blob: 61939c186ad45f2a3af3d6062b09fa54c8f2a785 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: EventSource cannot load ws:// due to access control checks.
PASS location.hash : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS location.href : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS anchor : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS area : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS base : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS EventSource : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS frame : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS iframe : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS link : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS source : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS storage event : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS websocket url : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS sendBeacon URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions.
FAIL RegisterPtotocolHandler URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions. window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler is not a function. (In 'window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('web+myprotocol', "custom-scheme\uD800/url=%s", "title")', 'window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler' is undefined)
FAIL UnregisterPtotocolHandler URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions. window.navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler is not a function. (In 'window.navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler('web+myprotocol', "custom-scheme\uD800/url=%s")', 'window.navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler' is undefined)
PASS Document URLs: unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD
PASS RTCDataChannel.send: unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD.