| This tests that a SourceBuffer can accept an initialization segment and a media segment and fire "update" events, and the video element fires a "resize" event after the SourceBuffer appends the initialization segment. |
| |
| RUN(video.src = URL.createObjectURL(source)) |
| EVENT(sourceopen) |
| RUN(source.duration = loader.duration()) |
| RUN(sourceBuffer = source.addSourceBuffer(loader.type())) |
| RUN(sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(loader.initSegment())) |
| EVENT(update) |
| EXPECTED (resizeEventFired == 'true') OK |
| EXPECTED ((videoWidth == 320 || videoWidth == 0) == 'true') OK |
| EXPECTED ((videoHeight == 240 || videoHeight == 0) == 'true') OK |
| Append a media segment. |
| RUN(sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(loader.mediaSegment(0))) |
| EVENT(update) |
| |