blob: 9d6dbe2e3c7c3ce31f327262f0262ff05d982494 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test that transferToImageBitmap returns an ImageBitmap with correct width and height in a worker
PASS Test that transferToImageBitmap returns an ImageBitmap with correct color in a worker
PASS Test that call transferToImageBitmap twice returns an ImageBitmap with correct color in a worker
FAIL Test that call transferToImageBitmap twice on a alpha-disabled context returns an ImageBitmap with correct color in a worker assert_array_equals: property 3, expected 255 but got 0
PASS Test that transferToImageBitmap won't change context's property in a worker
FAIL Test that call transferToImageBitmap preserves transform in a worker assert_array_equals: property 1, expected 255 but got 0
FAIL Test that call transferToImageBitmap on a detached OffscreenCanvas throws an exception in a worker assert_unreached: error Reached unreachable code
PASS Test that call transferToImageBitmap without a context throws an exception in a worker