOP_WIN |
| error |
| end |
| |
| wasmPrologue(wasmCodeBlockGetter, functionCodeBlockSetter, macro () end) |
| wasmNextInstruction() |
| end) |
| |
| op(wasm_throw_from_slow_path_trampoline, macro () |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_pointerToTopEntryFrame[wasmInstance], t5 |
| loadp [t5], t5 |
| copyCalleeSavesToEntryFrameCalleeSavesBuffer(t5) |
| |
| move cfr, a0 |
| addp PB, PC, a1 |
| move wasmInstance, a2 |
| # Slow paths and the throwException macro store the exception code in the ArgumentCountIncludingThis slot |
| loadi ArgumentCountIncludingThis + PayloadOffset[cfr], a3 |
| cCall4(_slow_path_wasm_throw_exception) |
| |
| if ARM64E |
| move r0, a0 |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::exceptionHandler) * PtrSize, a1 |
| jmp [a1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # ExceptionHandlerPtrTag |
| else |
| jmp r0, ExceptionHandlerPtrTag |
| end |
| end) |
| |
| # Disable wide version of narrow-only opcodes |
| noWide(wasm_enter) |
| noWide(wasm_wide16) |
| noWide(wasm_wide32) |
| |
| # Opcodes that always invoke the slow path |
| |
| slowWasmOp(ref_func) |
| slowWasmOp(table_get) |
| slowWasmOp(table_set) |
| slowWasmOp(table_size) |
| slowWasmOp(table_fill) |
| slowWasmOp(table_grow) |
| slowWasmOp(set_global_ref) |
| slowWasmOp(set_global_ref_portable_binding) |
| |
| wasmOp(grow_memory, WasmGrowMemory, macro(ctx) |
| callWasmSlowPath(_slow_path_wasm_grow_memory) |
| reloadMemoryRegistersFromInstance(wasmInstance, ws0, ws1) |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| # Opcodes that should eventually be shared with JS llint |
| |
| _wasm_wide16: |
| wasmNextInstructionWide16() |
| |
| _wasm_wide32: |
| wasmNextInstructionWide32() |
| |
| _wasm_enter: |
| traceExecution() |
| checkStackPointerAlignment(t2, 0xdead00e1) |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 // t2<CodeBlock> = cfr.CodeBlock |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_numVars[t2], t2 // t2<size_t> = t2<CodeBlock>.m_numVars |
| subq CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters + NumberOfWasmArguments, t2 |
| btiz t2, .opEnterDone |
| move cfr, t1 |
| subq CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8 + NumberOfWasmArguments * 8, t1 |
| negi t2 |
| sxi2q t2, t2 |
| .opEnterLoop: |
| storeq 0, [t1, t2, 8] |
| addq 1, t2 |
| btqnz t2, .opEnterLoop |
| .opEnterDone: |
| wasmDispatchIndirect(1) |
| |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_nop, WasmNop, macro(ctx) |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(loop_hint, WasmLoopHint, macro(ctx) |
| checkSwitchToJITForLoop() |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(mov, WasmMov, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_src, t0) |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(jtrue, WasmJtrue, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_condition, t0) |
| btiz t0, .continue |
| jump(ctx, m_targetLabel) |
| .continue: |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(jfalse, WasmJfalse, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_condition, t0) |
| btinz t0, .continue |
| jump(ctx, m_targetLabel) |
| .continue: |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(switch, WasmSwitch, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_scrutinee, t0) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_tableIndex, t1) |
| |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], t2 |
| loadp Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_jumpTables + VectorBufferOffset[t2], t2 |
| muli sizeof Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTable, t1 |
| addp t1, t2 |
| |
| loadi VectorSizeOffset[t2], t3 |
| bib t0, t3, .inBounds |
| |
| .outOfBounds: |
| subi t3, 1, t0 |
| |
| .inBounds: |
| loadp VectorBufferOffset[t2], t2 |
| muli sizeof Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTableEntry, t0 |
| |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTableEntry::startOffset[t2, t0], t1 |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTableEntry::dropCount[t2, t0], t3 |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTableEntry::keepCount[t2, t0], t5 |
| dropKeep(t1, t3, t5) |
| |
| loadis Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::JumpTableEntry::target[t2, t0], t3 |
| assert(macro(ok) btinz t3, .ok end) |
| wasmDispatchIndirect(t3) |
| end) |
| |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_jmp, WasmJmp, macro(ctx) |
| jump(ctx, m_targetLabel) |
| end) |
| |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_ret, WasmRet, macro(ctx) |
| checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() |
| forEachArgumentGPR(macro (offset, gpr) |
| loadq -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr], gpr |
| end) |
| forEachArgumentFPR(macro (offset, fpr) |
| loadd -offset - 8 - CalleeSaveSpaceAsVirtualRegisters * 8[cfr], fpr |
| end) |
| doReturn() |
| end) |
| |
| # Wasm specific bytecodes |
| |
| wasmOp(unreachable, WasmUnreachable, macro(ctx) |
| throwException(Unreachable) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(ret_void, WasmRetVoid, macro(ctx) |
| checkSwitchToJITForEpilogue() |
| doReturn() |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(ref_is_null, WasmRefIsNull, macro(ctx) |
| mloadp(ctx, m_ref, t0) |
| cqeq t0, ValueNull, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(get_global, WasmGetGlobal, macro(ctx) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_globals[wasmInstance], t0 |
| wgetu(ctx, m_globalIndex, t1) |
| loadq [t0, t1, 8], t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(set_global, WasmSetGlobal, macro(ctx) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_globals[wasmInstance], t0 |
| wgetu(ctx, m_globalIndex, t1) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_value, t2) |
| storeq t2, [t0, t1, 8] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(get_global_portable_binding, WasmGetGlobalPortableBinding, macro(ctx) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_globals[wasmInstance], t0 |
| wgetu(ctx, m_globalIndex, t1) |
| loadq [t0, t1, 8], t0 |
| loadq [t0], t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(set_global_portable_binding, WasmSetGlobalPortableBinding, macro(ctx) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_globals[wasmInstance], t0 |
| wgetu(ctx, m_globalIndex, t1) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_value, t2) |
| loadq [t0, t1, 8], t0 |
| storeq t2, [t0] |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| |
| macro slowPathForWasmCall(ctx, slowPath, storeWasmInstance) |
| callWasmCallSlowPath( |
| slowPath, |
| # callee is r0 and targetWasmInstance is r1 |
| macro (callee, targetWasmInstance) |
| move callee, ws0 |
| |
| loadi ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr], PC |
| |
| # the call might throw (e.g. indirect call with bad signature) |
| btpz targetWasmInstance, .throw |
| |
| wgetu(ctx, m_stackOffset, ws1) |
| lshifti 3, ws1 |
| subp cfr, ws1, sp |
| |
| wgetu(ctx, m_numberOfStackArgs, ws1) |
| |
| # Preserve the current instance |
| move wasmInstance, PB |
| |
| storeWasmInstance(targetWasmInstance) |
| reloadMemoryRegistersFromInstance(targetWasmInstance, wa0, wa1) |
| |
| # Load registers from stack |
| forEachArgumentGPR(macro (offset, gpr) |
| loadq CallFrameHeaderSize + offset[sp, ws1, 8], gpr |
| end) |
| |
| forEachArgumentFPR(macro (offset, fpr) |
| loadd CallFrameHeaderSize + offset[sp, ws1, 8], fpr |
| end) |
| |
| addp CallerFrameAndPCSize, sp |
| |
| ctx(macro(opcodeName, opcodeStruct, size) |
| macro callNarrow() |
| if ARM64E |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::%opcodeName%) * PtrSize, ws1 |
| jmp [ws1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| _wasm_trampoline_%opcodeName%: |
| call ws0, JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| |
| macro callWide16() |
| if ARM64E |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::%opcodeName%_wide16) * PtrSize, ws1 |
| jmp [ws1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| _wasm_trampoline_%opcodeName%_wide16: |
| call ws0, JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| |
| macro callWide32() |
| if ARM64E |
| leap JSCConfig + constexpr JSC::offsetOfJSCConfigGateMap + (constexpr Gate::%opcodeName%_wide32) * PtrSize, ws1 |
| jmp [ws1], NativeToJITGatePtrTag # JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| _wasm_trampoline_%opcodeName%_wide32: |
| call ws0, JSEntrySlowPathPtrTag |
| end |
| |
| size(callNarrow, callWide16, callWide32, macro (gen) gen() end) |
| defineReturnLabel(opcodeName, size) |
| end) |
| |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], ws1 |
| loadi Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_numCalleeLocals[ws1], ws1 |
| lshiftp 3, ws1 |
| addp maxFrameExtentForSlowPathCall, ws1 |
| subp cfr, ws1, sp |
| |
| # We need to set PC to load information from the instruction stream, but we |
| # need to preserve its current value since it might contain a return value |
| move PC, memoryBase |
| move PB, wasmInstance |
| loadi ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr], PC |
| loadp CodeBlock[cfr], PB |
| loadp Wasm::FunctionCodeBlock::m_instructionsRawPointer[PB], PB |
| |
| wgetu(ctx, m_stackOffset, ws1) |
| lshifti 3, ws1 |
| negi ws1 |
| sxi2q ws1, ws1 |
| addp cfr, ws1 |
| |
| # Argument registers are also return registers, so they must be stored to the stack |
| # in case they contain return values. |
| wgetu(ctx, m_numberOfStackArgs, ws0) |
| move memoryBase, PC |
| forEachArgumentGPR(macro (offset, gpr) |
| storeq gpr, CallFrameHeaderSize + offset[ws1, ws0, 8] |
| end) |
| |
| forEachArgumentFPR(macro (offset, fpr) |
| stored fpr, CallFrameHeaderSize + offset[ws1, ws0, 8] |
| end) |
| |
| loadi ArgumentCountIncludingThis + TagOffset[cfr], PC |
| |
| storeWasmInstance(wasmInstance) |
| reloadMemoryRegistersFromInstance(wasmInstance, ws0, ws1) |
| |
| # Restore stack limit |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_pointerToActualStackLimit[wasmInstance], t5 |
| loadp [t5], t5 |
| storep t5, Wasm::Instance::m_cachedStackLimit[wasmInstance] |
| |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| |
| .throw: |
| restoreStateAfterCCall() |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_call, WasmCall, macro(ctx) |
| slowPathForWasmCall(ctx, _slow_path_wasm_call, storeWasmInstanceToTLS) |
| end) |
| |
| unprefixedWasmOp(wasm_call_no_tls, WasmCallNoTls, macro(ctx) |
| slowPathForWasmCall(ctx, _slow_path_wasm_call_no_tls, macro(targetInstance) move targetInstance, wasmInstance end) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(call_indirect, WasmCallIndirect, macro(ctx) |
| slowPathForWasmCall(ctx, _slow_path_wasm_call_indirect, storeWasmInstanceToTLS) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(call_indirect_no_tls, WasmCallIndirectNoTls, macro(ctx) |
| slowPathForWasmCall(ctx, _slow_path_wasm_call_indirect_no_tls, macro(targetInstance) move targetInstance, wasmInstance end) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(current_memory, WasmCurrentMemory, macro(ctx) |
| loadp Wasm::Instance::m_cachedMemorySize[wasmInstance], t0 |
| urshiftq 16, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(select, WasmSelect, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_condition, t0) |
| btiz t0, .isZero |
| mloadq(ctx, m_nonZero, t0) |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| .isZero: |
| mloadq(ctx, m_zero, t0) |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| # uses offset as scratch and returns result on pointer |
| macro emitCheckAndPreparePointer(ctx, pointer, offset, size) |
| leap size - 1[pointer, offset], t5 |
| bpb t5, memorySize, .continuation |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsMemoryAccess) |
| .continuation: |
| addp memoryBase, pointer |
| end |
| |
| macro wasmLoadOp(name, struct, size, fn) |
| wasmOp(name, struct, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_pointer, t0) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_offset, t1) |
| emitCheckAndPreparePointer(ctx, t0, t1, size) |
| fn([t0, t1], t2) |
| returnq(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| wasmLoadOp(load8_u, WasmLoad8U, 1, macro(mem, dst) loadb mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(load16_u, WasmLoad16U, 2, macro(mem, dst) loadh mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(load32_u, WasmLoad32U, 4, macro(mem, dst) loadi mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(load64_u, WasmLoad64U, 8, macro(mem, dst) loadq mem, dst end) |
| |
| wasmLoadOp(i32_load8_s, WasmI32Load8S, 1, macro(mem, dst) loadbsi mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(i64_load8_s, WasmI64Load8S, 1, macro(mem, dst) loadbsq mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(i32_load16_s, WasmI32Load16S, 2, macro(mem, dst) loadhsi mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(i64_load16_s, WasmI64Load16S, 2, macro(mem, dst) loadhsq mem, dst end) |
| wasmLoadOp(i64_load32_s, WasmI64Load32S, 4, macro(mem, dst) loadis mem, dst end) |
| |
| macro wasmStoreOp(name, struct, size, fn) |
| wasmOp(name, struct, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_pointer, t0) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_offset, t1) |
| emitCheckAndPreparePointer(ctx, t0, t1, size) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_value, t2) |
| fn(t2, [t0, t1]) |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |
| end |
| |
| wasmStoreOp(store8, WasmStore8, 1, macro(value, mem) storeb value, mem end) |
| wasmStoreOp(store16, WasmStore16, 2, macro(value, mem) storeh value, mem end) |
| wasmStoreOp(store32, WasmStore32, 4, macro(value, mem) storei value, mem end) |
| wasmStoreOp(store64, WasmStore64, 8, macro(value, mem) storeq value, mem end) |
| |
| # Opcodes that don't have the `b3op` entry in wasm.json. This should be kept in sync |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_div_s, WasmI32DivS, macro (ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btiz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| bineq t1, -1, .safe |
| bieq t0, constexpr INT32_MIN, .throwIntegerOverflow |
| |
| .safe: |
| if X86_64 |
| # FIXME: Add a way to static_asset that t0 is rax and t2 is rdx |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203692 |
| cdqi |
| idivi t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divis t1, t0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| |
| .throwIntegerOverflow: |
| throwException(IntegerOverflow) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_div_u, WasmI32DivU, macro (ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btiz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| if X86_64 |
| xori t2, t2 |
| udivi t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divi t1, t0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_rem_s, WasmI32RemS, macro (ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btiz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| bineq t1, -1, .safe |
| bineq t0, constexpr INT32_MIN, .safe |
| |
| move 0, t2 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .safe: |
| if X86_64 |
| # FIXME: Add a way to static_asset that t0 is rax and t2 is rdx |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203692 |
| cdqi |
| idivi t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divis t1, t0, t2 |
| muli t1, t2 |
| subi t0, t2, t2 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| |
| .return: |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_rem_u, WasmI32RemU, macro (ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btiz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| if X86_64 |
| xori t2, t2 |
| udivi t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divi t1, t0, t2 |
| muli t1, t2 |
| subi t0, t2, t2 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_ctz, WasmI32Ctz, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| tzcnti t0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_popcnt, WasmI32Popcnt, macro (ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, a1) |
| prepareStateForCCall() |
| move PC, a0 |
| cCall2(_slow_path_wasm_popcount) |
| restoreStateAfterCCall() |
| returni(ctx, r1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_div_s, WasmI64DivS, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btqz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| bqneq t1, -1, .safe |
| bqeq t0, constexpr INT64_MIN, .throwIntegerOverflow |
| |
| .safe: |
| if X86_64 |
| # FIXME: Add a way to static_asset that t0 is rax and t2 is rdx |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203692 |
| cqoq |
| idivq t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divqs t1, t0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| |
| .throwIntegerOverflow: |
| throwException(IntegerOverflow) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_div_u, WasmI64DivU, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btqz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| if X86_64 |
| xorq t2, t2 |
| udivq t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divq t1, t0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_rem_s, WasmI64RemS, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btqz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| bqneq t1, -1, .safe |
| bqneq t0, constexpr INT64_MIN, .safe |
| |
| move 0, t2 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .safe: |
| if X86_64 |
| # FIXME: Add a way to static_asset that t0 is rax and t2 is rdx |
| # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=203692 |
| cqoq |
| idivq t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divqs t1, t0, t2 |
| mulq t1, t2 |
| subq t0, t2, t2 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| |
| .return: |
| returnq(ctx, t2) # rdx has the remainder |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_rem_u, WasmI64RemU, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| |
| btqz t1, .throwDivisionByZero |
| |
| if X86_64 |
| xorq t2, t2 |
| udivq t1 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| divq t1, t0, t2 |
| mulq t1, t2 |
| subq t0, t2, t2 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returnq(ctx, t2) |
| |
| .throwDivisionByZero: |
| throwException(DivisionByZero) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_ctz, WasmI64Ctz, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| tzcntq t0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_popcnt, WasmI64Popcnt, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, a1) |
| prepareStateForCCall() |
| move PC, a0 |
| cCall2(_slow_path_wasm_popcountll) |
| restoreStateAfterCCall() |
| returnq(ctx, r1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_trunc, WasmF32Trunc, macro (ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| truncatef ft0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_nearest, WasmF32Nearest, macro (ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| roundf ft0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_trunc, WasmF64Trunc, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| truncated ft0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_nearest, WasmF64Nearest, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| roundd ft0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_trunc_s_f32, WasmI32TruncSF32, macro (ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xcf000000, t0 # INT32_MIN (Note that INT32_MIN - 1.0 in float is the same as INT32_MIN in float). |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfltun ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x4f000000, t0 # -INT32_MIN |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncatef2is ft0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_trunc_s_f64, WasmI32TruncSF64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xc1e0000000200000, t0 # INT32_MIN - 1.0 |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdltequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x41e0000000000000, t0 # -INT32_MIN |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncated2is ft0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_trunc_u_f32, WasmI32TruncUF32, macro (ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xbf800000, t0 # -1.0 |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfltequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x4f800000, t0 # INT32_MIN * -2.0 |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncatef2i ft0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_trunc_u_f64, WasmI32TruncUF64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xbff0000000000000, t0 # -1.0 |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdltequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x41f0000000000000, t0 # INT32_MIN * -2.0 |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncated2i ft0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_trunc_s_f32, WasmI64TruncSF32, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xdf000000, t0 # INT64_MIN |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfltun ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x5f000000, t0 # -INT64_MIN |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncatef2qs ft0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_trunc_s_f64, WasmI64TruncSF64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xc3e0000000000000, t0 # INT64_MIN |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdltun ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x43e0000000000000, t0 # -INT64_MIN |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncated2qs ft0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_trunc_u_f32, WasmI64TruncUF32, macro (ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xbf800000, t0 # -1.0 |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfltequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x5f800000, t0 # INT64_MIN * -2.0 |
| fi2f t0, ft1 |
| bfgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncatef2q ft0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_trunc_u_f64, WasmI64TruncUF64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| |
| move 0xbff0000000000000, t0 # -1.0 |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdltequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| move 0x43f0000000000000, t0 # INT64_MIN * -2.0 |
| fq2d t0, ft1 |
| bdgtequn ft0, ft1, .outOfBoundsTrunc |
| |
| truncated2q ft0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| |
| .outOfBoundsTrunc: |
| throwException(OutOfBoundsTrunc) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_convert_u_i64, WasmF32ConvertUI64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| if X86_64 |
| cq2f t0, t1, ft0 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| cq2f t0, ft0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_convert_u_i64, WasmF64ConvertUI64, macro (ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| if X86_64 |
| cq2d t0, t1, ft0 |
| elsif ARM64 or ARM64E |
| cq2d t0, ft0 |
| else |
| error |
| end |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_eqz, WasmI32Eqz, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| cieq t0, 0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_shl, WasmI64Shl, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| lshiftq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_shr_u, WasmI64ShrU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| urshiftq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_shr_s, WasmI64ShrS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| rshiftq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_rotr, WasmI64Rotr, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| rrotateq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_rotl, WasmI64Rotl, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| lrotateq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_eqz, WasmI64Eqz, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| cqeq t0, 0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_min, WasmF32Min, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| bfeq ft0, ft1, .equal |
| bflt ft0, ft1, .lt |
| bfgt ft0, ft1, .return |
| |
| .NaN: |
| addf ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .equal: |
| orf ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .lt: |
| moved ft0, ft1 |
| |
| .return: |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_max, WasmF32Max, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| bfeq ft1, ft0, .equal |
| bflt ft1, ft0, .lt |
| bfgt ft1, ft0, .return |
| |
| .NaN: |
| addf ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .equal: |
| andf ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .lt: |
| moved ft0, ft1 |
| |
| .return: |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_copysign, WasmF32Copysign, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| ff2i ft1, t1 |
| move 0x80000000, t2 |
| andi t2, t1 |
| |
| ff2i ft0, t0 |
| move 0x7fffffff, t2 |
| andi t2, t0 |
| |
| ori t1, t0 |
| fi2f t0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_min, WasmF64Min, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| bdeq ft0, ft1, .equal |
| bdlt ft0, ft1, .lt |
| bdgt ft0, ft1, .return |
| |
| .NaN: |
| addd ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .equal: |
| ord ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .lt: |
| moved ft0, ft1 |
| |
| .return: |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_max, WasmF64Max, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| bdeq ft1, ft0, .equal |
| bdlt ft1, ft0, .lt |
| bdgt ft1, ft0, .return |
| |
| .NaN: |
| addd ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .equal: |
| andd ft0, ft1 |
| jmp .return |
| |
| .lt: |
| moved ft0, ft1 |
| |
| .return: |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_copysign, WasmF64Copysign, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| |
| fd2q ft1, t1 |
| move 0x8000000000000000, t2 |
| andq t2, t1 |
| |
| fd2q ft0, t0 |
| move 0x7fffffffffffffff, t2 |
| andq t2, t0 |
| |
| orq t1, t0 |
| fq2d t0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_convert_u_i32, WasmF32ConvertUI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| ci2f t0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_convert_u_i32, WasmF64ConvertUI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| ci2d t0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_add, WasmI32Add, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| addi t0, t1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_sub, WasmI32Sub, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| subi t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_mul, WasmI32Mul, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| muli t0, t1 |
| returni(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_and, WasmI32And, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| andi t0, t1 |
| returni(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_or, WasmI32Or, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| ori t0, t1 |
| returni(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_xor, WasmI32Xor, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| xori t0, t1 |
| returni(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_shl, WasmI32Shl, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| lshifti t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_shr_u, WasmI32ShrU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| urshifti t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_shr_s, WasmI32ShrS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| rshifti t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_rotr, WasmI32Rotr, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| rrotatei t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_rotl, WasmI32Rotl, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| lrotatei t1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_eq, WasmI32Eq, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cieq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_ne, WasmI32Ne, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cineq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_lt_s, WasmI32LtS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cilt t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_le_s, WasmI32LeS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cilteq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_lt_u, WasmI32LtU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cib t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_le_u, WasmI32LeU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cibeq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_gt_s, WasmI32GtS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cigt t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_ge_s, WasmI32GeS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cigteq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_gt_u, WasmI32GtU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cia t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_ge_u, WasmI32GeU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| ciaeq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_clz, WasmI32Clz, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| lzcnti t0, t1 |
| returni(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_add, WasmI64Add, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| addq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_sub, WasmI64Sub, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| subq t1, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_mul, WasmI64Mul, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| mulq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_and, WasmI64And, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| andq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_or, WasmI64Or, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| orq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_xor, WasmI64Xor, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| xorq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_eq, WasmI64Eq, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqeq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_ne, WasmI64Ne, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqneq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_lt_s, WasmI64LtS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqlt t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_le_s, WasmI64LeS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqlteq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_lt_u, WasmI64LtU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqb t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_le_u, WasmI64LeU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqbeq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_gt_s, WasmI64GtS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqgt t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_ge_s, WasmI64GeS, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqgteq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_gt_u, WasmI64GtU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqa t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_ge_u, WasmI64GeU, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_lhs, t0) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_rhs, t1) |
| cqaeq t0, t1, t2 |
| andi 1, t2 |
| returni(ctx, t2) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_clz, WasmI64Clz, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| lzcntq t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_add, WasmF32Add, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| addf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_sub, WasmF32Sub, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| subf ft1, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_mul, WasmF32Mul, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| mulf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_div, WasmF32Div, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| divf ft1, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_abs, WasmF32Abs, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| absf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_neg, WasmF32Neg, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| negf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_ceil, WasmF32Ceil, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| ceilf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_floor, WasmF32Floor, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| floorf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_sqrt, WasmF32Sqrt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| sqrtf ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_eq, WasmF32Eq, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cfeq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_ne, WasmF32Ne, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cfnequn ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_lt, WasmF32Lt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cflt ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_le, WasmF32Le, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cflteq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_gt, WasmF32Gt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cfgt ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_ge, WasmF32Ge, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cfgteq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_add, WasmF64Add, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| addd ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_sub, WasmF64Sub, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| subd ft1, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_mul, WasmF64Mul, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| muld ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_div, WasmF64Div, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| divd ft1, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_abs, WasmF64Abs, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| absd ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_neg, WasmF64Neg, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| negd ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_ceil, WasmF64Ceil, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| ceild ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_floor, WasmF64Floor, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| floord ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_sqrt, WasmF64Sqrt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| sqrtd ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_eq, WasmF64Eq, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdeq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_ne, WasmF64Ne, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdnequn ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_lt, WasmF64Lt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdlt ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_le, WasmF64Le, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdlteq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_gt, WasmF64Gt, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdgt ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_ge, WasmF64Ge, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_lhs, ft0) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_rhs, ft1) |
| cdgteq ft0, ft1, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_wrap_i64, WasmI32WrapI64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_extend_s_i32, WasmI64ExtendSI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| sxi2q t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_extend_u_i32, WasmI64ExtendUI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| zxi2q t0, t1 |
| returnq(ctx, t1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_convert_s_i32, WasmF32ConvertSI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| ci2fs t0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_convert_s_i64, WasmF32ConvertSI64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| cq2fs t0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_demote_f64, WasmF32DemoteF64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| cd2f ft0, ft1 |
| returnf(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f32_reinterpret_i32, WasmF32ReinterpretI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| fi2f t0, ft0 |
| returnf(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_convert_s_i32, WasmF64ConvertSI32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadi(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| ci2ds t0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_convert_s_i64, WasmF64ConvertSI64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| cq2ds t0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_promote_f32, WasmF64PromoteF32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| cf2d ft0, ft1 |
| returnd(ctx, ft1) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(f64_reinterpret_i64, WasmF64ReinterpretI64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadq(ctx, m_operand, t0) |
| fq2d t0, ft0 |
| returnd(ctx, ft0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i32_reinterpret_f32, WasmI32ReinterpretF32, macro(ctx) |
| mloadf(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| ff2i ft0, t0 |
| returni(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| wasmOp(i64_reinterpret_f64, WasmI64ReinterpretF64, macro(ctx) |
| mloadd(ctx, m_operand, ft0) |
| fd2q ft0, t0 |
| returnq(ctx, t0) |
| end) |
| |
| macro dropKeep(startOffset, drop, keep) |
| lshifti 3, startOffset |
| subp cfr, startOffset, startOffset |
| negi drop |
| sxi2q drop, drop |
| |
| .copyLoop: |
| btiz keep, .done |
| loadq [startOffset, drop, 8], t6 |
| storeq t6, [startOffset] |
| subi 1, keep |
| subp 8, startOffset |
| jmp .copyLoop |
| |
| .done: |
| end |
| |
| wasmOp(drop_keep, WasmDropKeep, macro(ctx) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_startOffset, t0) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_dropCount, t1) |
| wgetu(ctx, m_keepCount, t2) |
| |
| dropKeep(t0, t1, t2) |
| |
| dispatch(ctx) |
| end) |