blob: 64d795a0c383088523367ed11af7626f05568758 [file] [log] [blame]
Harness Error (FAIL), message = DataCloneError: The object can not be cloned.
FAIL Test that OffscreenCanvas's size is correct after being transferred from a worker. assert_unreached: error Reached unreachable code
FAIL Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas that has a 2d context throws exception in a worker. assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas that has a webgl context throws exception in a worker. assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL Test that transfer an OffscreenCanvas twice throws exception in a worker. assert_unreached: error Reached unreachable code
FAIL Test that calling getContext('2d') on a detached OffscreenCanvas throws exception in a worker. assert_unreached: error Reached unreachable code
FAIL Test that calling getContext('webgl') on a detached OffscreenCanvas throws exception in a worker. assert_unreached: error Reached unreachable code