blob: d8ea239f863b3319f9112c64edb80e86f1134c1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef RenderThemeSafari_h
#define RenderThemeSafari_h
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include <SafariTheme/SafariTheme.h>
typedef void* HANDLE;
typedef struct HINSTANCE__* HINSTANCE;
namespace WebCore {
using namespace SafariTheme;
class RenderStyle;
class RenderThemeSafari : public RenderTheme {
virtual ~RenderThemeSafari();
// A method to obtain the baseline position for a "leaf" control. This will only be used if a baseline
// position cannot be determined by examining child content. Checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of
// controls that need to do this.
virtual short baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const;
// A method asking if the control changes its tint when the window has focus or not.
virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const;
// A general method asking if any control tinting is supported at all.
virtual bool supportsControlTints() const { return true; }
virtual void adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject*, IntRect&);
virtual bool isControlStyled(const RenderStyle*, const BorderData&,
const BackgroundLayer&, const Color& backgroundColor) const;
virtual Color platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
// System fonts.
virtual void systemFont(int propId, FontDescription&) const;
virtual int minimumMenuListSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual void adjustSliderThumbSize(RenderObject*) const;
virtual void adjustSliderThumbStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual int popupInternalPaddingLeft(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual int popupInternalPaddingRight(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual int popupInternalPaddingTop(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual int popupInternalPaddingBottom(RenderStyle*) const;
// Methods for each appearance value.
virtual bool paintCheckbox(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual bool paintRadio(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void setRadioSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual void adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, WebCore::Element*) const;
virtual bool paintButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void setButtonSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual bool paintTextField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintTextArea(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustTextAreaStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintMenuList(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintMenuListButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustMenuListButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintSliderTrack(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual bool paintSliderThumb(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual bool paintSearchField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual void adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustSearchFieldDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintSearchFieldDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsDecorationStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustSearchFieldResultsButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
IntRect inflateRect(const IntRect&, const IntSize&, const int* margins) const;
// Get the control size based off the font. Used by some of the controls (like buttons).
NSControlSize controlSizeForFont(RenderStyle*) const;
NSControlSize controlSizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*) const;
//void setControlSize(NSCell*, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize);
void setSizeFromFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
void setFontFromControlSize(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, NSControlSize) const;
// Helpers for adjusting appearance and for painting
const IntSize* checkboxSizes() const;
const int* checkboxMargins(NSControlSize) const;
const IntSize* radioSizes() const;
const int* radioMargins(NSControlSize) const;
void setButtonPaddingFromControlSize(RenderStyle*, NSControlSize) const;
const IntSize* buttonSizes() const;
const int* buttonMargins(NSControlSize) const;
const IntSize* popupButtonSizes() const;
const int* popupButtonMargins(NSControlSize) const;
const int* popupButtonPadding(NSControlSize) const;
void paintMenuListButtonGradients(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
const IntSize* menuListSizes() const;
const IntSize* searchFieldSizes() const;
const IntSize* cancelButtonSizes() const;
const IntSize* resultsButtonSizes() const;
void setSearchFieldSize(RenderStyle*) const;
ThemeControlState determineState(RenderObject*) const;
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // defined(USE_SAFARI_THEME)
#endif // RenderThemeSafari_h