blob: cbb208d223b268773e436526cc5618fb84efd979 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test remove with an negative start.
PASS Test remove with non-finite start.
PASS Test remove with a start beyond the duration.
PASS Test remove with a start larger than the end.
PASS Test remove with a NEGATIVE_INFINITY end.
PASS Test remove with a NaN end.
PASS Test remove after SourceBuffer removed from mediaSource.
PASS Test remove with a NaN duration.
PASS Test remove while update pending.
PASS Test aborting a remove operation.
PASS Test remove with a start at the duration.
PASS Test remove transitioning readyState from 'ended' to 'open'.
PASS Test removing all appended data.
PASS Test removing beginning of appended data.
FAIL Test removing the middle of appended data. assert_equals: Buffered ranges after remove(). expected "{ [0.095, 0.997) [3.298, 6.548) }" but got "{ [0.095, 0.975) [3.298, 6.548) }"
FAIL Test removing the end of appended data. assert_equals: Buffered ranges after remove(). expected "{ [0.095, 1.022) }" but got "{ [0.095, 0.995) }"