blob: bbc058625164be63dba102095c91b052fee4e6ac [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.layoutTestController) {
function getPositionOfNode(id)
var n = document.getElementById(id);
var pos = {x: 0, y: 0};
while (n) {
pos.x += n.offsetLeft + n.clientLeft;
pos.y += n.offsetTop + n.clientTop;
n = n.offsetParent;
return pos;
function doubleClickPosition(pos)
// Our test cases will have at most a single leading tab or four spaces,
// followed by a word which is wider than 4 "X"s.
// So, pos.x + CHAR_WIDTH * 4 always hits the words.
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(pos.x + CHAR_WIDTH * 4, pos.y + LINE_HEIGHT / 2);
function defocus()
doubleClickPosition({x:0, y:0});
function findParentDiv(spanId)
var n = document.getElementById(spanId);
while (n) {
var parent = n.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.tagName == "DIV")
return parent;
n = parent;
return null;
function makeParentBlockEditable(spanId)
var parent = findParentDiv(spanId);
parent.contentEditable = true;
function hideCaseBlockFor(spanId)
var n = document.getElementById(spanId);
while (n) {
n = n.parentNode;
if (n && n.className == "case") { = "none";;
function doTest(testId, expectedText, givenClickPosition)
// Simulate a double click.
var pos = givenClickPosition || getPositionOfNode(testId);
// Get the text of the current selection.
var sel = window.getSelection();
var actualText = sel.getRangeAt(0).toString();
if (expectedText == actualText) {
log("Passed " + testId);
} else {
log("Failed " + testId);
log(" Expected: " + expectedText);
log(" Actual: " + actualText);
// Run the same case with contentEditable enabled.
sel = window.getSelection();
actualText = sel.getRangeAt(0).toString();
if (expectedText == actualText) {
log("Passed " + testId + " (with contentEditable)");
} else {
log("Failed " + testId + " (with contentEditable)");
log(" Expected: " + expectedText);
log(" Actual: " + actualText);
// Hide a container for the case to workaround limited window size
function log(msg)
var l = document.getElementById('log');
function initConstants()
var heightMeasure = document.getElementById("heightMeasure");
LINE_HEIGHT = heightMeasure.offsetHeight;
LINE_LEFT = heightMeasure.offsetLeft + heightMeasure.clientLeft;
CHAR_WIDTH = heightMeasure.offsetWidth; = "none"; // hide for readable test result
function getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf(spanId)
var pos = getPositionOfNode(spanId)
pos.x = LINE_LEFT;
pos.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
return pos;
function runTests()
if (window.layoutTestController) {
doTest("totest_minimum", "select1");
// We may have to make EditorClient::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled false on
// DumpRenderTree to clarify cases...
doTest("totest_before_after", "select2 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_out", "select3\n");
doTest("totest_tab_out", "select4\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_out", "select5 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_in", "select6\n");
doTest("totest_tab_in", "select7\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in", "select8 ");
doTest("totest_multiple_word_in_span", "select9 ");
doTest("totest_word_before_here_in_line", "select10 ");
doTest("totest_span_first_half", "select11 ");
doTest("totest_span_second_half", "selectHere12 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_out_pre", "select1");
doTest("totest_tab_out_pre", "select2\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_pre", "select3 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_in_pre", "select4", getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf("totest_linebreak_in_pre"));
doTest("totest_tab_in_pre", "select5\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_pre", "select6 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_out_prewrap", "select1");
doTest("totest_tab_out_prewrap", "select2\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_prewrap", "select3 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_in_prewrap", "select4", getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf("totest_linebreak_in_prewrap"));
doTest("totest_tab_in_prewrap", "select5\t", getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf("totest_tab_in_prewrap"));
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_prewrap", "select6 ", getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_prewrap"));
doTest("totest_linebreak_out_preline", "select1\n");
doTest("totest_tab_out_preline", "select2\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_preline", "select3 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_in_preline", "select4\n", getPositionOfNextLineHeadOf("totest_linebreak_in_preline"));
doTest("totest_tab_in_preline", "select5\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_preline", "select6 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_out_nowrap", "select1\n");
doTest("totest_tab_out_nowrap", "select2\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_nowrap", "select3 ");
doTest("totest_linebreak_in_nowrap", "select4\n");
doTest("totest_tab_in_nowrap", "select5\t");
doTest("totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_nowrap", "select6 ");
<body onload="runTests()">
This tests that double-clicking a word that follows newline and span
<div class="case">
<h3>minimum case</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_minimum">select1</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>with another word after the span</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_before_after">select2</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (outside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_linebreak_out">select3</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (outside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_tab_out">select4</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (outside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_out">select5</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (inside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_linebreak_in">
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (inside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_tab_in"> select7 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (inside element)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_in"> select8 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>with another word in same the span</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_word_in_span">select9 not</b> notyet
<div class="case">
<h3>with another word before the span, in the same line</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst <b id="totest_word_before_here_in_line">select10</b> notyet
<div class="case">
<h3>a first half of word is inside b element</h3>
<div style="width:100pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst <b id="totest_span_first_half">sel</b>ect11 notyet
<div class="case">
<h3>a second half of word is inside b element</h3>
<!-- We choose selectHere12 instead select12 here
because <b>ect12</b> would be too short to be clicked by doubleClickPosition(). -->
<div style="width:150pt">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst uvwx yz123 sel<b id="totest_span_second_half">ectHere12</b> notyet
<h2>cases for white-space: pre</h2>
Note: Here for pre, we change width value to 200 to prevent layout change on contentEditable enabled.
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_linebreak_out_pre">select1</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_tab_out_pre">select2</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_pre">select3</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_linebreak_in_pre">
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_tab_in_pre"> select5 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre)</h3>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_pre"> select6 </b>nottoselect
<h2>cases for white-space: pre-wrap</h2>
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_linebreak_out_prewrap">select1</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_tab_out_prewrap">select2</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_prewrap">select3</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_linebreak_in_prewrap">
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_tab_in_prewrap"> select5 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-wrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-wrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_prewrap"> select6 </b>nottoselect
<h2>cases for white-space: pre-line</h2>
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_linebreak_out_preline">select1</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_tab_out_preline">select2</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (outside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_preline">select3</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_linebreak_in_preline">
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_tab_in_preline"> select5 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (inside element, white-space:pre-line)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:pre-line;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_preline"> select6 </b>nottoselect
<h2>cases for white-space: nowrap</h2>
Note: Although following cases have no line-breaks that had caused problem reported bug28036,
we add these for comprehensiveness.
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (outside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_linebreak_out_nowrap">select1</b>
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (outside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_tab_out_nowrap">select2</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (outside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop <b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_out_nowrap">select3</b> nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use linebreak as word separator (inside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_linebreak_in_nowrap">
<div class="case">
<h3>use tab as word separator (inside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_tab_in_nowrap"> select5 </b>nottoselect
<div class="case">
<h3>use multiple whitespaces as word separator (inside element, white-space:nowrap)</h3>
<div style="width:100pt;white-space:nowrap;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop<b id="totest_multiple_whitespaces_in_nowrap"> select6 </b>nottoselect
<h2>cases for source-originated line-breaks with white-space: pre-* family</h2>
<div class="case">
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre;background-color:lightgray;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_sourcebreak_pre">select1</b>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre-wrap;background-color:lightgray;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_sourcebreak_prewrap">select2</b>
<div style="width:200pt;white-space:pre-line;background-color:lightgray;">
abcd efgh ijkl mnop
<b id="totest_sourcebreak_preline">select3</b>
<div><span id="heightMeasure">x</span></div>
<pre id="log">