blob: d99973ca40f5d04a59e121c2e0f9703714278bc2 [file] [log] [blame]
Test basic creation of a PaymentRequest object with an Apple Pay AMS UI payment method.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Testing PaymentRequest
PASS new PaymentRequest(null, null) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence.
PASS new PaymentRequest([validPaymentMethod()], validPaymentDetails()) did not throw exception.
Testing ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); delete
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = ''
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = 'invalid'
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = null
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = 7
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = [ ]
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = false
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayAMSUIRequest.engagementRequest is required and must be a JSON-serializable object.
SETUP: paymentMethod = validPaymentMethod(); = { }
PASS new PaymentRequest([paymentMethod], validPaymentDetails()) did not throw exception.
PASS successfullyParsed is true