| This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL. |
| Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/extensions/webgl-draw-buffers-framebuffer-unsupported.html |
| [ 1: PASS ] gl = wtu.create3DContext(undefined, undefined, 1) is non-null. |
| [ 2: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : should be able to call drawBuffersWEBGL successfully |
| [ 3: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : should be able to call drawBuffersWEBGL successfully |
| [ 4: PASS ] Successfully enabled WEBGL_draw_buffers extension |
| [ 5: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : Texture creation should succeed. |
| [ 6: PASS ] checkFramebufferStatus got FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE as expected |
| [ 7: PASS ] checkFramebufferStatus got FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE as expected |
| [ 8: FAIL ] checkFramebufferStatus expects [FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED], was FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE |
| [ 9: PASS ] checkFramebufferStatus got FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE as expected |
| [ 10: PASS ] checkFramebufferStatus got FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE as expected |
| [ 11: FAIL ] checkFramebufferStatus expects [FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED], was FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE |
| [ 12: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true |
| [ FAIL ] 2 failures reported |