blob: a8096ddada81ead6a7a1ea324cd85067f5c0b28b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Alp Toker <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGElement.h"
#include "CSSPropertyParser.h"
#include "DeprecatedCSSOMValue.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "ElementIterator.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "HTMLElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "RenderObject.h"
#include "RenderSVGResource.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceFilter.h"
#include "RenderSVGResourceMasker.h"
#include "SVGDocumentExtensions.h"
#include "SVGElementRareData.h"
#include "SVGGraphicsElement.h"
#include "SVGImageElement.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "SVGPropertyAnimatorFactory.h"
#include "SVGRenderStyle.h"
#include "SVGRenderSupport.h"
#include "SVGSVGElement.h"
#include "SVGTitleElement.h"
#include "SVGUseElement.h"
#include "ShadowRoot.h"
#include "XMLNames.h"
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/IsoMallocInlines.h>
#include <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
namespace WebCore {
static NEVER_INLINE HashMap<AtomStringImpl*, CSSPropertyID> createAttributeNameToCSSPropertyIDMap()
using namespace HTMLNames;
using namespace SVGNames;
// This list should include all base CSS and SVG CSS properties which are exposed as SVG XML attributes.
static const QualifiedName* const attributeNames[] = {
HashMap<AtomStringImpl*, CSSPropertyID> map;
for (auto& name : attributeNames) {
const AtomString& localName = name->localName();
map.add(localName.impl(), cssPropertyID(localName));
// FIXME: When CSS supports "transform-origin" this special case can be removed,
// and we can add transform_originAttr to the table above instead.
map.add(transform_originAttr->localName().impl(), CSSPropertyTransformOrigin);
return map;
SVGElement::SVGElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document& document)
: StyledElement(tagName, document, CreateSVGElement)
, SVGLangSpace(this)
, m_propertyAnimatorFactory(std::make_unique<SVGPropertyAnimatorFactory>())
static std::once_flag onceFlag;
std::call_once(onceFlag, [] {
PropertyRegistry::registerProperty<HTMLNames::classAttr, &SVGElement::m_className>();
if (m_svgRareData) {
for (SVGElement* instance : m_svgRareData->instances())
if (auto correspondingElement = makeRefPtr(m_svgRareData->correspondingElement()))
m_svgRareData = nullptr;
int SVGElement::tabIndex() const
if (supportsFocus())
return Element::tabIndex();
return -1;
void SVGElement::willRecalcStyle(Style::Change change)
if (!m_svgRareData || styleResolutionShouldRecompositeLayer())
// If the style changes because of a regular property change (not induced by SMIL animations themselves)
// reset the "computed style without SMIL style properties", so the base value change gets reflected.
if (change > Style::NoChange || needsStyleRecalc())
SVGElementRareData& SVGElement::ensureSVGRareData()
if (!m_svgRareData)
m_svgRareData = std::make_unique<SVGElementRareData>();
return *m_svgRareData;
bool SVGElement::isOutermostSVGSVGElement() const
if (!is<SVGSVGElement>(*this))
return false;
// If we're living in a shadow tree, we're a <svg> element that got created as replacement
// for a <symbol> element or a cloned <svg> element in the referenced tree. In that case
// we're always an inner <svg> element.
if (isInShadowTree() && parentOrShadowHostElement() && parentOrShadowHostElement()->isSVGElement())
return false;
// Element may not be in the document, pretend we're outermost for viewport(), getCTM(), etc.
if (!parentNode())
return true;
// We act like an outermost SVG element, if we're a direct child of a <foreignObject> element.
if (parentNode()->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignObjectTag))
return true;
// This is true whenever this is the outermost SVG, even if there are HTML elements outside it
return !parentNode()->isSVGElement();
void SVGElement::reportAttributeParsingError(SVGParsingError error, const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& value)
if (error == NoError)
String errorString = "<" + tagName() + "> attribute " + name.toString() + "=\"" + value + "\"";
SVGDocumentExtensions& extensions = document().accessSVGExtensions();
if (error == NegativeValueForbiddenError) {
extensions.reportError("Invalid negative value for " + errorString);
if (error == ParsingAttributeFailedError) {
extensions.reportError("Invalid value for " + errorString);
void SVGElement::removedFromAncestor(RemovalType removalType, ContainerNode& oldParentOfRemovedTree)
if (removalType.disconnectedFromDocument)
updateRelativeLengthsInformation(false, this);
StyledElement::removedFromAncestor(removalType, oldParentOfRemovedTree);
if (removalType.disconnectedFromDocument) {
SVGSVGElement* SVGElement::ownerSVGElement() const
ContainerNode* node = parentOrShadowHostNode();
while (node) {
if (is<SVGSVGElement>(*node))
return downcast<SVGSVGElement>(node);
node = node->parentOrShadowHostNode();
return nullptr;
SVGElement* SVGElement::viewportElement() const
// This function needs shadow tree support - as RenderSVGContainer uses this function
// to determine the "overflow" property. <use> on <symbol> wouldn't work otherwhise.
ContainerNode* node = parentOrShadowHostNode();
while (node) {
if (is<SVGSVGElement>(*node) || is<SVGImageElement>(*node) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag))
return downcast<SVGElement>(node);
node = node->parentOrShadowHostNode();
return nullptr;
const HashSet<SVGElement*>& SVGElement::instances() const
if (!m_svgRareData) {
static NeverDestroyed<HashSet<SVGElement*>> emptyInstances;
return emptyInstances;
return m_svgRareData->instances();
bool SVGElement::getBoundingBox(FloatRect& rect, SVGLocatable::StyleUpdateStrategy styleUpdateStrategy)
if (is<SVGGraphicsElement>(*this)) {
rect = downcast<SVGGraphicsElement>(*this).getBBox(styleUpdateStrategy);
return true;
return false;
SVGElement* SVGElement::correspondingElement() const
return m_svgRareData ? m_svgRareData->correspondingElement() : nullptr;
RefPtr<SVGUseElement> SVGElement::correspondingUseElement() const
auto* root = containingShadowRoot();
if (!root)
return nullptr;
if (root->mode() != ShadowRootMode::UserAgent)
return nullptr;
auto* host = root->host();
if (!is<SVGUseElement>(host))
return nullptr;
return &downcast<SVGUseElement>(*host);
void SVGElement::setCorrespondingElement(SVGElement* correspondingElement)
if (m_svgRareData) {
if (auto oldCorrespondingElement = makeRefPtr(m_svgRareData->correspondingElement()))
if (m_svgRareData || correspondingElement)
if (correspondingElement)
void SVGElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& value)
if (name == HTMLNames::classAttr) {
if (name == HTMLNames::tabindexAttr) {
if (value.isEmpty())
else if (auto optionalTabIndex = parseHTMLInteger(value))
auto& eventName = HTMLElement::eventNameForEventHandlerAttribute(name);
if (!eventName.isNull()) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventName, name, value);
SVGLangSpace::parseAttribute(name, value);
bool SVGElement::haveLoadedRequiredResources()
for (auto& child : childrenOfType<SVGElement>(*this)) {
if (!child.haveLoadedRequiredResources())
return false;
return true;
bool SVGElement::addEventListener(const AtomString& eventType, Ref<EventListener>&& listener, const AddEventListenerOptions& options)
// Add event listener to regular DOM element
if (!Node::addEventListener(eventType, listener.copyRef(), options))
return false;
if (containingShadowRoot())
return true;
// Add event listener to all shadow tree DOM element instances
for (auto* instance : instances()) {
ASSERT(instance->correspondingElement() == this);
bool result = instance->Node::addEventListener(eventType, listener.copyRef(), options);
ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result);
return true;
bool SVGElement::removeEventListener(const AtomString& eventType, EventListener& listener, const ListenerOptions& options)
if (containingShadowRoot())
return Node::removeEventListener(eventType, listener, options);
// EventTarget::removeEventListener creates a Ref around the given EventListener
// object when creating a temporary RegisteredEventListener object used to look up the
// event listener in a cache. If we want to be able to call removeEventListener() multiple
// times on different nodes, we have to delay its immediate destruction, which would happen
// after the first call below.
Ref<EventListener> protector(listener);
// Remove event listener from regular DOM element
if (!Node::removeEventListener(eventType, listener, options))
return false;
// Remove event listener from all shadow tree DOM element instances
for (auto& instance : instances()) {
ASSERT(instance->correspondingElement() == this);
if (instance->Node::removeEventListener(eventType, listener, options))
// This case can only be hit for event listeners created from markup
// If the event listener 'listener' has been created from markup and has been fired before
// then JSLazyEventListener::parseCode() has been called and m_jsFunction of that listener
// has been created (read: it's not 0 anymore). During shadow tree creation, the event
// listener DOM attribute has been cloned, and another event listener has been setup in
// the shadow tree. If that event listener has not been used yet, m_jsFunction is still 0,
// and tryRemoveEventListener() above will fail. Work around that very rare problem.
return true;
static bool hasLoadListener(Element* element)
if (element->hasEventListeners(eventNames().loadEvent))
return true;
for (element = element->parentOrShadowHostElement(); element; element = element->parentOrShadowHostElement()) {
if (element->hasCapturingEventListeners(eventNames().loadEvent))
return true;
return false;
void SVGElement::sendSVGLoadEventIfPossible(bool sendParentLoadEvents)
if (!isConnected() || !document().frame())
RefPtr<SVGElement> currentTarget = this;
while (currentTarget && currentTarget->haveLoadedRequiredResources()) {
RefPtr<Element> parent;
if (sendParentLoadEvents)
parent = currentTarget->parentOrShadowHostElement(); // save the next parent to dispatch too incase dispatching the event changes the tree
if (hasLoadListener(currentTarget.get()))
currentTarget->dispatchEvent(Event::create(eventNames().loadEvent, Event::CanBubble::No, Event::IsCancelable::No));
currentTarget = (parent && parent->isSVGElement()) ? static_pointer_cast<SVGElement>(parent) : RefPtr<SVGElement>();
SVGElement* element = currentTarget.get();
if (!element || !element->isOutermostSVGSVGElement())
// Consider <svg onload="foo()"><image xlink:href="foo.png" externalResourcesRequired="true"/></svg>.
// If foo.png is not yet loaded, the first SVGLoad event will go to the <svg> element, sent through
// Document::implicitClose(). Then the SVGLoad event will fire for <image>, once its loaded.
// If the load event was not sent yet by Document::implicitClose(), but the <image> from the example
// above, just appeared, don't send the SVGLoad event to the outermost <svg>, but wait for the document
// to be "ready to render", first.
if (!document().loadEventFinished())
void SVGElement::sendSVGLoadEventIfPossibleAsynchronously()
void SVGElement::svgLoadEventTimerFired()
Timer* SVGElement::svgLoadEventTimer()
return nullptr;
void SVGElement::finishParsingChildren()
// The outermost SVGSVGElement SVGLoad event is fired through Document::dispatchWindowLoadEvent.
if (isOutermostSVGSVGElement())
// finishParsingChildren() is called when the close tag is reached for an element (e.g. </svg>)
// we send SVGLoad events here if we can, otherwise they'll be sent when any required loads finish
// Notify all the elements which have references to this element to rebuild their shadow and render
// trees, e.g. a <use> element references a target element before this target element is defined.
bool SVGElement::childShouldCreateRenderer(const Node& child) const
if (!child.isSVGElement())
return false;
auto& svgChild = downcast<SVGElement>(child);
static const QualifiedName* const invalidTextContent[] {
auto& name = svgChild.localName();
for (auto* tag : invalidTextContent) {
if (name == tag->localName())
return false;
return svgChild.isValid();
void SVGElement::attributeChanged(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& oldValue, const AtomString& newValue, AttributeModificationReason)
StyledElement::attributeChanged(name, oldValue, newValue);
if (name == HTMLNames::idAttr)
// Changes to the style attribute are processed lazily (see Element::getAttribute() and related methods),
// so we don't want changes to the style attribute to result in extra work here except invalidateInstances().
if (name == HTMLNames::styleAttr)
void SVGElement::synchronizeAttribute(const QualifiedName& name)
// If the value of the property has changed, serialize the new value to the attribute.
if (auto value = propertyRegistry().synchronize(name))
setSynchronizedLazyAttribute(name, *value);
void SVGElement::synchronizeAllAttributes()
// SVGPropertyRegistry::synchronizeAllAttributes() returns the new values of
// the properties which have changed but not committed yet.
auto map = propertyRegistry().synchronizeAllAttributes();
for (const auto& entry : map)
setSynchronizedLazyAttribute(entry.key, entry.value);
void SVGElement::synchronizeAllAnimatedSVGAttribute(SVGElement& svgElement)
void SVGElement::commitPropertyChange(SVGProperty* property)
// We want to dirty the top-level property when a descendant changes. For example
// a change in an SVGLength item in SVGLengthList should set the dirty flag on
// SVGLengthList and not the SVGLength.
void SVGElement::commitPropertyChange(SVGAnimatedProperty& animatedProperty)
QualifiedName attributeName = propertyRegistry().animatedPropertyAttributeName(animatedProperty);
ASSERT(attributeName != nullQName());
// A change in a style property, e.g SVGRectElement::x should be serialized to
// the attribute immediately. Otherwise it is okay to be lazy in this regard.
if (!propertyRegistry().isAnimatedStylePropertyAttribute(attributeName))
setSynchronizedLazyAttribute(attributeName, animatedProperty.baseValAsString());
bool SVGElement::isAnimatedPropertyAttribute(const QualifiedName& attributeName) const
return propertyRegistry().isAnimatedPropertyAttribute(attributeName);
bool SVGElement::isAnimatedAttribute(const QualifiedName& attributeName) const
return SVGPropertyAnimatorFactory::isKnownAttribute(attributeName) || isAnimatedPropertyAttribute(attributeName);
bool SVGElement::isAnimatedStyleAttribute(const QualifiedName& attributeName) const
return SVGPropertyAnimatorFactory::isKnownAttribute(attributeName) || propertyRegistry().isAnimatedStylePropertyAttribute(attributeName);
std::unique_ptr<SVGAttributeAnimator> SVGElement::createAnimator(const QualifiedName& attributeName, AnimationMode animationMode, CalcMode calcMode, bool isAccumulated, bool isAdditive)
// Property animator, e.g. "fill" or "fill-opacity".
if (auto animator = propertyAnimatorFactory().createAnimator(attributeName, animationMode, calcMode, isAccumulated, isAdditive))
return animator;
// Animated property animator.
auto animator = propertyRegistry().createAnimator(attributeName, animationMode, calcMode, isAccumulated, isAdditive);
if (!animator)
return animator;
for (auto* instance : instances())
instance->propertyRegistry().appendAnimatedInstance(attributeName, *animator);
return animator;
void SVGElement::animatorWillBeDeleted(const QualifiedName& attributeName)
Optional<ElementStyle> SVGElement::resolveCustomStyle(const RenderStyle& parentStyle, const RenderStyle*)
// If the element is in a <use> tree we get the style from the definition tree.
if (auto styleElement = makeRefPtr(this->correspondingElement())) {
Optional<ElementStyle> style = styleElement->resolveStyle(&parentStyle);
StyleResolver::adjustSVGElementStyle(*this, *style->renderStyle);
return style;
return resolveStyle(&parentStyle);
MutableStyleProperties* SVGElement::animatedSMILStyleProperties() const
if (m_svgRareData)
return m_svgRareData->animatedSMILStyleProperties();
return 0;
MutableStyleProperties& SVGElement::ensureAnimatedSMILStyleProperties()
return ensureSVGRareData().ensureAnimatedSMILStyleProperties();
void SVGElement::setUseOverrideComputedStyle(bool value)
if (m_svgRareData)
const RenderStyle* SVGElement::computedStyle(PseudoId pseudoElementSpecifier)
if (!m_svgRareData || !m_svgRareData->useOverrideComputedStyle())
return Element::computedStyle(pseudoElementSpecifier);
const RenderStyle* parentStyle = nullptr;
if (auto parent = makeRefPtr(parentOrShadowHostElement())) {
if (auto renderer = parent->renderer())
parentStyle = &renderer->style();
return m_svgRareData->overrideComputedStyle(*this, parentStyle);
QualifiedName SVGElement::animatableAttributeForName(const AtomString& localName)
static const auto animatableAttributes = makeNeverDestroyed([] {
static const QualifiedName* const names[] = {
HashMap<AtomString, QualifiedName> map;
for (auto& name : names) {
auto addResult = map.add(name->localName(), *name);
ASSERT_UNUSED(addResult, addResult.isNewEntry);
return map;
return animatableAttributes.get().get(localName);
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool SVGElement::isAnimatableAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
if (animatableAttributeForName(name.localName()) == name)
return !filterOutAnimatableAttribute(name);
return false;
bool SVGElement::filterOutAnimatableAttribute(const QualifiedName&) const
return false;
String SVGElement::title() const
// According to spec, for stand-alone SVG documents we should not return a title when
// hovering over the rootmost SVG element (the first <title> element is the title of
// the document, not a tooltip) so we instantly return.
if (isOutermostSVGSVGElement() && document().topDocument().isSVGDocument())
return String();
auto firstTitle = childrenOfType<SVGTitleElement>(*this).first();
return firstTitle ? const_cast<SVGTitleElement*>(firstTitle)->innerText() : String();
bool SVGElement::rendererIsNeeded(const RenderStyle& style)
// Prevent anything other than SVG renderers from appearing in our render tree
// Spec: SVG allows inclusion of elements from foreign namespaces anywhere
// with the SVG content. In general, the SVG user agent will include the unknown
// elements in the DOM but will otherwise ignore unknown elements.
if (!parentOrShadowHostElement() || parentOrShadowHostElement()->isSVGElement())
return StyledElement::rendererIsNeeded(style);
return false;
CSSPropertyID SVGElement::cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(const QualifiedName& attrName)
if (!attrName.namespaceURI().isNull())
return CSSPropertyInvalid;
static const auto properties = makeNeverDestroyed(createAttributeNameToCSSPropertyIDMap());
return properties.get().get(attrName.localName().impl());
bool SVGElement::isPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName& name) const
if (cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(name) > 0)
return true;
return StyledElement::isPresentationAttribute(name);
void SVGElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomString& value, MutableStyleProperties& style)
CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(name);
if (propertyID > 0)
addPropertyToPresentationAttributeStyle(style, propertyID, value);
void SVGElement::svgAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName& attrName)
CSSPropertyID propId = cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(attrName);
if (propId > 0) {
if (attrName == HTMLNames::classAttr) {
if (attrName == HTMLNames::idAttr) {
auto renderer = this->renderer();
// Notify resources about id changes, this is important as we cache resources by id in SVGDocumentExtensions
if (is<RenderSVGResourceContainer>(renderer))
if (isConnected())
Node::InsertedIntoAncestorResult SVGElement::insertedIntoAncestor(InsertionType insertionType, ContainerNode& parentOfInsertedTree)
StyledElement::insertedIntoAncestor(insertionType, parentOfInsertedTree);
return InsertedIntoAncestorResult::Done;
void SVGElement::buildPendingResourcesIfNeeded()
if (!needsPendingResourceHandling() || !isConnected() || isInShadowTree())
SVGDocumentExtensions& extensions = document().accessSVGExtensions();
String resourceId = getIdAttribute();
if (!extensions.isIdOfPendingResource(resourceId))
// Mark pending resources as pending for removal.
// Rebuild pending resources for each client of a pending resource that is being removed.
while (auto clientElement = extensions.removeElementFromPendingResourcesForRemovalMap(resourceId)) {
if (clientElement->hasPendingResources()) {
void SVGElement::childrenChanged(const ChildChange& change)
if (change.source == ChildChangeSource::Parser)
RefPtr<DeprecatedCSSOMValue> SVGElement::getPresentationAttribute(const String& name)
if (!hasAttributesWithoutUpdate())
return 0;
QualifiedName attributeName(nullAtom(), name, nullAtom());
const Attribute* attribute = findAttributeByName(attributeName);
if (!attribute)
return 0;
auto style = MutableStyleProperties::create(SVGAttributeMode);
CSSPropertyID propertyID = cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(attribute->name());
style->setProperty(propertyID, attribute->value());
auto cssValue = style->getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID);
if (!cssValue)
return nullptr;
return cssValue->createDeprecatedCSSOMWrapper(style->ensureCSSStyleDeclaration());
bool SVGElement::instanceUpdatesBlocked() const
return m_svgRareData && m_svgRareData->instanceUpdatesBlocked();
void SVGElement::setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(bool value)
// Catch any callers that calls setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(true) twice in a row.
// That probably indicates nested use of InstanceUpdateBlocker and a bug.
ASSERT(!value || !instanceUpdatesBlocked());
if (m_svgRareData)
AffineTransform SVGElement::localCoordinateSpaceTransform(SVGLocatable::CTMScope) const
// To be overridden by SVGGraphicsElement (or as special case SVGTextElement and SVGPatternElement)
return AffineTransform();
void SVGElement::updateRelativeLengthsInformation(bool hasRelativeLengths, SVGElement* element)
// If we're not yet in a document, this function will be called again from insertedIntoAncestor(). Do nothing now.
if (!isConnected())
// An element wants to notify us that its own relative lengths state changed.
// Register it in the relative length map, and register us in the parent relative length map.
// Register the parent in the grandparents map, etc. Repeat procedure until the root of the SVG tree.
if (hasRelativeLengths)
else {
if (!m_elementsWithRelativeLengths.contains(element)) {
// We were never registered. Do nothing.
if (!element->isSVGGraphicsElement())
// Find first styled parent node, and notify it that we've changed our relative length state.
auto node = makeRefPtr(parentNode());
while (node) {
if (!node->isSVGElement())
// Register us in the parent element map.
downcast<SVGElement>(*node).updateRelativeLengthsInformation(hasRelativeLengths, this);
bool SVGElement::hasFocusEventListeners() const
Element* eventTarget = const_cast<SVGElement*>(this);
return eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().focusinEvent)
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().focusoutEvent)
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().focusEvent)
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().blurEvent);
bool SVGElement::isMouseFocusable() const
if (!isFocusable())
return false;
Element* eventTarget = const_cast<SVGElement*>(this);
return hasFocusEventListeners()
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().keydownEvent)
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().keyupEvent)
|| eventTarget->hasEventListeners(eventNames().keypressEvent);
void SVGElement::accessKeyAction(bool sendMouseEvents)
dispatchSimulatedClick(0, sendMouseEvents ? SendMouseUpDownEvents : SendNoEvents);
void SVGElement::invalidateInstances()
if (instanceUpdatesBlocked())
auto& instances = this->instances();
while (!instances.isEmpty()) {
auto instance = makeRefPtr(*instances.begin());
if (auto useElement = instance->correspondingUseElement())
} while (!instances.isEmpty());