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<p>This is the test case for bug <a href="<rdar://problem/7615758>">7615758</a></p> | |
<p class="tweet_text_big"> | |
Guys, is it okay that I kinda hate the obsequious rhetorical questions people ask when they want to sound like a wry, world-weary populist? | |
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<span class="tweet_subtext"> | |
by <a href="http://twitter.com/hotdogsladies" class="twitter_username">hotdogsladies</a> (Merlin Mann), | |
<a href="http://twitter.com/hotdogsladies/status/8639030323" class="subtle">11 hours, 31 minutes ago</a>. | |
<a href="/tweet/8639030323" title="Permalink" class="very_subtle">ΒΆ</a> | |
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<span class="favoriteers-header">Favorited by</span> | |
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