blob: e8ea069fd037e6197e7db1115256f31c43dbd140 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that the magic file header "WEBVTT" leads to the file properly recognized as a WebVTT file.
*** Testing text track 0
EXPECTED (cues.length == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].id == '1') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].startTime == '0') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].endTime == '30.5') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].getCueAsSource() == 'Bear is Coming!!!!!') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].id == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].startTime == '31') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].endTime == '1200.5') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].getCueAsSource() == 'I said Bear is coming!!!!') OK
*** Testing text track 1
EXPECTED (cues.length == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].id == '1') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].startTime == '0') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].endTime == '30.5') OK
EXPECTED (cues[0].getCueAsSource() == 'Bear is Coming!!!!!') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].id == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].startTime == '31') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].endTime == '1200.5') OK
EXPECTED (cues[1].getCueAsSource() == 'I said Bear is coming!!!!') OK
*** Testing text track 2
EXPECTED (cues.length == '0') OK