Test that CanvasManager is able to record actions made to WebGL2 canvas contexts. | |
== Running test suite: Canvas.recordingWebGL2 | |
-- Running test case: Canvas.recordingWebGL2.singleFrame | |
initialState: | |
attributes: | |
width: 2 | |
height: 2 | |
parameters: | |
0: {"alpha":true,"depth":true,"stencil":false,"antialias":true,"premultipliedAlpha":true,"preserveDrawingBuffer":false,"powerPreference":"default","failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat":false} | |
content: <filtered> | |
frames: | |
0: (duration) | |
0: activeTexture(1) | |
swizzleTypes: [Number] | |
trace: | |
0: activeTexture | |
1: (anonymous function) | |
2: executeFrameFunction | |
3: performActions | |
4: Global Code | |
5: evaluateWithScopeExtension | |
6: (anonymous function) | |
7: _wrapCall | |