blob: 1014496f96ced732804c590957c86f3c44c62d8b [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.testRunner) {
function loadNextPage() {
// Navigating to another location invokes the unload handler
location.href = "resources/" +
"/contentextensions/resources/" +
"test=contentextensions-block-image-load-in-onunload&" +
"timeout_ms=1000&" +
// Why timeout_ms=1000:
// To pass the test, the ping shouldn't arrive, so we need to
// timeout at some point. We don't have to wait too long because
// the console message can tell us whether the ping was blocked.
function loadImage() {
var img = new Image(1, 1);
img.src = "resources/";
<body onunload="loadImage();">
This test loads an image in onunload, where the image URL matches a 'block' rule.
<img src="resources/" onerror="loadNextPage();">