blob: f57e47571c1b616e00d5eaa909eeb415113dc3dd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "ExceptionOr.h"
#include "SimpleRange.h"
#include "TextChecking.h"
namespace WebCore {
class EditorClient;
class Frame;
class Position;
class TextCheckerClient;
class VisibleSelection;
struct TextCheckingResult;
// FIXME: Should move this class to its own header.
class TextCheckingParagraph {
explicit TextCheckingParagraph(const SimpleRange& checkingAndAutomaticReplacementRange);
TextCheckingParagraph(const SimpleRange& checkingRange, const SimpleRange& automaticReplacementRange, const std::optional<SimpleRange>& paragraphRange);
uint64_t rangeLength() const;
SimpleRange subrange(CharacterRange) const;
ExceptionOr<uint64_t> offsetTo(const Position&) const;
void expandRangeToNextEnd();
StringView text() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
uint64_t checkingStart() const;
uint64_t checkingEnd() const;
uint64_t checkingLength() const;
StringView checkingSubstring() const { return text().substring(checkingStart(), checkingLength()); }
uint64_t automaticReplacementStart() const;
uint64_t automaticReplacementLength() const;
bool checkingRangeMatches(CharacterRange range) const { return range.location == checkingStart() && range.length == checkingLength(); }
bool isCheckingRangeCoveredBy(CharacterRange range) const { return range.location <= checkingStart() && range.location + range.length >= checkingStart() + checkingLength(); }
bool checkingRangeCovers(CharacterRange range) const { return range.location < checkingEnd() && range.location + range.length > checkingStart(); }
const SimpleRange& paragraphRange() const;
void invalidateParagraphRangeValues();
const SimpleRange& offsetAsRange() const;
SimpleRange m_checkingRange;
SimpleRange m_automaticReplacementRange;
mutable std::optional<SimpleRange> m_paragraphRange;
mutable std::optional<SimpleRange> m_offsetAsRange;
mutable String m_text;
mutable std::optional<uint64_t> m_checkingStart;
mutable std::optional<uint64_t> m_checkingLength;
mutable std::optional<uint64_t> m_automaticReplacementStart;
mutable std::optional<uint64_t> m_automaticReplacementLength;
class TextCheckingHelper {
TextCheckingHelper(EditorClient&, const SimpleRange&);
struct MisspelledWord {
String word;
uint64_t offset { 0 };
struct UngrammaticalPhrase {
String phrase;
uint64_t offset { 0 };
GrammarDetail detail;
MisspelledWord findFirstMisspelledWord() const;
UngrammaticalPhrase findFirstUngrammaticalPhrase() const;
std::variant<MisspelledWord, UngrammaticalPhrase> findFirstMisspelledWordOrUngrammaticalPhrase(bool checkGrammar) const;
std::optional<SimpleRange> markAllMisspelledWords() const; // Returns the range of the first misspelled word.
void markAllUngrammaticalPhrases() const;
TextCheckingGuesses guessesForMisspelledWordOrUngrammaticalPhrase(bool checkGrammar) const;
enum class Operation : bool { FindFirst, MarkAll };
std::pair<MisspelledWord, std::optional<SimpleRange>> findMisspelledWords(Operation) const; // Returns the first.
UngrammaticalPhrase findUngrammaticalPhrases(Operation) const; // Returns the first.
bool unifiedTextCheckerEnabled() const;
int findUngrammaticalPhrases(Operation, const Vector<GrammarDetail>&, uint64_t badGrammarPhraseLocation, uint64_t startOffset, uint64_t endOffset) const;
EditorClient& m_client;
SimpleRange m_range;
void checkTextOfParagraph(TextCheckerClient&, StringView, OptionSet<TextCheckingType>, Vector<TextCheckingResult>&, const VisibleSelection& currentSelection);
bool unifiedTextCheckerEnabled(const Frame*);
bool platformDrivenTextCheckerEnabled();
} // namespace WebCore