blob: 9f59cdda253e748f95f00774f1bfae7c73b5ac26 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
'Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n'
'// This is not a comprehensive list.\n'
'var bannedMIMETypes = [\n'
' "audio/mp4",\n'
' "audio/mpeg",\n'
' "audio/ogg",\n'
' "audio/wav",\n'
' "audio/x-aiff",\n'
' "image/gif",\n'
' "image/png",\n'
' "text/csv",\n'
' "video/mpeg",\n'
' "video/ogg",\n'
' "video/quicktime",\n'
'self.scriptsSuccessfullyLoaded = 0;\n'
'description("Test that an external JavaScript script is blocked if has a banned MIME type.");\n'
'for (let mimeType of bannedMIMETypes) {\n'
' try {\n'
' importScripts(`../../security/contentTypeOptions/resources/${mimeType}&no-content-type-options=1`);\n'
' } catch (e) { }\n'
'try {\n'
' // For some reason this causes "SyntaxError: Invalid character \'\ufffd\'" when non-script MIME types are allowed to be executed.\n'
' importScripts("../../security/resources/abe-that-increments-scriptsSuccessfullyLoaded.jpg");\n'
'} catch (e) { }\n'