| Tests that TextTracks in a TextTrackList are kept in the correct order. |
| |
| ** Add a track with video.addTrack(). |
| RUN(video.addTrack('descriptions', 'Descriptions Track', 'en')) |
| |
| ** Add a <track> element with DOM API. |
| RUN(trackElement = document.createElement('track')) |
| RUN(trackElement.setAttribute('kind', 'chapters')) |
| RUN(video.appendChild(trackElement)) |
| |
| ** Verify track order. |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '3') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[0].kind == 'captions') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[1].kind == 'chapters') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[2].kind == 'descriptions') OK |
| |
| ** Add another <track> element, is should insert before the addTrack() track. |
| RUN(trackElement = document.createElement('track')) |
| RUN(trackElement.setAttribute('kind', 'metadata')) |
| RUN(video.appendChild(trackElement)) |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '4') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[0].kind == 'captions') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[1].kind == 'chapters') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[2].kind == 'metadata') OK |
| EXPECTED (video.textTracks[3].kind == 'descriptions') OK |
| |
| |