blob: c6d7777f8f0238c1323be2f497f706545ec172fa [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js" id="script-id"></script>
<script id="test-script">
function verifySelector(selector) {
let nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (nodes.length !== 1)
console.log("Selector was not unique: " + selector);
function verifyXPath(xpath) {
let nodes = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
if (nodes.snapshotLength !== 1)
console.log("XPath was not unique: " + xpath);
function test()
let nodes = [];
function buildNodeList(node, depth) {
nodes.push({node, depth});
if (!node.children)
for (let child of node.children)
buildNodeList(child, depth + 1);
function processList(func, verifier) {
for (let {node, depth} of nodes) {
let prefix = " ".repeat(depth * 2);
let path = func(node);
if (path) {
InspectorTest.log(prefix + path);
WebInspector.domTreeManager.requestDocument((documentNode) => {
// Push all the nodes to the frontend.
WebInspector.domTreeManager.querySelector(, "html", (nodeId) => {
let htmlNode = WebInspector.domTreeManager.nodeForId(nodeId);
htmlNode.getSubtree(10, () => {
buildNodeList(htmlNode, 0);
InspectorTest.log("-- CSS Selector Paths --");
processList(WebInspector.cssPath, (selector) => {
InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("verifySelector(" + JSON.stringify(selector) + ")");
InspectorTest.log("-- XPaths --");
processList(WebInspector.xpath, (xpath) => {
InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("verifyXPath(" + JSON.stringify(xpath) + ")");
InspectorBackend.runAfterPendingDispatches(() => {
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Test for WebInspector.cssPath.</p>
<div id="ids">
<div id="inner-id"></div>
<div id="__proto__"></div>
<div id='#"ridiculous".id'></div>
<div id="'quoted.value'"></div>
<div id=""></div>
<div id="-"></div>
<div id="-a"></div>
<div id="-0"></div>
<div id="7"></div>
<div id="ид">ид</div>
<div id="classes">
<div class="foo bar"></div>
<div class=" foo foo "></div>
<div class=".foo"></div>
<div class=""></div>
<div class="-"></div>
<div class="-a"></div>
<div class="-0"></div>
<div class="7"></div>
<div class="класс">класс</div>
<div class="__proto__"></div>
<div class="__proto__ foo"></div>
<span class="bar"></span>
<div id="id-with-class" class="moo"></div>
<div id="non-unique-classes">
<span class="c1"></span>
<span class="c1"></span>
<span class="c1 c2"></span>
<span class="c1 c2 c3"></span>
<div class="c1"></div>
<div class="c1 c2"></div>
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<div class="c3 c4"></div>
<div class="c1 c4"></div>