blob: 6272fe3f96e91c9c3b2d8d59401669af386564cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "SVGResourceElementClient.h"
#include "StyleProperties.h"
#include "StyleResolver.h"
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace WebCore {
class CSSCursorImageValue;
class SVGCursorElement;
class SVGElement;
class SVGElementRareData {
: m_instancesUpdatesBlocked(false)
, m_useOverrideComputedStyle(false)
, m_needsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate(false)
void addInstance(SVGElement& element) { m_instances.add(element); }
void removeInstance(SVGElement& element) { m_instances.remove(element); }
const WeakHashSet<SVGElement>& instances() const { return m_instances; }
bool instanceUpdatesBlocked() const { return m_instancesUpdatesBlocked; }
void setInstanceUpdatesBlocked(bool value) { m_instancesUpdatesBlocked = value; }
void addReferencingElement(SVGElement& element) { m_referencingElements.add(element); }
void removeReferencingElement(SVGElement& element) { m_referencingElements.remove(element); }
const WeakHashSet<SVGElement>& referencingElements() const { return m_referencingElements; }
WeakHashSet<SVGElement> takeReferencingElements() { return std::exchange(m_referencingElements, { }); }
SVGElement* referenceTarget() const { return m_referenceTarget.get(); }
void setReferenceTarget(WeakPtr<SVGElement>&& element) { m_referenceTarget = WTFMove(element); }
void addReferencingCSSClient(SVGResourceElementClient& client) { m_referencingCSSClients.add(client); }
void removeReferencingCSSClient(SVGResourceElementClient& client) { m_referencingCSSClients.remove(client); }
const WeakHashSet<SVGResourceElementClient>& referencingCSSClients() const { return m_referencingCSSClients; }
SVGElement* correspondingElement() { return m_correspondingElement.get(); }
void setCorrespondingElement(SVGElement* correspondingElement) { m_correspondingElement = correspondingElement; }
MutableStyleProperties* animatedSMILStyleProperties() const { return m_animatedSMILStyleProperties.get(); }
MutableStyleProperties& ensureAnimatedSMILStyleProperties()
if (!m_animatedSMILStyleProperties)
m_animatedSMILStyleProperties = MutableStyleProperties::create(SVGAttributeMode);
return *m_animatedSMILStyleProperties;
const RenderStyle* overrideComputedStyle(Element& element, const RenderStyle* parentStyle)
if (!m_useOverrideComputedStyle)
return nullptr;
if (!m_overrideComputedStyle || m_needsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate) {
// The style computed here contains no CSS Animations/Transitions or SMIL induced rules - this is needed to compute the "base value" for the SMIL animation sandwhich model.
m_overrideComputedStyle = element.styleResolver().styleForElement(element, { parentStyle }, RuleMatchingBehavior::MatchAllRulesExcludingSMIL).renderStyle;
m_needsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate = false;
return m_overrideComputedStyle.get();
bool useOverrideComputedStyle() const { return m_useOverrideComputedStyle; }
void setUseOverrideComputedStyle(bool value) { m_useOverrideComputedStyle = value; }
void setNeedsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate() { m_needsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate = true; }
WeakHashSet<SVGElement> m_referencingElements;
WeakPtr<SVGElement> m_referenceTarget;
WeakHashSet<SVGResourceElementClient> m_referencingCSSClients;
WeakHashSet<SVGElement> m_instances;
WeakPtr<SVGElement> m_correspondingElement;
bool m_instancesUpdatesBlocked : 1;
bool m_useOverrideComputedStyle : 1;
bool m_needsOverrideComputedStyleUpdate : 1;
RefPtr<MutableStyleProperties> m_animatedSMILStyleProperties;
std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> m_overrideComputedStyle;
} // namespace WebCore