| File API automated IDL tests |
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| PASS idl_test setup |
| PASS idl_test validation |
| PASS Partial interface URL: original interface defined |
| PASS Partial interface URL: valid exposure set |
| PASS Partial interface URL: member names are unique |
| PASS Blob interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS Blob interface object length |
| PASS Blob interface object name |
| PASS Blob interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS Blob interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS Blob interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS Blob interface: attribute size |
| PASS Blob interface: attribute type |
| PASS Blob interface: operation slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString) |
| PASS Blob interface: operation stream() |
| PASS Blob interface: operation text() |
| PASS Blob interface: operation arrayBuffer() |
| PASS Blob must be primary interface of new Blob(["TEST"]) |
| PASS Stringification of new Blob(["TEST"]) |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "size" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "type" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: calling slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString) on new Blob(["TEST"]) with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "stream()" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "text()" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new Blob(["TEST"]) must inherit property "arrayBuffer()" with the proper type |
| PASS File interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS File interface object length |
| PASS File interface object name |
| PASS File interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS File interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS File interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS File interface: attribute name |
| PASS File interface: attribute lastModified |
| PASS File must be primary interface of new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") |
| PASS Stringification of new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") |
| PASS File interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "name" with the proper type |
| PASS File interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "lastModified" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "size" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "type" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: calling slice(optional long long, optional long long, optional DOMString) on new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "stream()" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "text()" with the proper type |
| PASS Blob interface: new File(["myFileBits"], "myFileName") must inherit property "arrayBuffer()" with the proper type |
| PASS FileList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS FileList interface object length |
| PASS FileList interface object name |
| PASS FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS FileList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS FileList interface: operation item(unsigned long) |
| PASS FileList interface: attribute length |
| PASS FileList must be primary interface of document.querySelector("#fileChooser").files |
| PASS Stringification of document.querySelector("#fileChooser").files |
| PASS FileList interface: document.querySelector("#fileChooser").files must inherit property "item(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS FileList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.querySelector("#fileChooser").files with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS FileList interface: document.querySelector("#fileChooser").files must inherit property "length" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS FileReader interface object length |
| PASS FileReader interface object name |
| PASS FileReader interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS FileReader interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS FileReader interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS FileReader interface: operation readAsArrayBuffer(Blob) |
| PASS FileReader interface: operation readAsBinaryString(Blob) |
| PASS FileReader interface: operation readAsText(Blob, optional DOMString) |
| PASS FileReader interface: operation readAsDataURL(Blob) |
| PASS FileReader interface: operation abort() |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant EMPTY on interface object |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant EMPTY on interface prototype object |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant LOADING on interface object |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant LOADING on interface prototype object |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant DONE on interface object |
| PASS FileReader interface: constant DONE on interface prototype object |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute readyState |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute result |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute error |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onloadstart |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onprogress |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onload |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onabort |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onerror |
| PASS FileReader interface: attribute onloadend |
| PASS FileReader must be primary interface of new FileReader() |
| PASS Stringification of new FileReader() |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "readAsArrayBuffer(Blob)" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: calling readAsArrayBuffer(Blob) on new FileReader() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "readAsBinaryString(Blob)" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: calling readAsBinaryString(Blob) on new FileReader() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "readAsText(Blob, optional DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: calling readAsText(Blob, optional DOMString) on new FileReader() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "readAsDataURL(Blob)" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: calling readAsDataURL(Blob) on new FileReader() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "EMPTY" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "LOADING" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "DONE" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "readyState" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "result" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "error" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onloadstart" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onprogress" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onload" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReader interface: new FileReader() must inherit property "onloadend" with the proper type |
| PASS FileReaderSync interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS URL interface: operation createObjectURL((Blob or MediaSource)) |
| PASS URL interface: operation revokeObjectURL(DOMString) |
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