| Checks the value of detached subframe properties. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS !!detachedWindow.postMessage is true |
| PASS !!detachedWindow.close is true |
| PASS detachedWindow.closed is true |
| PASS detachedWindow.top is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.opener is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.parent is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.frameElement is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.window is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.frames is null |
| PASS detachedWindow.self is null |
| PASS !detachedWindow.navigator is true |
| PASS !detachedWindow.locationbar is true |
| PASS !detachedWindow.history is true |
| PASS !detachedWindow.localStorage is true |
| PASS !!detachedWindow.document is true |
| PASS !!detachedWindow.XMLHttpRequest is true |
| PASS !!detachedWindow.getComputedStyle is true |
| PASS !detachedWindow.screen is true |
| PASS detachedWindow.innerHeight is 0 |
| PASS detachedWindow.innerWidth is 0 |
| PASS !detachedWindow.location is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |