blob: 5a2bed6e0902a974f75f58dce1aeb3272c355afa [file] [log] [blame]
ResizeObserver svg tests
Here is a paragraph that requires word wrap
svg text tag
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
PASS ResizeObserver implemented
NOTRUN guard
PASS test0: observe svg:circle
PASS test1: observe svg:ellipse
PASS test2: observe svg:foreignObject
PASS test3: observe svg:image
PASS test4: observe svg:line
PASS test5: observe svg:path
PASS test6: observe svg:polygon
PASS test7: observe svg:polyline
PASS test8: observe svg:rect
PASS test9: observe svg:text
PASS test10: observe svg:svg, top/left is 0 even with padding
PASS test11: observe svg non-displayable element
PASS test12: observe svg:rect content box
PASS test13: observe svg:rect border box
PASS test14: observe g:rect content and border box
FAIL test15: observe svg:text content and border box assert_equals: expected 30 but got 30.015625
FAIL test16: observe g:rect content, border and device-pixel-content boxes assert_unreached: Caught a throw, possible syntax error Reached unreachable code