blob: afb84a7879ae3764c82fb44d207b446f667a76b5 [file] [log] [blame]
External scripts with matching SRI hash should be allowed.
PASS Load all the tests.
FAIL matching integrity assert_unreached: Script should load! http://localhost:8800/content-security-policy/script-src/simpleSourcedScript.js Reached unreachable code
FAIL multiple matching integrity assert_unreached: Script should load! http://localhost:8800/content-security-policy/script-src/simpleSourcedScript.js Reached unreachable code
PASS no integrity
FAIL matching plus unsupported integrity assert_unreached: Script should load! http://localhost:8800/content-security-policy/script-src/simpleSourcedScript.js Reached unreachable code
PASS mismatched integrity
PASS multiple mismatched integrity
PASS partially matching integrity
FAIL crossorigin no integrity but whitelisted host assert_unreached: Script should load! Reached unreachable code
FAIL crossorigin mismatched integrity but whitelisted host assert_unreached: Script should load! Reached unreachable code
FAIL External script in a script tag with matching SRI hash should run. assert_true: External script ran. expected true got false