blob: 48a0d36f36bda19eb3a442328283d4c5eb06b70f [file] [log] [blame]
const VERTICAL = [0, 1];
const HORIZONTAL = [1, 0];
async function doScrollGlide(targetElement, direction)
// These arrays are arguments that will be passed to eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases.
// Depending on whether or not the direction is vertical or horizontal one of the first two elements
// of each entry will be zeroed out, so that eventSender only scrolls in one direction at a time.
let scrollMotions = [
[-1, -1, 'began', 'none'],
[-1, -1, 'changed', 'none'],
[-1, -1, 'changed', 'none'],
[-1, -1, 'changed', 'none'],
[0, 0, 'ended', 'none'],
[-1, -1, 'none', 'begin'],
[-1, -1, 'none', 'continue'],
[0, 0, 'none', 'end'],
return doScrollTest(targetElement, direction, scrollMotions);
async function doScrollSnap(targetElement, direction)
// These arrays are arguments that will be passed to eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases.
// Depending on whether or not the direction is vertical or horizontal one of the first two elements
// of each entry will be zeroed out, so that eventSender only scrolls in one direction at a time.
let scrollMotions = [
[-1, 0, 'began', 'none'],
[-1, 0, 'changed', 'none'],
[-1, 0, 'changed', 'none'],
[0, 0, 'ended', 'none'],
return doScrollTest(targetElement, direction, scrollMotions);
async function doScrollTest(targetElement, direction, scrollMotions)
var startPosX;
var startPosY;
if (document.scrollingElement == targetElement) {
// getBoundingClientRect() can be an out-of-viewport rectangle if the
// root scrolling element is the targetElement.
startPosX = 0;
startPosY = 0;
} else {
var clientRect = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var startPosX = clientRect.x;
var startPosY = clientRect.y;
// Slightly offset the mouse position so that the events are inside the element.
startPosX += 5;
startPosY += 5;
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(startPosX, startPosY);
// `direction` is a two-element array with a one in the appropriate direction.
scrollMotions.forEach((callArguments) => {
callArguments[0] *= direction[0];
callArguments[1] *= direction[1];
await UIHelper.waitForScrollCompletion();