blob: 8a3a2ed1d4ef64b4ee85677e13e18de7c770c603 [file] [log] [blame]
* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
goog.scope(function() {
var tcuTexture = framework.common.tcuTexture;
var deMath = framework.delibs.debase.deMath;
var tcuFloat = framework.common.tcuFloat;
var deString = framework.delibs.debase.deString;
var deUtil = framework.delibs.debase.deUtil;
var DE_ASSERT = function(x) {
if (!x)
throw new Error('Assert failed');
* Texture order
* @enum
tcuTexture.ChannelOrder = {
R: 0,
A: 1,
I: 2,
L: 3,
LA: 4,
RG: 5,
RA: 6,
RGB: 7,
RGBA: 8,
ARGB: 9,
BGRA: 10,
sRGB: 11,
sRGBA: 12,
D: 13,
S: 14,
DS: 15
* Texture type
* @enum
tcuTexture.ChannelType = {
UNORM_SHORT_4444: 8,
UNORM_SHORT_5551: 9,
UNORM_INT_101010: 10,
UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: 11,
UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: 12,
UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: 15,
FLOAT: 23,
* Enums for tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass
* @enum {number}
tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass = {
* @param {?tcuTexture.ChannelType} channelType
* @return {tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass}
tcuTexture.getTextureChannelClass = function(channelType) {
switch (channelType) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.SIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.SIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_FIXED_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.FLOATING_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.FLOATING_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.SIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.SIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.SIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.UNSIGNED_INTEGER;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.FLOATING_POINT;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.FLOATING_POINT;
default: return /** @type {tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass<number>} */ (Object.keys(tcuTexture.ChannelType).length);
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
tcuTexture.isFixedPointDepthTextureFormat = function(format) {
var channelClass = tcuTexture.getTextureChannelClass(format.type);
if (format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D) {
// depth internal formats cannot be non-normalized integers
return channelClass != tcuTexture.TextureChannelClass.FLOATING_POINT;
} else if (format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS) {
// combined formats have no single channel class, detect format manually
switch (format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: return false;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: return true;
// unknown format
return true;
return false;
* @param {Array<number>} color
* @param {tcuTexture.CompareMode} compare
* @param {number} chanNdx
* @param {number} ref_
* @param {boolean} isFixedPoint
tcuTexture.execCompare = function(color, compare, chanNdx, ref_, isFixedPoint) {
var clampValues = isFixedPoint;
var cmp = clampValues ? deMath.clamp(color[chanNdx], 0.0, 1.0) : color[chanNdx];
var ref = clampValues ? deMath.clamp(ref_, 0.0, 1.0) : ref_;
var res = false;
switch (compare) {
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_LESS: res = ref < cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_LESS_OR_EQUAL: res = ref <= cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_GREATER: res = ref > cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: res = ref >= cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_EQUAL: res = ref == cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_NOT_EQUAL: res = ref != cmp; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_ALWAYS: res = true; break;
case tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_NEVER: res = false; break;
return res ? 1.0 : 0.0;
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare = function(levels, numLevels, sampler, ref, s, t, lod, offset) {
var magnified = lod <= sampler.lodThreshold;
var filterMode = magnified ? sampler.magFilter : sampler.minFilter;
switch (filterMode) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return levels[0].sample2DCompare(sampler, filterMode, ref, s, t, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return levels[0].sample2DCompare(sampler, filterMode, ref, s, t, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level = deMath.clamp(Math.ceil(lod + 0.5) - 1, 0, maxLevel);
var levelFilter = filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
return levels[level].sample2DCompare(sampler, levelFilter, ref, s, t, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(lod), 0, maxLevel);
var level1 = Math.min(maxLevel, level0 + 1);
var levelFilter = filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
var f = deMath.deFloatFrac(lod);
var t0 = levels[level0].sample2DCompare(sampler, levelFilter, ref, s, t, offset);
var t1 = levels[level1].sample2DCompare(sampler, levelFilter, ref, s, t, offset);
return t0 * (1.0 - f) + t1 * f;
return 0.0;
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @param {boolean} isFixedPointDepthFormat
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.sampleLinear2DCompare = function(access, sampler, ref, u, v, offset, isFixedPointDepthFormat) {
var w = access.getWidth();
var h = access.getHeight();
var x0 = Math.floor(u - 0.5) + offset[0];
var x1 = x0 + 1;
var y0 = Math.floor(v - 0.5) + offset[1];
var y1 = y0 + 1;
var i0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x0, w);
var i1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x1, w);
var j0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y0, h);
var j1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y1, h);
var a = deMath.deFloatFrac(u - 0.5);
var b = deMath.deFloatFrac(v - 0.5);
var i0UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i0, 0, w);
var i1UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i1, 0, w);
var j0UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j0, 0, h);
var j1UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j1, 0, h);
// Border color for out-of-range coordinates if using CLAMP_TO_BORDER, otherwise execute lookups.
var p00Clr = (i0UseBorder || j0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j0, offset[2]);
var p10Clr = (i1UseBorder || j0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j0, offset[2]);
var p01Clr = (i0UseBorder || j1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j1, offset[2]);
var p11Clr = (i1UseBorder || j1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j1, offset[2]);
// Execute comparisons.
var p00 = tcuTexture.execCompare(p00Clr,, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepthFormat);
var p10 = tcuTexture.execCompare(p10Clr,, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepthFormat);
var p01 = tcuTexture.execCompare(p01Clr,, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepthFormat);
var p11 = tcuTexture.execCompare(p11Clr,, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepthFormat);
// Interpolate.
return (p00 * (1.0 - a) * (1.0 - b)) +
(p10 * (a) * (1.0 - b)) +
(p01 * (1.0 - a) * (b)) +
(p11 * (a) * (b));
* Construct texture format
* @param {?tcuTexture.ChannelOrder} order
* @param {?tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @constructor
tcuTexture.TextureFormat = function(order, type) {
this.order = order;
this.type = type;
* Compare two formats
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format Format to compare with
* @return {boolean}
tcuTexture.TextureFormat.prototype.isEqual = function(format) {
return this.order === format.order && this.type === format.type;
tcuTexture.TextureFormat.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'TextureFormat(' + deString.enumToString(tcuTexture.ChannelOrder, this.order) + ', ' +
deString.enumToString(tcuTexture.ChannelType, this.type) + ')';
* Is format sRGB?
* @return {boolean}
tcuTexture.TextureFormat.prototype.isSRGB = function() {
return this.order === tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGB || this.order === tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGBA;
tcuTexture.TextureFormat.prototype.getNumStencilBits = function() {
switch (this.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S:
switch (this.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return 8;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return 16;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return 32;
throw new Error('Wrong type: ' + this.type);
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS:
switch (this.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: return 8;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: return 8;
throw new Error('Wrong type: ' + this.type);
throw new Error('Wrong order: ' + this.order);
* Get TypedArray type that can be used to access texture.
* @param {?tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return TypedArray that supports the type.
tcuTexture.getTypedArray = function(type) {
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: return Int8Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: return Int16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT32: return Int32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: return Uint8Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT32: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return Float32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: return Int8Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: return Int16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: return Int32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return Uint8Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return Uint32Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return Uint16Array;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: return Float32Array; /* this type is a special case */
throw new Error('Unrecognized type ' + type);
* @return {number} pixel size in bytes
tcuTexture.TextureFormat.prototype.getPixelSize = function() {
if (this.type == null || this.order == null) {
// Invalid/empty format.
return 0;
} else if (this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565 ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555 ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444 ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551) {
DE_ASSERT(this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB || this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA);
return 2;
} else if (this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010 ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV) {
DE_ASSERT(this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB);
return 4;
} else if (this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV ||
this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV) {
DE_ASSERT(this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA);
return 4;
} else if (this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8) {
DE_ASSERT(this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D || this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
return 4;
} else if (this.type == tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV) {
DE_ASSERT(this.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
return 8;
} else {
var numChannels;
var channelSize;
switch (this.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.R: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.A: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.I: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.L: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.LA: numChannels = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RG: numChannels = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RA: numChannels = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB: numChannels = 3; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA: numChannels = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.ARGB: numChannels = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.BGRA: numChannels = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGB: numChannels = 3; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGBA: numChannels = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: numChannels = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: numChannels = 2; break;
default: DE_ASSERT(false);
switch (this.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: channelSize = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: channelSize = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT32: channelSize = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: channelSize = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: channelSize = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT32: channelSize = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: channelSize = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: channelSize = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: channelSize = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: channelSize = 1; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: channelSize = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: channelSize = 4; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: channelSize = 2; break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: channelSize = 4; break;
default: DE_ASSERT(false);
return numChannels * channelSize;
* @enum
tcuTexture.CubeFace = {
* Renamed from ArrayBuffer due to name clash
* Wraps ArrayBuffer.
* @constructor
* @param {number=} numElements
tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer = function(numElements) {
if (numElements)
this.m_ptr = new ArrayBuffer(numElements);
* Set array size
* @param {number} numElements Size in bytes
tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer.prototype.setStorage = function(numElements) {
this.m_ptr = new ArrayBuffer(numElements);
* @return {number} Buffer size
tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer.prototype.size = function() {
if (this.m_ptr)
return this.m_ptr.byteLength;
return 0;
* Is the buffer empty (zero size)?
* @return {boolean}
tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer.prototype.empty = function() {
if (!this.m_ptr)
return true;
return this.size() == 0;
* @enum
* The values are negative to avoid conflict with channels 0 - 3
*/ = {
ZERO: -1,
ONE: -2
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelOrder} order
* @return {Array<Number|>}
tcuTexture.getChannelReadMap = function(order) {
switch (order) {
/*static const Channel INV[] = {,,, }; */
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.R: return [0,,,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.A: return [,,, 0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.I: return [0, 0, 0, 0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.L: return [0, 0, 0,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.LA: return [0, 0, 0, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RG: return [0, 1,,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RA: return [0,,, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB: return [0, 1, 2,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA: return [0, 1, 2, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.BGRA: return [2, 1, 0, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.ARGB: return [1, 2, 3, 0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGB: return [0, 1, 2,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGBA: return [0, 1, 2, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: return [0,,,];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: return [,,, 0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return [0,,, 1];
throw new Error('Unrecognized order ' + order);
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelOrder} order
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.getChannelWriteMap = function(order) {
switch (order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.R: return [0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.A: return [3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.I: return [0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.L: return [0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.LA: return [0, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RG: return [0, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RA: return [0, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB: return [0, 1, 2];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA: return [0, 1, 2, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.ARGB: return [3, 0, 1, 2];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.BGRA: return [2, 1, 0, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGB: return [0, 1, 2];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGBA: return [0, 1, 2, 3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: return [0];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: return [3];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return [0, 3];
throw new Error('Unrecognized order ' + order);
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.getChannelSize = function(type) {
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT32: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT32: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return 4;
throw new Error('Unrecognized type ' + deString.enumToString(tcuTexture.ChannelType, type));
* @param {number} src Source value
* @param {number} bits Source value size in bits
* @return {number} Normalized value
tcuTexture.channelToNormFloat = function(src, bits) {
var maxVal = (1 << bits) - 1;
return src / maxVal;
* @param {number} value Source value
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return {number} Source value converted to float
tcuTexture.channelToFloat = function(value, type) {
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: return Math.max(-1, value / 127);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: return Math.max(-1, value / 32767);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT32: return Math.max(-1, value / 2147483647);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: return value / 255;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: return value / 65535;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT32: return value / 4294967295;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return value;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return tcuFloat.halfFloatToNumber(value);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return value;
throw new Error('Unrecognized type ' + type);
* @param {number} value Source value
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return {number} Source value converted to int
tcuTexture.channelToInt = function(value, type) {
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return Math.round(tcuFloat.halfFloatToNumber(value));
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return Math.round(value);
return value;
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelOrder} order
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.getNumUsedChannels = function(order) {
switch (order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.R: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.A: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.I: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.L: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.LA: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RG: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RA: return 2;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB: return 3;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.ARGB: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.BGRA: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGB: return 3;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.sRGBA: return 4;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: return 1;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return 2;
throw new Error('Unrecognized order ' + order);
* @enum
tcuTexture.WrapMode = {
CLAMP_TO_EDGE: 0, //! Clamp to edge
CLAMP_TO_BORDER: 1, //! Use border color at edge
REPEAT_GL: 2, //! Repeat with OpenGL semantics
REPEAT_CL: 3, //! Repeat with OpenCL semantics
MIRRORED_REPEAT_GL: 4, //! Mirrored repeat with OpenGL semantics
MIRRORED_REPEAT_CL: 5 //! Mirrored repeat with OpenCL semantics
* @enum
tcuTexture.FilterMode = {
* @enum
tcuTexture.CompareMode = {
* @constructor
* @param {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} wrapS
* @param {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} wrapT
* @param {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} wrapR
* @param {!tcuTexture.FilterMode} minFilter
* @param {!tcuTexture.FilterMode} magFilter
* @param {number=} lodThreshold
* @param {boolean=} normalizedCoords
* @param {tcuTexture.CompareMode=} compare
* @param {number=} compareChannel
* @param {Array<number>=} borderColor
* @param {boolean=} seamlessCubeMap
tcuTexture.Sampler = function(wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, minFilter, magFilter, lodThreshold, normalizedCoords, compare, compareChannel, borderColor, seamlessCubeMap) {
/** @type {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} */ this.wrapS = wrapS;
/** @type {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} */ this.wrapT = wrapT;
/** @type {!tcuTexture.WrapMode} */ this.wrapR = wrapR;
/** @type {!tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ this.minFilter = minFilter;
/** @type {!tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ this.magFilter = magFilter;
this.lodThreshold = lodThreshold || 0;
this.normalizedCoords = normalizedCoords === undefined ? true : normalizedCoords;
/** @type {tcuTexture.CompareMode} */ = compare || tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_NONE;
this.compareChannel = compareChannel || 0;
this.borderColor = borderColor || [0, 0, 0, 0];
this.seamlessCubeMap = seamlessCubeMap || false;
* Special unnormalization for REPEAT_CL and MIRRORED_REPEAT_CL tcuTexture.wrap modes; otherwise ordinary unnormalization.
* @param {tcuTexture.WrapMode} mode
* @param {number} c Value to tcuTexture.unnormalize
* @param {number} size Unnormalized type size (integer)
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.unnormalize = function(mode, c, size) {
switch (mode) {
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE:
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER:
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.REPEAT_GL:
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.MIRRORED_REPEAT_GL: // Fall-through (ordinary case).
return size * c;
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.REPEAT_CL:
return size * (c - Math.floor(c));
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.MIRRORED_REPEAT_CL:
return size * Math.abs(c - 2 * deMath.rint(0.5 * c));
throw new Error('Unrecognized tcuTexture.wrap mode ' + mode);
* @param {tcuTexture.WrapMode} mode
* @param {number} c Source value (integer)
* @param {number} size Type size (integer)
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.wrap = function(mode, c, size) {
switch (mode) {
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER:
return deMath.clamp(c, -1, size);
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE:
return deMath.clamp(c, 0, size - 1);
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.REPEAT_GL:
return deMath.imod(c, size);
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.REPEAT_CL:
return deMath.imod(c, size);
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.MIRRORED_REPEAT_GL:
return (size - 1) - deMath.mirror(deMath.imod(c, 2 * size) - size);
case tcuTexture.WrapMode.MIRRORED_REPEAT_CL:
return deMath.clamp(c, 0, size - 1); // \note Actual mirroring done already in unnormalization function.
throw new Error('Unrecognized tcuTexture.wrap mode ' + mode);
* @param {number} cs
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.sRGBChannelToLinear = function(cs) {
if (cs <= 0.04045)
return cs / 12.92;
return Math.pow((cs + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
* Convert sRGB to linear colorspace
* @param {Array<number>} cs Vec4
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4
tcuTexture.sRGBToLinear = function(cs) {
return [
* Texel tcuTexture.lookup with color conversion.
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {number} i
* @param {number} j
* @param {number} k
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.lookup = function(access, i, j, k) {
var p = access.getPixel(i, j, k);
return access.getFormat().isSRGB() ? tcuTexture.sRGBToLinear(p) : p;
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {(number|Array<number>)} depthOrOffset depth (int) or offset (ivec3)
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleLinear2D = function(access, sampler, u, v, depthOrOffset) {
/** @type {number} */ var xOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var yOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var value;
if (Array.isArray(depthOrOffset)) {
xOffset = depthOrOffset[0];
yOffset = depthOrOffset[1];
value = depthOrOffset[2];
} else {
value = /** @type {number} */ (depthOrOffset);
* @param {Array<number>} p00
* @param {Array<number>} p10
* @param {Array<number>} p01
* @param {Array<number>} p11
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
var interpolateQuad = function(p00, p10, p01, p11, a, b) {
var s00 = (1 - a) * (1 - b);
var s10 = a * (1 - b);
var s01 = (1 - a) * b;
var s11 = a * b;
return [
(p00[0] * s00) + (p10[0] * s10) + (p01[0] * s01) + (p11[0] * s11),
(p00[1] * s00) + (p10[1] * s10) + (p01[1] * s01) + (p11[1] * s11),
(p00[2] * s00) + (p10[2] * s10) + (p01[2] * s01) + (p11[2] * s11),
(p00[3] * s00) + (p10[3] * s10) + (p01[3] * s01) + (p11[3] * s11)
var w = access.getWidth();
var h = access.getHeight();
var x0 = Math.floor(u - 0.5) + xOffset;
var x1 = x0 + 1;
var y0 = Math.floor(v - 0.5) + yOffset;
var y1 = y0 + 1;
var i0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x0, w);
var i1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x1, w);
var j0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y0, h);
var j1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y1, h);
var a = deMath.deFloatFrac(u - 0.5);
var b = deMath.deFloatFrac(v - 0.5);
var i0UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i0, 0, w);
var i1UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i1, 0, w);
var j0UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j0, 0, h);
var j1UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j1, 0, h);
// Border color for out-of-range coordinates if using CLAMP_TO_BORDER, otherwise execute lookups.
var p00 = (i0UseBorder || j0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j0, value);
var p10 = (i1UseBorder || j0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j0, value);
var p01 = (i0UseBorder || j1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j1, value);
var p11 = (i1UseBorder || j1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j1, value);
// Interpolate.
return interpolateQuad(p00, p10, p01, p11, a, b);
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {number} w
* @param {Array<number>=} offset
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleLinear3D = function(access, sampler, u, v, w, offset) {
* @param {Array<number>} p000
* @param {Array<number>} p100
* @param {Array<number>} p010
* @param {Array<number>} p110
* @param {Array<number>} p001
* @param {Array<number>} p101
* @param {Array<number>} p011
* @param {Array<number>} p111
* @param {number} a
* @param {number} b
* @param {number} c
var interpolateCube = function(p000, p100, p010, p110, p001, p101, p011, p111, a, b, c) {
var s000 = (1 - a) * (1 - b) * (1 - c);
var s100 = a * (1 - b) * (1 - c);
var s010 = (1 - a) * b * (1 - c);
var s110 = a * b * (1 - c);
var s001 = (1 - a) * (1 - b) * c;
var s101 = a * (1 - b) * c;
var s011 = (1 - a) * b * c;
var s111 = a * b * c;
return [
(p000[0] * s000) + (p100[0] * s100) + (p010[0] * s010) + (p110[0] * s110) + (p001[0] * s001) + (p101[0] * s101) + (p011[0] * s011) + (p111[0] * s111),
(p000[1] * s000) + (p100[1] * s100) + (p010[1] * s010) + (p110[1] * s110) + (p001[1] * s001) + (p101[1] * s101) + (p011[1] * s011) + (p111[1] * s111),
(p000[2] * s000) + (p100[2] * s100) + (p010[2] * s010) + (p110[2] * s110) + (p001[2] * s001) + (p101[2] * s101) + (p011[2] * s011) + (p111[2] * s111),
(p000[3] * s000) + (p100[3] * s100) + (p010[3] * s010) + (p110[3] * s110) + (p001[3] * s001) + (p101[3] * s101) + (p011[3] * s011) + (p111[3] * s111)
var width = access.getWidth();
var height = access.getHeight();
var depth = access.getDepth();
/** @type {number} */ var xOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var yOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var zOffset = 0;
if (offset !== undefined && offset.length === 3) {
xOffset = offset[0];
yOffset = offset[1];
zOffset = offset[2];
var x0 = Math.floor(u - 0.5) + xOffset;
var x1 = x0 + 1;
var y0 = Math.floor(v - 0.5) + yOffset;
var y1 = y0 + 1;
var z0 = Math.floor(w - 0.5) + zOffset;
var z1 = z0 + 1;
var i0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x0, width);
var i1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x1, width);
var j0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y0, height);
var j1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y1, height);
var k0 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapR, z0, depth);
var k1 = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapR, z1, depth);
var a = deMath.deFloatFrac(u - 0.5);
var b = deMath.deFloatFrac(v - 0.5);
var c = deMath.deFloatFrac(w - 0.5);
var i0UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i0, 0, width);
var i1UseBorder = sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(i1, 0, width);
var j0UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j0, 0, height);
var j1UseBorder = sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(j1, 0, height);
var k0UseBorder = sampler.wrapR == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(k0, 0, depth);
var k1UseBorder = sampler.wrapR == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(k1, 0, depth);
// Border color for out-of-range coordinates if using CLAMP_TO_BORDER, otherwise execute lookups.
var p000 = (i0UseBorder || j0UseBorder || k0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j0, k0);
var p100 = (i1UseBorder || j0UseBorder || k0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j0, k0);
var p010 = (i0UseBorder || j1UseBorder || k0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j1, k0);
var p110 = (i1UseBorder || j1UseBorder || k0UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j1, k0);
var p001 = (i0UseBorder || j0UseBorder || k1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j0, k1);
var p101 = (i1UseBorder || j0UseBorder || k1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j0, k1);
var p011 = (i0UseBorder || j1UseBorder || k1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i0, j1, k1);
var p111 = (i1UseBorder || j1UseBorder || k1UseBorder) ? sampler.borderColor : tcuTexture.lookup(access, i1, j1, k1);
// Interpolate.
return interpolateCube(p000, p100, p010, p110, p001, p101, p011, p111, a, b, c);
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {(number|Array<number>)} depthOrOffset depth (integer) or offset (ivec3)
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleNearest2D = function(access, sampler, u, v, depthOrOffset) {
/** @type {number} */ var xOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var yOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var value;
if (Array.isArray(depthOrOffset)) {
xOffset = depthOrOffset[0];
yOffset = depthOrOffset[1];
value = depthOrOffset[2];
} else {
value = /** @type {number} */ (depthOrOffset);
var width = access.getWidth();
var height = access.getHeight();
var x = Math.floor(u) + xOffset;
var y = Math.floor(v) + yOffset;
// Check for CLAMP_TO_BORDER.
if ((sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, width)) ||
(sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, height)))
return sampler.borderColor;
var i = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x, width);
var j = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y, height);
return tcuTexture.lookup(access, i, j, value);
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} access
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {number} w
* @param {Array<number>=} offset
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleNearest3D = function(access, sampler, u, v, w, offset) {
var width = access.getWidth();
var height = access.getHeight();
var depth = access.getDepth();
/** @type {number} */ var xOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var yOffset = 0;
/** @type {number} */ var zOffset = 0;
if (offset !== undefined && offset.length === 3) {
xOffset = offset[0];
yOffset = offset[1];
zOffset = offset[2];
var x = Math.floor(u) + xOffset;
var y = Math.floor(v) + yOffset;
var z = Math.floor(w) + zOffset;
// Check for CLAMP_TO_BORDER.
if ((sampler.wrapS == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, width)) ||
(sampler.wrapT == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, height)) ||
(sampler.wrapR == tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER && !deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, depth)))
return sampler.borderColor;
var i = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapS, x, width);
var j = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapT, y, height);
var k = tcuTexture.wrap(sampler.wrapR, z, depth);
return tcuTexture.lookup(access, i, j, k);
* @param {Array<number>} color Vec4 color
* @return {number} The color in packed 32 bit format
tcuTexture.packRGB999E5 = function(color) {
/** @const */ var mBits = 9;
/** @const */ var eBits = 5;
/** @const */ var eBias = 15;
/** @const */ var eMax = (1 << eBits) - 1;
/** @const */ var maxVal = (((1 << mBits) - 1) * (1 << (eMax - eBias))) / (1 << mBits);
var rc = deMath.clamp(color[0], 0, maxVal);
var gc = deMath.clamp(color[1], 0, maxVal);
var bc = deMath.clamp(color[2], 0, maxVal);
var maxc = Math.max(rc, gc, bc);
var expp = Math.max(-eBias - 1, Math.floor(Math.log2(maxc))) + 1 + eBias;
var e = Math.pow(2, expp - eBias - mBits);
var maxs = Math.floor(maxc / e + 0.5);
var exps = maxs == (1 << mBits) ? expp + 1 : expp;
var rs = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(rc / e + 0.5), 0, (1 << 9) - 1);
var gs = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(gc / e + 0.5), 0, (1 << 9) - 1);
var bs = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(bc / e + 0.5), 0, (1 << 9) - 1);
DE_ASSERT((exps & ~((1 << 5) - 1)) == 0);
DE_ASSERT((rs & ~((1 << 9) - 1)) == 0);
DE_ASSERT((gs & ~((1 << 9) - 1)) == 0);
DE_ASSERT((bs & ~((1 << 9) - 1)) == 0);
return rs | (gs << 9) | (bs << 18) | (exps << 27);
* @param {number} color Color in packed 32 bit format
* @return {Array<number>} The color in unpacked format
tcuTexture.unpackRGB999E5 = function(color) {
var mBits = 9;
var eBias = 15;
var exp = (color >> 27) & ((1 << 5) - 1);
var bs = (color >> 18) & ((1 << 9) - 1);
var gs = (color >> 9) & ((1 << 9) - 1);
var rs = color & ((1 << 9) - 1);
var e = Math.pow(2, (exp - eBias - mBits));
var r = rs * e;
var g = gs * e;
var b = bs * e;
return [r, g, b, 1];
* \brief Read-only pixel data access
* tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess encapsulates pixel data pointer along with
* format and layout information. It can be used for read-only access
* to arbitrary pixel buffers.
* Access objects are like iterators or pointers. They can be passed around
* as values and are valid as long as the storage doesn't change.
* @constructor
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess = function(descriptor) {
if (descriptor) {
this.m_offset = descriptor.offset || 0;
this.m_format = descriptor.format || new tcuTexture.TextureFormat(tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA, tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT);
this.m_width = descriptor.width;
this.m_height = descriptor.height;
if (descriptor.depth)
this.m_depth = descriptor.depth;
this.m_depth = 1;
this.m_data =;
if (descriptor.rowPitch)
this.m_rowPitch = descriptor.rowPitch;
this.m_rowPitch = this.m_width * this.m_format.getPixelSize();
if (descriptor.slicePitch)
this.m_slicePitch = descriptor.slicePitch;
this.m_slicePitch = this.m_rowPitch * this.m_height;
if (this.m_format.isEqual(new tcuTexture.TextureFormat(
tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGBA, tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8)))
this.m_rgba8View = new tcuTexture.RGBA8View(this);
else if (this.m_format.isEqual(new tcuTexture.TextureFormat(
tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.RGB, tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8)))
this.m_rgb8View = new tcuTexture.RGBA8View(this);
this.m_dataPtrType = null;
this.m_dataPtr = null;
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.toString = function() {
var str = 'BufferAccess(format: ' + this.m_format +
', width: ' + this.m_width +
', height: ' + this.m_height;
if (this.m_depth > 1)
str += ', depth: ' + this.m_depth;
if (this.m_rowPitch != this.m_width * this.m_format.getPixelSize())
str += ', row pitch: ' + this.m_rowPitch;
if (this.m_slicePitch != this.m_rowPitch * this.m_height)
str += ', slice pitch: ' + this.m_slicePitch;
if (this.m_offset > 0)
str += ', offset: ' + this.m_offset;
str += ')';
return str;
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getDataSize = function() { return this.m_depth * this.m_slicePitch; };
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.m_width == 0 || this.m_height == 0 || this.m_depth == 0; };
/** @return {goog.TypedArray} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getDataPtr = function() {
if (this.m_dataPtrType != this.m_format.type) {
this.m_dataPtrType = this.m_format.type;
var arrayType = tcuTexture.getTypedArray(this.m_format.type);
this.m_dataPtr = new arrayType(this.m_data, this.m_offset);
return this.m_dataPtr;
/** @return {ArrayBuffer} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this.m_data;
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getRowPitch = function() { return this.m_rowPitch; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_width; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_height; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getDepth = function() { return this.m_depth; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getSlicePitch = function() { return this.m_slicePitch; };
/** @return {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} */
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getFormat = function() { return this.m_format; };
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
* @return {number} stencil value
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getPixStencil = function(x, y, z) {
z = z || 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: return (pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] >> 8) & 0xff;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] & 0xff;
return 0;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV:
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
var u32array = new Uint32Array(this.m_data, offset + this.m_offset + 4, 1);
return u32array[0] & 0xff;
default: {
if (this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S)
return tcuTexture.channelToInt(pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset], this.m_format.type);
else {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
var stencilChannelIndex = 3;
return tcuTexture.channelToInt(pixelPtr[stencilChannelIndex + pixelPtrOffset], this.m_format.type);
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getPixDepth = function(x, y, z) {
if (z == null)
z = 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var ub = function(pixel, offset, count) {
return (pixel >> offset) & ((1 << count) - 1);
var nb = function(pixel, offset, count) {
return tcuTexture.channelToNormFloat(ub(pixel, offset, count), count);
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: // fall-through
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS:
return nb(pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset], 8, 24);
throw new Error('Unsupported order ' + this.m_format.order);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
return pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset];
default: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D || this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
return tcuTexture.channelToFloat(pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset], this.m_format.type);
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel value as Vec4
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getPixel = function(x, y, z) {
z = z || 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
return this._getPixelInternal(Math.round(x), Math.round(y), Math.round(z));
// NOTE: getPixel has been broken into getPixel, _getPixelInternal, and _getPixelPacked
// because having them combined previously was causing V8 depots
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype._getPixelInternal = function(x, y, z) {
// Quick paths
if (z == 0) {
if (this.m_rgba8View) {
var color =, y, 4);
color[0] /= 255;
color[1] /= 255;
color[2] /= 255;
color[3] /= 255;
return color;
} else if (this.m_rgb8View) {
var color =, y, 3);
color[0] /= 255;
color[1] /= 255;
color[2] /= 255;
color[3] = 1;
return color;
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
return this._getPixelPacked(pixelPtr, pixelPtrOffset);
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype._getPixelPacked = (function() {
var ub = function(pixel, offset, count) {
return (pixel >> offset) & ((1 << count) - 1);
var nb = function(pixel, offset, count) {
var maxVal = (1 << count) - 1;
return ((pixel >> offset) & ((1 << count) - 1)) / maxVal;
var f11 = tcuFloat.float11ToNumber;
var f10 = tcuFloat.float10ToNumber;
return function tcuTexture_ConstPixelBufferAccess_getPixelPacked(pixelPtr, pixelPtrOffset) {
var pixel = pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset];
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: return [nb(pixel, 11, 5), nb(pixel, 5, 6), nb(pixel, 0, 5), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: return [nb(pixel, 10, 5), nb(pixel, 5, 5), nb(pixel, 0, 5), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: return [nb(pixel, 12, 4), nb(pixel, 8, 4), nb(pixel, 4, 4), nb(pixel, 0, 4)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: return [nb(pixel, 11, 5), nb(pixel, 6, 5), nb(pixel, 1, 5), nb(pixel, 0, 1)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: return [nb(pixel, 22, 10), nb(pixel, 12, 10), nb(pixel, 2, 10), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: return [nb(pixel, 0, 10), nb(pixel, 10, 10), nb(pixel, 20, 10), nb(pixel, 30, 2)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: return [ub(pixel, 0, 10), ub(pixel, 10, 10), ub(pixel, 20, 10), ub(pixel, 30, 2)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV: return tcuTexture.unpackRGB999E5(pixel);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
// \note Stencil is always ignored.
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: return [nb(pixel, 8, 24), 0, 0, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return [nb(pixel, 8, 24), 0, 0, 1 /* (float)ub(0, 8) */];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
// \note Stencil is ignored.
return [pixel, 0, 0, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV: {
return [f11(ub(pixel, 0, 11)), f11(ub(pixel, 11, 11)), f10(ub(pixel, 22, 10)), 1];
// Generic path.
var result = [0, 0, 0, 0];
var channelMap = tcuTexture.getChannelReadMap(this.m_format.order);
var channelSize = tcuTexture.getChannelSize(this.m_format.type);
for (var c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
var map = channelMap[c];
if (map ==
result[c] = 0;
else if (map ==
result[c] = 1;
result[c] = tcuTexture.channelToFloat(pixelPtr[map + pixelPtrOffset], this.m_format.type);
return result;
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel value as Vec4
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.getPixelInt = function(x, y, z) {
z = z || 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
// Quick paths
if (z == 0) {
if (this.m_rgba8View)
return, y, 4);
else if (this.m_rgb8View)
return, y, 3);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var pixel = pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset];
var ub = function(pixel, offset, count) {
return (pixel >> offset) & ((1 << count) - 1);
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: return [ub(pixel, 11, 5), ub(pixel, 5, 6), ub(pixel, 0, 5), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: return [ub(pixel, 10, 5), ub(pixel, 5, 5), ub(pixel, 0, 5), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: return [ub(pixel, 12, 4), ub(pixel, 8, 4), ub(pixel, 4, 4), ub(pixel, 0, 4)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: return [ub(pixel, 11, 5), ub(pixel, 6, 5), ub(pixel, 1, 5), ub(pixel, 0, 1)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: return [ub(pixel, 22, 10), ub(pixel, 12, 10), ub(pixel, 2, 10), 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: return [ub(pixel, 0, 10), ub(pixel, 10, 10), ub(pixel, 20, 10), ub(pixel, 30, 2)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: return [ub(pixel, 0, 10), ub(pixel, 10, 10), ub(pixel, 20, 10), ub(pixel, 30, 2)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: return [ub(pixel, 8, 24), 0, 0, 1];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: return [0, 0, 0, ub(pixel, 8, 24)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: return [ub(pixel, 8, 24), 0, 0, ub(pixel, 0, 8)];
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
var u32array = new Uint32Array(this.m_data, this.m_offset + offset + 4, 1);
return [pixel, 0, 0, ub(u32array[0], 0, 8)];
// Generic path.
var result = [];
result.length = 4;
var channelMap = tcuTexture.getChannelReadMap(this.m_format.order);
var channelSize = tcuTexture.getChannelSize(this.m_format.type);
for (var c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
var map = channelMap[c];
if (map ==
result[c] = 0;
else if (map ==
result[c] = 1;
result[c] = tcuTexture.channelToInt(pixelPtr[map + pixelPtrOffset], this.m_format.type);
return result;
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {?tcuTexture.FilterMode} filter
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} depth (integer)
* @return {Array<number>} Sample color
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.sample2D = function(sampler, filter, s, t, depth) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(depth, 0, this.m_depth));
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, this.m_width);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, this.m_height);
switch (filter) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return tcuTexture.sampleNearest2D(this, sampler, u, v, depth);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return tcuTexture.sampleLinear2D(this, sampler, u, v, depth);
throw new Error('Invalid filter:' + filter);
throw new Error('Unimplemented');
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {?tcuTexture.FilterMode} filter
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>} Sample color
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.sample2DOffset = function(sampler, filter, s, t, offset) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(offset[2], 0, this.m_depth));
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, this.m_width);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, this.m_height);
switch (filter) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return tcuTexture.sampleNearest2D(this, sampler, u, v, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return tcuTexture.sampleLinear2D(this, sampler, u, v, offset);
throw new Error('Invalid filter:' + filter);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {?tcuTexture.FilterMode} filter
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} r
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>} Sample color
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.sample3DOffset = function(sampler, filter, s, t, r, offset) {
// Non-normalized coordinates.
/** @type {number} */ var u = s;
/** @type {number} */ var v = t;
/** @type {number} */ var w = r;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, this.m_width);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, this.m_height);
w = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapR, r, this.m_depth);
switch (filter) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return tcuTexture.sampleNearest3D(this, sampler, u, v, w, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return tcuTexture.sampleLinear3D(this, sampler, u, v, w, offset);
throw new Error('Invalid filter:' + filter);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {tcuTexture.FilterMode} filter
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.sample2DCompare = function(sampler, filter, ref, s, t, offset) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(offset[2], 0, this.m_depth));
// Format information for comparison function
var isFixedPointDepth = tcuTexture.isFixedPointDepthTextureFormat(this.m_format);
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, this.m_width);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, this.m_height);
switch (filter) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return tcuTexture.execCompare(tcuTexture.sampleNearest2D(this, sampler, u, v, offset),, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepth);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return tcuTexture.sampleLinear2DCompare(this, sampler, ref, u, v, offset, isFixedPointDepth);
return 0.0;
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {tcuTexture.FilterMode} filter
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} r
* @return {Array<number>} Sample color
tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype.sample3D = function(sampler, filter, s, t, r) {
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
var w = r;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, this.m_width);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, this.m_height);
w = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapR, r, this.m_depth);
switch (filter) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return tcuTexture.sampleNearest3D(this, sampler, u, v, w);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return tcuTexture.sampleLinear3D(this, sampler, u, v, w);
throw new Error('Invalid filter:' + filter);
throw new Error('Unimplemented');
/* TODO: do we need any of these? */ {
// template<typename T>
// Vector<T, 4> getPixelT (int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
// Vec4 sample3D (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, tcuTexture.tcuTexture.Sampler.tcuTexture.FilterMode filter, float s, float t, float r) const;
// Vec4 sample2DOffset (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, tcuTexture.Sampler::tcuTexture.FilterMode filter, float s, float t, const IVec3& offset) const;
// Vec4 sample3DOffset (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, tcuTexture.Sampler::tcuTexture.FilterMode filter, float s, float t, float r, const IVec3& offset) const;
// float sample2DCompare (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, tcuTexture.Sampler::tcuTexture.FilterMode filter, float ref, float s, float t, const IVec3& offset) const;
/** Common type limits
tcuTexture.deTypes = {
deInt8: {min: -(1 << 7), max: (1 << 7) - 1},
deInt16: {min: -(1 << 15), max: (1 << 15) - 1},
deInt32: {min: -2147483648, max: 2147483647},
deUint8: {min: 0, max: (1 << 8) - 1},
deUint16: {min: 0, max: (1 << 16) - 1},
deUint32: {min: 0, max: 4294967295}
* Round to even and saturate
* @param {{max: number, min: number}} deType from tcuTexture.deTypes
* @param {number} value
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.convertSatRte = function(deType, value) {
var minVal = deType.min;
var maxVal = deType.max;
var floor = Math.floor(value);
var frac = value - floor;
if (frac == 0.5) {
if (floor % 2 != 0)
floor += 1;
} else if (frac > 0.5) {
floor += 1;
return Math.max(minVal, Math.min(maxVal, floor));
* Saturate value to type range
* @param { {max: number, min: number}} deType from tcuTexture.deTypes
* @param {number} src
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.convertSat = function(deType, src) {
var minVal = deType.min;
var maxVal = deType.max;
if (src < minVal)
return minVal;
else if (src > maxVal)
return maxVal;
return src;
* @param {number} src Input integer value
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.intToChannel = function(src, type) {
var dst;
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt8, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt16, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint8, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint16, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt8, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt16, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt32, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint8, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint16, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: dst = tcuTexture.convertSat(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint32, src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: dst = tcuFloat.numberToHalfFloat(src); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: dst = src; break;
throw new Error('Unrecognized type: ' + type);
return dst;
* @param {number} src
* @param {number} bits
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.normFloatToChannel = function(src, bits) {
var maxVal = (1 << bits) - 1;
var intVal = tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint32, src * maxVal);
return Math.min(maxVal, intVal);
* @param {number} src
* @param {number} bits
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.uintToChannel = function(src, bits) {
var maxVal = (1 << bits) - 1;
return Math.min(maxVal, src);
* @param {number} src
* @param {tcuTexture.ChannelType} type
* @return {number} Converted src color value
tcuTexture.floatToChannel = function(src, type) {
switch (type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT8: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt8, src * 127);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT16: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt16, src * 32767);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SNORM_INT32: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt32, src * 2147483647);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT8: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint8, src * 255);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT16: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint16, src * 65535);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT32: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint32, src * 4294967295);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT8: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt8, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT16: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt16, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.SIGNED_INT32: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deInt32, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT8: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint8, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT16: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint16, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT32: return tcuTexture.convertSatRte(tcuTexture.deTypes.deUint32, src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.HALF_FLOAT: return tcuFloat.numberToHalfFloat(src);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT: return src;
throw new Error('Unrecognized type ' + type);
* \brief Read-write pixel data access
* This class extends read-only access object by providing write functionality.
* \note tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess may not have any data members nor add any
* virtual functions. It must be possible to reinterpret_cast<>
* tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess to tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess = function(descriptor) {, descriptor);
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype = Object.create(tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess.prototype);
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.constructor = tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess;
* @param {Array<number>} color Vec4 color to set
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.setPixel = function(color, x, y, z) {
z = z || 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
this._setPixelInternal(color, Math.round(x), Math.round(y), Math.round(z));
// NOTE: setPixel has been broken into setPixel, _setPixelInternal, and _setPixelPacked
// because having them combined previously was causing V8 depots
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype._setPixelInternal = function(color, x, y, z) {
// Quick paths
if (z == 0) {
if (this.m_rgba8View) {
color = deMath.toIVec(color);
this.m_rgba8View.write(x, y, color, 4);
} else if (this.m_rgb8View) {
color = deMath.toIVec(color);
this.m_rgb8View.write(x, y, color, 3);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
return this._setPixelPacked(color, pixelPtr, pixelPtrOffset);
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype._setPixelPacked = (function () {
var pn = function(val, offs, bits) {
return tcuTexture.normFloatToChannel(val, bits) << offs;
var pu = function(val, offs, bits) {
return tcuTexture.uintToChannel(val, bits) << offs;
return function tcuTexture_PixelBufferAccess_setPixelPacked(color, pixelPtr, pixelPtrOffset) {
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 11, 5) | pn(color[1], 5, 6) | pn(color[2], 0, 5); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 10, 5) | pn(color[1], 5, 5) | pn(color[2], 0, 5); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 12, 4) | pn(color[1], 8, 4) | pn(color[2], 4, 4) | pn(color[3], 0, 4); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 11, 5) | pn(color[1], 6, 5) | pn(color[2], 1, 5) | pn(color[3], 0, 1); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 22, 10) | pn(color[1], 12, 10) | pn(color[2], 2, 10); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 0, 10) | pn(color[1], 10, 10) | pn(color[2], 20, 10) | pn(color[3], 30, 2); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 0, 10) | pu(color[1], 10, 10) | pu(color[2], 20, 10) | pu(color[3], 30, 2); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_999_E5_REV: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.packRGB999E5(color); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
// \note Stencil is always ignored.
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[3], 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(color[0], 8, 24) | pu(color[3], 0, 8); break;
throw new Error('Unsupported order ' + this.m_format.order);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = color[0];
var u32array = new Uint32Array(this.m_data, (pixelPtrOffset * pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) + this.m_offset + 4, 1);
u32array[0] = pu(color[3], 0, 8);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_11F_11F_10F_REV: {
var f11 = function(value) {
return tcuFloat.numberToFloat11(value);
var f10 = function(value) {
return tcuFloat.numberToFloat10(value);
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = f11(color[0]) | (f11(color[1]) << 11) | (f10(color[2]) << 22);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT:
if (this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D) {
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = color[0];
// else fall-through to default case!
default: {
// Generic path.
var numChannels = tcuTexture.getNumUsedChannels(this.m_format.order);
var map = tcuTexture.getChannelWriteMap(this.m_format.order);
for (var c = 0; c < numChannels; c++)
pixelPtr[c + pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.floatToChannel(color[map[c]], this.m_format.type);
* @param {Array<number>} color Vec4 color to set (unnormalized)
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.setPixelInt = function(color, x, y, z) {
z = z || 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
// Quick paths
if (z == 0) {
if (this.m_rgba8View) {
this.m_rgba8View.write(x, y, color, 4);
} else if (this.m_rgb8View) {
this.m_rgb8View.write(x, y, color, 3);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var pu = function(val, offs, bits) {
return tcuTexture.uintToChannel(val, bits) << offs;
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_565: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 11, 5) | pu(color[1], 5, 6) | pu(color[2], 0, 5); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_555: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 10, 5) | pu(color[1], 5, 5) | pu(color[2], 0, 5); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_4444: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 12, 4) | pu(color[1], 8, 4) | pu(color[2], 4, 4) | pu(color[3], 0, 4); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_SHORT_5551: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 11, 5) | pu(color[1], 6, 5) | pu(color[2], 1, 5) | pu(color[3], 0, 1); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_101010: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 22, 10) | pu(color[1], 12, 10) | pu(color[2], 2, 10); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNORM_INT_1010102_REV: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 0, 10) | pu(color[1], 10, 10) | pu(color[2], 20, 10) | pu(color[3], 30, 2); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_1010102_REV: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 0, 10) | pu(color[1], 10, 10) | pu(color[2], 20, 10) | pu(color[3], 30, 2); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
// \note Stencil is always ignored.
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[3], 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[0], 8, 24) | pu(color[3], 0, 8); break;
throw new Error('Unsupported order ' + this.m_format.order);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = color[0];
var u32array = new Uint32Array(this.m_data, offset + this.m_offset + 4, 1);
u32array[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(color[3], 0, 8);
default: {
// Generic path.
var numChannels = tcuTexture.getNumUsedChannels(this.m_format.order);
var map = tcuTexture.getChannelWriteMap(this.m_format.order);
for (var c = 0; c < numChannels; c++)
pixelPtr[c + pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.intToChannel(color[map[c]], this.m_format.type);
* @param {Array<number>=} color Vec4 color to set, optional.
* @param {Array<number>=} x Range in x axis, optional.
* @param {Array<number>=} y Range in y axis, optional.
* @param {Array<number>=} z Range in z axis, optional.
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.clear = function(color, x, y, z) {
var c = color || [0, 0, 0, 0];
var arrayType = tcuTexture.getTypedArray(this.m_format.type);
var range_x = x || [0, this.m_width];
var range_y = y || [0, this.m_height];
var range_z = z || [0, this.m_depth];
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var numElements = pixelSize / arrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var width = range_x[1] - range_x[0];
var height = range_y[1] - range_y[0];
var depth = range_z[1] - range_z[0];
if (x === undefined && y === undefined && z === undefined &&
c[0] == 0 && c[1] == 0 && c[2] == 0 && c[3] == 0) {
var pixelPtr = new arrayType(this.m_data, this.m_offset);
//copy first pixel over other pixels in the row
var fillRow = function(pixelPtr, numElements, width) {
for (var i = 1; i < width; i++)
for (var c = 0; c < numElements; c++)
pixelPtr[i * numElements + c] = pixelPtr[c];
// copy first row to other rows in all planes
var fillPlanes = function(buffer, arrayType, src, offset, rowStride, planeStride, width, height, depth) {
for (var j = 0; j < depth; j++)
for (var i = (j == 0 ? 1 : 0); i < height; i++) {
var dst = new arrayType(buffer, offset + i * rowStride + j * planeStride, width);
this.setPixel(c, range_x[0], range_y[0], range_z[0]);
var offset = range_z[0] * this.m_slicePitch + range_y[0] * this.m_rowPitch + range_x[0] * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = new arrayType(this.m_data, offset + this.m_offset, width * numElements);
fillRow(pixelPtr, numElements, width);
fillPlanes(this.m_data, arrayType, pixelPtr, offset + this.m_offset, this.m_rowPitch, this.m_slicePitch, width * numElements, height, depth);
* @param {number} depth to set
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.setPixDepth = function(depth, x, y, z) {
if (z == null)
z = 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var pn = function(val, offs, bits) {
return tcuTexture.normFloatToChannel(val, bits) << offs;
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(depth, 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pn(depth, 8, 24) | (pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] & 0xFF); break;
throw new Error('Unsupported order ' + this.m_format.order);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = depth;
default: {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.D || this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.floatToChannel(depth, this.m_format.type);
* @param {number} stencil to set
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} z
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.prototype.setPixStencil = function(stencil, x, y, z) {
if (z == null)
z = 0;
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(x, 0, this.m_width));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(y, 0, this.m_height));
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(z, 0, this.m_depth));
// Make sure that the position is 'integer'
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
z = Math.round(z);
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
var offset = z * this.m_slicePitch + y * this.m_rowPitch + x * pixelSize;
var pixelPtr = this.getDataPtr();
var pixelPtrOffset = offset / pixelPtr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
var pu = function(val, offs, bits) {
return tcuTexture.uintToChannel(val, bits) << offs;
// Packed formats.
switch (this.m_format.type) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8:
switch (this.m_format.order) {
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(stencil, 8, 24); break;
case tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS: pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = pu(stencil, 0, 8) | (pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] & 0xFFFFFF00); break;
throw new Error('Unsupported order ' + this.m_format.order);
case tcuTexture.ChannelType.FLOAT_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV: {
var u32array = new Uint32Array(this.m_data, this.m_offset + offset + 4, 1);
u32array[0] = pu(stencil, 0, 8);
default: {
if (this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.S)
pixelPtr[pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.floatToChannel(stencil, this.m_format.type);
else {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_format.order == tcuTexture.ChannelOrder.DS);
pixelPtr[3 + pixelPtrOffset] = tcuTexture.floatToChannel(stencil, this.m_format.type);
* newFromTextureLevel
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureLevel} level
* @return {tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.newFromTextureLevel = function(level) {
var descriptor = new Object();
descriptor.format = level.getFormat();
descriptor.width = level.getWidth();
descriptor.height = level.getHeight();
descriptor.depth = level.m_depth; = level.m_data.m_ptr;
return new tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess(descriptor);
* newFromTextureFormat
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {number} depth
* @param {number} rowPitch
* @param {number} slicePitch
* @param {ArrayBuffer} data
tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess.newFromTextureFormat = function(format, width, height, depth, rowPitch, slicePitch, data) {
var descriptor = new Object();
descriptor.format = format;
descriptor.width = width;
descriptor.height = height;
descriptor.depth = depth;
descriptor.rowPitch = rowPitch;
descriptor.slicePitch = slicePitch; = data;
return new tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess(descriptor);
/* TODO: Port */
// {
// public:
// tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess (void) {}
// tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess (const tcuTexture.TextureFormat& format, int width, int height, int depth, void* data);
// void* getDataPtr (void) const { return m_data; }
// void setPixels (const void* buf, int bufSize) const;
// void setPixel (const tcu::Vec4& color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
// void setPixel (const tcu::IVec4& color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
// void setPixel (const tcu::UVec4& color, int x, int y, int z = 0) const { setPixel(color.cast<int>(), x, y, z); }
// void setPixDepth (float depth, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
// void setPixStencil (int stencil, int x, int y, int z = 0) const;
// };
* @constructor
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} numLevels
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid = function(format, numLevels) {
/* tcuTexture.TextureFormat */this.m_format = format;
/* LevelData */ this.m_data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numLevels; i++)
this.m_data.push(new tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer());
/* {Array<tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess>} */ this.m_access = [];
this.m_access.length = numLevels;
/** @return {boolean} */
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.isLevelEmpty = function(levelNdx) { return this.m_data[levelNdx].empty(); };
/** @return {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} */
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.getFormat = function() { return this.m_format; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_access.length; };
/** @return {tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess} */
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.getLevel = function(ndx) { return this.m_access[ndx]; };
/** @return {Array<tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess>} */
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.getLevels = function() { return this.m_access; };
* @param {number} levelNdx
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {number} depth
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.allocLevel = function(levelNdx, width, height, depth) {
var size = this.m_format.getPixelSize() * width * height * depth;
this.m_access[levelNdx] = new tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess({
format: this.m_format,
width: width,
height: height,
depth: depth,
data: this.m_data[levelNdx].m_ptr
tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype.clearLevel = function(levelNdx) {
/* TODO: Implement */
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} depth (integer)
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2D = function(levels, numLevels, sampler, s, t, depth, lod) {
// z-offset in 2D textures is layer selector
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DOffset(levels, numLevels, sampler, [s, t], lod, [0, 0, depth]);
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} r
* @param {number} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Vec4 pixel color
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray3D = function(levels, numLevels, sampler, s, t, r, lod) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray3DOffset(levels, numLevels, sampler, s, t, r, lod, [0, 0, 0]);
* @constructor
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {Array<number>} coords
tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords = function(face, coords) {
this.face = face;
this.s = coords[0];
this.t = coords[1];
* \brief 2D Texture View
* @constructor
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {?Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
tcuTexture.Texture2DView = function(numLevels, levels) {
this.m_numLevels = numLevels;
this.m_levels = levels;
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_numLevels; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0; };
* @param {number} ndx
* @return {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getLevel = function(ndx) { DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(ndx, 0, this.m_numLevels)); return this.m_levels[ndx]; };
/** @return {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getLevels = function() { return this.m_levels; };
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* return {tcuTexture.Texture2DView}
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) {
var clampedBase = deMath.clamp(baseLevel, 0, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var clampedMax = deMath.clamp(maxLevel, clampedBase, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var numLevels = clampedMax - clampedBase + 1;
return new tcuTexture.Texture2DView(numLevels, this.m_levels.slice(clampedBase, numLevels));
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.sample = function(sampler, texCoord, lod) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2D(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], 0 /* depth */, lod);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.sampleOffset = function(sampler, texCoord, lod, offset) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DOffset(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord, lod, [offset[0], offset[1], 0]);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.sampleCompare = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, ref, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], lod, [0, 0, 0]);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.Texture2DView.prototype.sampleCompareOffset = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod, offset) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, ref, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], lod, [offset[0], offset[1], 0]);
/* TODO: Port
Vec4 sample (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float s, float t, float lod) const;
Vec4 sampleOffset (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2& offset) const;
float sampleCompare (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod) const;
float sampleCompareOffset (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float ref, float s, float t, float lod, const IVec2& offset) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsets (const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float s, float t, int componentNdx, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
Vec4 gatherOffsetsCompare(const tcuTexture.Sampler& sampler, float ref, float s, float t, const IVec2 (&offsets)[4]) const;
* @constructor
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView = function(numLevels, levels) {
this.m_numLevels = numLevels;
this.m_levels = levels;
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_numLevels; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getNumLayers = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getDepth() : 0; };
* @param {number} ndx
* @return {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getLevel = function(ndx) { DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(ndx, 0, this.m_numLevels)); return this.m_levels[ndx]; };
/** @return {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.getLevels = function() { return this.m_levels; };
* @param {number} r
* @return {number} layer corresponding to requested sampling 'r' coordinate
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.selectLayer = function(r) {
DE_ASSERT(this.m_numLevels > 0 && this.m_levels);
return deMath.clamp(Math.round(r), 0, this.m_levels[0].getDepth() - 1);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.sample = function(sampler, texCoord, lod) {
lod = lod || 0;
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2D(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], this.selectLayer(texCoord[2]), lod);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.sampleOffset = function(sampler, texCoord, lod, offset) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DOffset(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord, lod, [offset[0], offset[1], this.selectLayer(texCoord[2])]);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.sampleCompareOffset = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod, offset) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, ref, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], lod, [offset[0], offset[1], this.selectLayer(texCoord[2])]);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView.prototype.sampleCompare = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, ref, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], lod, [0, 0, this.selectLayer(texCoord[2])]);
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DOffset = function(levels, numLevels, sampler, texCoord, lod, offset) {
/** @type {boolean} */ var magnified = lod <= sampler.lodThreshold;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var filterMode = magnified ? sampler.magFilter : sampler.minFilter;
/** @type {number} */ var maxLevel;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var levelFilter;
switch (filterMode) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return levels[0].sample2DOffset(sampler, filterMode, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return levels[0].sample2DOffset(sampler, filterMode, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
/** @type {number} */ var level = deMath.clamp(Math.ceil(lod + 0.5) - 1, 0, maxLevel);
levelFilter = (filterMode === tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
return levels[level].sample2DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
/** @type {number} */ var level0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(lod), 0, maxLevel);
/** @type {number} */ var level1 = Math.min(maxLevel, level0 + 1);
levelFilter = (filterMode === tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
/** @type {number} */ var f = deMath.deFloatFrac(lod);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var t0 = levels[level0].sample2DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], offset);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var t1 = levels[level1].sample2DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], offset);
return deMath.add(deMath.scale(t0, (1.0 - f)), deMath.scale(t1, f));
return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
* @constructor
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
tcuTexture.Texture3DView = function(numLevels, levels) {
this.m_numLevels = numLevels;
this.m_levels = levels;
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_numLevels; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getWidth() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getHeight() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getDepth = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0].getDepth() : 0; };
* @param {number} ndx
* @return {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getLevel = function(ndx) { DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(ndx, 0, this.m_numLevels)); return this.m_levels[ndx]; };
/** @return {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getLevels = function() { return this.m_levels; };
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* return {tcuTexture.Texture3DView}
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) {
var clampedBase = deMath.clamp(baseLevel, 0, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var clampedMax = deMath.clamp(maxLevel, clampedBase, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var numLevels = clampedMax - clampedBase + 1;
return new tcuTexture.Texture3DView(numLevels, this.m_levels.slice(clampedBase, numLevels));
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.sample = function(sampler, texCoord, lod) {
lod = lod || 0;
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray3D(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], texCoord[2], lod);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.sampleCompare = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod) {
throw new Error('Unimplemented');
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.Texture3DView.prototype.sampleOffset = function(sampler, texCoord, lod, offset) {
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray3DOffset(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, sampler, texCoord[0], texCoord[1], texCoord[2], lod, offset);
/* TODO: All view classes are very similar. They should have a common base class */
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} levels
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} r
* @param {number} lod
* @param {Array<number>} offset
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray3DOffset = function(levels, numLevels, sampler, s, t, r, lod, offset) {
/** @type {boolean} */ var magnified = lod <= sampler.lodThreshold;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var filterMode = magnified ? sampler.magFilter : sampler.minFilter;
/** @type {number} */ var maxLevel;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var levelFilter;
switch (filterMode) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST: return levels[0].sample3DOffset(sampler, filterMode, s, t, r, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: return levels[0].sample3DOffset(sampler, filterMode, s, t, r, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
/** @type {number} */ var level = deMath.clamp(Math.ceil(lod + 0.5) - 1, 0, maxLevel);
levelFilter = (filterMode === tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
return levels[level].sample3DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, s, t, r, offset);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
/** @type {number} */ var level0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(lod), 0, maxLevel);
/** @type {number} */ var level1 = Math.min(maxLevel, level0 + 1);
levelFilter = (filterMode === tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
/** @type {number} */ var f = deMath.deFloatFrac(lod);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var t0 = levels[level0].sample3DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, s, t, r, offset);
/** @type {Array<number>} */ var t1 = levels[level1].sample3DOffset(sampler, levelFilter, s, t, r, offset);
return deMath.add(deMath.scale(t0, (1.0 - f)), deMath.scale(t1, f));
throw new Error('Filter mode not supported');
* @param {number} width
* @param {number=} height
* @param {number=} depth
* @return {number} Number of pyramid levels
tcuTexture.computeMipPyramidLevels = function(width, height, depth) {
if (depth !== undefined)
return Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(width, Math.max(height, depth)))) + 1;
else if (height !== undefined)
return Math.floor(Math.log2(Math.max(width, height))) + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.log2(width)) + 1;
* @param {number} baseLevelSize
* @param {number} levelNdx
tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize = function(baseLevelSize, levelNdx) {
return Math.max(baseLevelSize >> levelNdx, 1);
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} faceAccesses
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} baseFace
* @param {number} u
* @param {number} v
* @param {number} depth
* @return {Array<Array<number>>}
tcuTexture.getCubeLinearSamples = function(faceAccesses, baseFace, u, v, depth) {
DE_ASSERT(faceAccesses[0].getWidth() == faceAccesses[0].getHeight());
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var dst = [];
var size = faceAccesses[0].getWidth();
var x0 = Math.floor(u - 0.5);
var x1 = x0 + 1;
var y0 = Math.floor(v - 0.5);
var y1 = y0 + 1;
var baseSampleCoords =
[x0, y0],
[x1, y0],
[x0, y1],
[x1, y1]
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var sampleColors = [];
/** @type {Array<boolean>} */ var hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds = []; //!< Whether correctCubeFace() returns CUBEFACE_LAST, i.e. both u and v are out of bounds.
// Find correct faces and coordinates for out-of-bounds sample coordinates.
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
/** @type {tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords} */ var coords = tcuTexture.remapCubeEdgeCoords(new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(baseFace, baseSampleCoords[i]), size);
hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i] = coords == null;
if (!hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i])
sampleColors[i] = tcuTexture.lookup(faceAccesses[coords.face], coords.s, coords.t, depth);
// If a sample was out of bounds in both u and v, we get its color from the average of the three other samples.
// \note This averaging behavior is not required by the GLES3 spec (though it is recommended). GLES3 spec only
// requires that if the three other samples all have the same color, then the doubly-out-of-bounds sample
// must have this color as well.
var bothOutOfBoundsNdx = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i]) {
DE_ASSERT(bothOutOfBoundsNdx < 0); // Only one sample can be out of bounds in both u and v.
bothOutOfBoundsNdx = i;
if (bothOutOfBoundsNdx != -1) {
sampleColors[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (i != bothOutOfBoundsNdx)
sampleColors[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] = deMath.add(sampleColors[bothOutOfBoundsNdx], sampleColors[i]);
sampleColors[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] = deMath.scale(sampleColors[bothOutOfBoundsNdx], (1.0 / 3.0));
for (var i = 0; i < sampleColors.length; i++)
dst[i] = sampleColors[i];
return dst;
// \todo [2014-02-19 pyry] Optimize faceAccesses
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} faceAccesses
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} baseFace
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} depth
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinear = function(faceAccesses, baseFace, sampler, s, t, depth) {
DE_ASSERT(faceAccesses[0].getWidth() == faceAccesses[0].getHeight());
var size = faceAccesses[0].getWidth();
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, size);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, size);
// Get sample colors.
/** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */ var sampleColors = tcuTexture.getCubeLinearSamples(faceAccesses, baseFace, u, v, depth);
// Interpolate.
var a = deMath.deFloatFrac(u - 0.5);
var b = deMath.deFloatFrac(v - 0.5);
return deMath.add((deMath.scale(deMath.scale(sampleColors[0], (1.0 - a)), (1.0 - b))),
deMath.add((deMath.scale(deMath.scale(sampleColors[1], (a)), (1.0 - b))),
deMath.add((deMath.scale(deMath.scale(sampleColors[2], (1.0 - a)), (b))),
(deMath.scale(deMath.scale(sampleColors[3], (a)), (b))))));
* @param {Array<Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>>} faces
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} depth
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArrayCubeSeamless = function(faces, numLevels, face, sampler, s, t, depth, lod) {
lod = lod || 0;
var magnified = lod <= sampler.lodThreshold;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var filterMode = magnified ? sampler.magFilter : sampler.minFilter;
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */ var faceAccesses = [];
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode}*/ var levelFilter;
switch (filterMode) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST:
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearest(faces[face][0], sampler, s, t, depth);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: {
faceAccesses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++)
faceAccesses[i] = faces[i][0];
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinear(faceAccesses, face, sampler, s, t, depth);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level = deMath.clamp(Math.ceil(lod + 0.5) - 1, 0, maxLevel);
levelFilter = (filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
if (levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST)
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearest(faces[face][level], sampler, s, t, depth);
else {
DE_ASSERT(levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR);
faceAccesses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++)
faceAccesses[i] = faces[i][level];
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinear(faceAccesses, face, sampler, s, t, depth);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(lod), 0, maxLevel);
var level1 = Math.min(maxLevel, level0 + 1);
levelFilter = (filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
var f = deMath.deFloatFrac(lod);
var t0 = [];
var t1 = [];
if (levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST) {
t0 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearest(faces[face][level0], sampler, s, t, depth);
t1 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearest(faces[face][level1], sampler, s, t, depth);
} else {
DE_ASSERT(levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR);
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>}*/ var faceAccesses0 = [];
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>}*/ var faceAccesses1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++) {
faceAccesses0[i] = faces[i][level0];
faceAccesses1[i] = faces[i][level1];
t0 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinear(faceAccesses0, face, sampler, s, t, depth);
t1 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinear(faceAccesses1, face, sampler, s, t, depth);
return deMath.add(deMath.scale(t0, (1.0 - f)), deMath.scale(t1, f));
throw new Error('Unsupported filter mode');
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} faceAccess
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number=} depth
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearestCompare = function(faceAccess, sampler, ref, s, t, depth) {
depth = depth ? depth : 0;
/** @type {tcuTexture.Sampler} */ var clampingSampler = deUtil.clone(sampler);
clampingSampler.wrapS = tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
clampingSampler.wrapT = tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
return faceAccess.sample2DCompare(clampingSampler, tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST, ref, s, t, [0, 0, depth]);
* @param {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} faceAccesses
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} baseFace
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinearCompare = function(faceAccesses, baseFace, sampler, ref, s, t) {
DE_ASSERT(faceAccesses[0].getWidth() == faceAccesses[0].getHeight());
var size = faceAccesses[0].getWidth();
// Non-normalized coordinates.
var u = s;
var v = t;
if (sampler.normalizedCoords) {
u = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapS, s, size);
v = tcuTexture.unnormalize(sampler.wrapT, t, size);
var x0 = Math.floor(u - 0.5);
var x1 = x0 + 1;
var y0 = Math.floor(v - 0.5);
var y1 = y0 + 1;
var baseSampleCoords = [
[x0, y0],
[x1, y0],
[x0, y1],
[x1, y1]
var sampleRes = [];
var hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds = []; //!< Whether correctCubeFace() returns CUBEFACE_LAST, i.e. both u and v are out of bounds.
// Find correct faces and coordinates for out-of-bounds sample coordinates.
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
/** @type {tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords} */ var coords = tcuTexture.remapCubeEdgeCoords(new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(baseFace, baseSampleCoords[i]), size);
hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i] = coords == null;
if (!hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i]) {
var isFixedPointDepth = tcuTexture.isFixedPointDepthTextureFormat(faceAccesses[coords.face].getFormat());
sampleRes[i] = tcuTexture.execCompare(faceAccesses[coords.face].getPixel(coords.s, coords.t),, sampler.compareChannel, ref, isFixedPointDepth);
// If a sample was out of bounds in both u and v, we get its color from the average of the three other samples.
// \note This averaging behavior is not required by the GLES3 spec (though it is recommended). GLES3 spec only
// requires that if the three other samples all have the same color, then the doubly-out-of-bounds sample
// must have this color as well.
var bothOutOfBoundsNdx = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (hasBothCoordsOutOfBounds[i]) {
DE_ASSERT(bothOutOfBoundsNdx < 0); // Only one sample can be out of bounds in both u and v.
bothOutOfBoundsNdx = i;
if (bothOutOfBoundsNdx != -1) {
sampleRes[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] = 0.0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (i != bothOutOfBoundsNdx)
sampleRes[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] += sampleRes[i];
sampleRes[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] = sampleRes[bothOutOfBoundsNdx] * (1.0 / 3.0);
// Interpolate.
var a = deMath.deFloatFrac(u - 0.5);
var b = deMath.deFloatFrac(v - 0.5);
return (sampleRes[0] * (1.0 - a) * (1.0 - b)) +
(sampleRes[1] * (a) * (1.0 - b)) +
(sampleRes[2] * (1.0 - a) * (b)) +
(sampleRes[3] * (a) * (b));
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} faceAccess
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} depth
* @return {Array<number>}
tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearest = function(faceAccess, sampler, s, t, depth) {
/** @type {tcuTexture.Sampler} */ var clampingSampler = sampler;
clampingSampler.wrapS = tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
clampingSampler.wrapT = tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
return faceAccess.sample2D(clampingSampler, tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST, s, t, depth);
* @param {Array<number>} coords Vec3 cube coordinates
* @return {tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords}
tcuTexture.getCubeFaceCoords = function(coords) {
var face = tcuTexture.selectCubeFace(coords);
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(face, tcuTexture.projectToFace(face, coords));
* @param {Array<Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>>} faces
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {number} s
* @param {number} t
* @param {number} lod
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.sampleLevelArrayCubeSeamlessCompare = function(faces, numLevels, face, sampler, ref, s, t, lod) {
var magnified = lod <= sampler.lodThreshold;
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode}*/ var filterMode = magnified ? sampler.magFilter : sampler.minFilter;
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */ var faceAccesses = [];
/** @type {tcuTexture.FilterMode} */ var levelFilter;
switch (filterMode) {
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST:
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearestCompare(faces[face][0], sampler, ref, s, t);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR: {
faceAccesses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++)
faceAccesses[i] = faces[i][0];
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinearCompare(faceAccesses, face, sampler, ref, s, t);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level = deMath.clamp(Math.ceil(lod + 0.5) - 1, 0, maxLevel);
levelFilter = filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
if (levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST)
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearestCompare(faces[face][level], sampler, ref, s, t);
else {
DE_ASSERT(levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR);
faceAccesses = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++)
faceAccesses[i] = faces[i][level];
return tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinearCompare(faceAccesses, face, sampler, ref, s, t);
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR:
case tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: {
var maxLevel = numLevels - 1;
var level0 = deMath.clamp(Math.floor(lod), 0, maxLevel);
var level1 = Math.min(maxLevel, level0 + 1);
levelFilter = (filterMode == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) ? tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR : tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST;
var f = deMath.deFloatFrac(lod);
var t0;
var t1;
if (levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.NEAREST) {
t0 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearestCompare(faces[face][level0], sampler, ref, s, t);
t1 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessNearestCompare(faces[face][level1], sampler, ref, s, t);
} else {
DE_ASSERT(levelFilter == tcuTexture.FilterMode.LINEAR);
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */ var faceAccesses0 = [];
/** @type {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>} */ var faceAccesses1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length; i++) {
faceAccesses0[i] = faces[i][level0];
faceAccesses1[i] = faces[i][level1];
t0 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinearCompare(faceAccesses0, face, sampler, ref, s, t);
t1 = tcuTexture.sampleCubeSeamlessLinearCompare(faceAccesses1, face, sampler, ref, s, t);
return t0 * (1.0 - f) + t1 * f;
throw new Error('Unsupported filter mode');
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid}
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
tcuTexture.Texture2D = function(format, width, height) {, format, tcuTexture.computeMipPyramidLevels(width, height));
this.m_width = width;
this.m_height = height;
this.m_view = new tcuTexture.Texture2DView(this.getNumLevels(), this.getLevels());
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype = Object.create(tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype);
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.constructor = tcuTexture.Texture2D;
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_width; };
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_height; };
/** @return {tcuTexture.Texture2DView} */
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.getView = function() { return this.m_view; };
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* @return {tcuTexture.Texture2DView}
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) { return this.m_view.getSubView(baseLevel, maxLevel); };
* @param {number} levelNdx
tcuTexture.Texture2D.prototype.allocLevel = function(levelNdx) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(levelNdx, 0, this.getNumLevels()));
var width = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_width, levelNdx);
var height = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_height, levelNdx);, levelNdx, width, height, 1);
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid}
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {number} numLayers
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray = function(format, width, height, numLayers) {, format, tcuTexture.computeMipPyramidLevels(width, height));
this.m_width = width;
this.m_height = height;
this.m_numLayers = numLayers;
this.m_view = new tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView(this.getNumLevels(), this.getLevels());
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype = Object.create(tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype);
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype.constructor = tcuTexture.Texture2DArray;
/** @return {tcuTexture.Texture2DArrayView} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype.getView = function() { return this.m_view; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_width; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_height; };
* @param {number} levelNdx
tcuTexture.Texture2DArray.prototype.allocLevel = function(levelNdx) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(levelNdx, 0, this.getNumLevels()));
var width = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_width, levelNdx);
var height = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_height, levelNdx);, levelNdx, width, height, this.m_numLayers);
* @constructor
* @extends {tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid}
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {number} depth
tcuTexture.Texture3D = function(format, width, height, depth) {, format, tcuTexture.computeMipPyramidLevels(width, height, depth));
this.m_width = width;
this.m_height = height;
this.m_depth = depth;
this.m_view = new tcuTexture.Texture3DView(this.getNumLevels(), this.getLevels());
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype = Object.create(tcuTexture.TextureLevelPyramid.prototype);
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.constructor = tcuTexture.Texture3D;
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.m_width; };
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.m_height; };
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.getDepth = function() { return this.m_depth; };
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.getView = function() { return this.m_view; };
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* @return {tcuTexture.Texture3DView}
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) { return this.m_view.getSubView(baseLevel, maxLevel); };
* @param {number} levelNdx
tcuTexture.Texture3D.prototype.allocLevel = function(levelNdx) {
DE_ASSERT(deMath.deInBounds32(levelNdx, 0, this.getNumLevels()));
var width = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_width, levelNdx);
var height = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_height, levelNdx);
var depth = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_depth, levelNdx);, levelNdx, width, height, depth);
* @constructor
* @param {number} numLevels
* @param {Array<Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>>} levels
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView = function(numLevels, levels) {
this.m_numLevels = numLevels;
this.m_levels = levels;
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number=} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.sample = function(sampler, texCoord, lod) {
DE_ASSERT( == tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_NONE);
// Computes (face, s, t).
var coords = tcuTexture.getCubeFaceCoords(texCoord);
if (sampler.seamlessCubeMap)
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArrayCubeSeamless(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, coords.face, sampler, coords.s, coords.t, 0 /* depth */, lod);
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2D(this.m_levels[coords.face], this.m_numLevels, sampler, coords.s, coords.t, 0 /* depth */, lod);
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {number} ref
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.sampleCompare = function(sampler, ref, texCoord, lod) {
DE_ASSERT( != tcuTexture.CompareMode.COMPAREMODE_NONE);
// Computes (face, s, t).
var coords = tcuTexture.getCubeFaceCoords(texCoord);
if (sampler.seamlessCubeMap)
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArrayCubeSeamlessCompare(this.m_levels, this.m_numLevels, coords.face, sampler, ref, coords.s, coords.t, lod);
return tcuTexture.sampleLevelArray2DCompare(this.m_levels[coords.face], this.m_numLevels, sampler, ref, coords.s, coords.t, lod, [0, 0, 0]);
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @return {Array<tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess>}
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.getFaceLevels = function(face) { return this.m_levels[face]; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.m_numLevels > 0 ? this.m_levels[0][0].getWidth() : 0; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_numLevels; };
* @param {number} ndx
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @return {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.getLevelFace = function(ndx, face) {
assertMsgOptions(0 <= ndx && ndx < this.m_numLevels, '', false, true);
return this.m_levels[face][ndx];
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* @return {tcuTexture.TextureCubeView}
tcuTexture.TextureCubeView.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) {
var clampedBase = deMath.clamp(baseLevel, 0, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var clampedMax = deMath.clamp(maxLevel, clampedBase, this.m_numLevels - 1);
var numLevels = clampedMax - clampedBase + 1;
var levels = [];
for (var face in tcuTexture.CubeFace)
levels.push(this.getFaceLevels(tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]).slice(clampedBase, numLevels));
return new tcuTexture.TextureCubeView(numLevels, levels);
* @constructor
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number} size
tcuTexture.TextureCube = function(format, size) {
this.m_format = format;
this.m_size = size;
this.m_data = [];
this.m_data.length = Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length;
this.m_access = [];
this.m_access.length = Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length;
var numLevels = tcuTexture.computeMipPyramidLevels(this.m_size);
var levels = [];
levels.length = Object.keys(tcuTexture.CubeFace).length;
for (var face in tcuTexture.CubeFace) {
this.m_data[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numLevels; i++)
this.m_data[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]].push(new tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer());
this.m_access[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]] = [];
this.m_access[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]].length = numLevels;
levels[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]] = this.m_access[tcuTexture.CubeFace[face]];
this.m_view = new tcuTexture.TextureCubeView(numLevels, levels);
/** @return {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} */
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getFormat = function() { return this.m_format; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.m_size; };
/** @return {tcuTexture.TextureCubeView} */
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getView = function() { return this.m_view; };
* @param {number} ndx Level index
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @return {tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getLevelFace = function(ndx, face) { return this.m_access[face][ndx]; };
/** @return {number} */
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getNumLevels = function() { return this.m_access[0].length; };
* @param {tcuTexture.Sampler} sampler
* @param {Array<number>} texCoord
* @param {number} lod
* @return {Array<number>} Pixel color
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.sample = function(sampler, texCoord, lod) {
return this.m_view.sample(sampler, texCoord, lod);
* @param {number} baseLevel
* @param {number} maxLevel
* @return {tcuTexture.TextureCubeView}
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.getSubView = function(baseLevel, maxLevel) { return this.m_view.getSubView(baseLevel, maxLevel); };
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {number} levelNdx
* @return {boolean}
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.isLevelEmpty = function(face, levelNdx) {
return this.m_data[face][levelNdx].empty();
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {number} levelNdx
tcuTexture.TextureCube.prototype.allocLevel = function(face, levelNdx) {
/** @const */ var size = tcuTexture.getMipPyramidLevelSize(this.m_size, levelNdx);
/** @const*/ var dataSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize() * size * size;
DE_ASSERT(this.isLevelEmpty(face, levelNdx));
this.m_access[face][levelNdx] = new tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess({
format: this.m_format,
width: size,
height: size,
depth: 1,
data: this.m_data[face][levelNdx].m_ptr
* @param {Array<number>} coords Cube coordinates
* @return {tcuTexture.CubeFace}
tcuTexture.selectCubeFace = function(coords) {
var x = coords[0];
var y = coords[1];
var z = coords[2];
var ax = Math.abs(x);
var ay = Math.abs(y);
var az = Math.abs(z);
if (ay < ax && az < ax)
return x >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X;
else if (ax < ay && az < ay)
return y >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y;
else if (ax < az && ay < az)
return z >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z;
else {
// Some of the components are equal. Use tie-breaking rule.
if (ax == ay) {
if (ax < az)
return z >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z;
return x >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X;
} else if (ax == az) {
if (az < ay)
return y >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y;
return z >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z;
} else if (ay == az) {
if (ay < ax)
return x >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X;
return y >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y;
} else
return x >= 0 ? tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X : tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X;
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFace} face
* @param {Array<number>} coord Cube coordinates (Vec3)
* @return {Array<number>} face coordinates (Vec2)
tcuTexture.projectToFace = function(face, coord) {
var rx = coord[0];
var ry = coord[1];
var rz = coord[2];
var sc = 0;
var tc = 0;
var ma = 0;
switch (face) {
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X: sc = +rz; tc = -ry; ma = -rx; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X: sc = -rz; tc = -ry; ma = +rx; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y: sc = +rx; tc = -rz; ma = -ry; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y: sc = +rx; tc = +rz; ma = +ry; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z: sc = -rx; tc = -ry; ma = -rz; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z: sc = +rx; tc = -ry; ma = +rz; break;
throw new Error('Unrecognized face ' + face);
// Compute s, t
var s = ((sc / ma) + 1) / 2;
var t = ((tc / ma) + 1) / 2;
return [s, t];
* @constructor
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number=} width
* @param {number=} height
* @param {number=} depth
tcuTexture.TextureLevel = function(format, width, height, depth) {
this.m_format = format;
this.m_width = width || 0;
this.m_height = height || 0;
this.m_depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : depth;
this.m_data = new tcuTexture.DeqpArrayBuffer();
this.setSize(this.m_width, this.m_height, this.m_depth);
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.constructor = tcuTexture.TextureLevel;
* @param {tcuTexture.TextureFormat} format
* @param {number=} width
* @param {number=} height
* @param {number=} depth
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.setStorage = function(format, width, height, depth) {
this.m_format = format;
this.setSize(width, height, depth);
* @param {number=} width
* @param {number=} height
* @param {number=} depth
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.setSize = function(width, height, depth) {
var pixelSize = this.m_format.getPixelSize();
this.m_width = width || 0;
this.m_height = height || 0;
this.m_depth = depth === undefined ? 1 : depth;
this.m_data.setStorage(this.m_width * this.m_height * this.m_depth * pixelSize);
* @return {tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess}
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.getAccess = function() {
return new tcuTexture.PixelBufferAccess({
format: this.m_format,
width: this.m_width,
height: this.m_height,
depth: this.m_depth,
data: this.m_data.m_ptr
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return this.m_width;
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.m_height;
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.getDepth = function() {
return this.m_depth;
* @return {?tcuTexture.TextureFormat}
tcuTexture.TextureLevel.prototype.getFormat = function() {
return this.m_format;
* Checks if origCoords.coords is in bounds defined by size; if not, return a CubeFaceCoords with face set to the appropriate neighboring face and coords transformed accordingly.
* \note If both x and y in origCoords.coords are out of bounds, this returns with face CUBEFACE_LAST, signifying that there is no unique neighboring face.
* @param {tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords} origCoords
* @param {number} size
* @return {tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords}
tcuTexture.remapCubeEdgeCoords = function(origCoords, size) {
var uInBounds = deMath.deInBounds32(origCoords.s, 0, size);
var vInBounds = deMath.deInBounds32(origCoords.t, 0, size);
if (uInBounds && vInBounds)
return origCoords;
if (!uInBounds && !vInBounds)
return null;
var coords = [
tcuTexture.wrap(tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER, origCoords.s, size),
tcuTexture.wrap(tcuTexture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_BORDER, origCoords.t, size)];
var canonizedCoords = [];
// Map the uv coordinates to canonized 3d coordinates.
switch (origCoords.face) {
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X: canonizedCoords = [0, size - 1 - coords[1], coords[0]]; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X: canonizedCoords = [size - 1, size - 1 - coords[1], size - 1 - coords[0]]; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y: canonizedCoords = [coords[0], 0, size - 1 - coords[1]]; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y: canonizedCoords = [coords[0], size - 1, coords[1]]; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z: canonizedCoords = [size - 1 - coords[0], size - 1 - coords[1], 0]; break;
case tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z: canonizedCoords = [coords[0], size - 1 - coords[1], size - 1]; break;
default: throw new Error('Invalid cube face:' + origCoords.face);
// Find an appropriate face to re-map the coordinates to.
if (canonizedCoords[0] == -1)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_X, [canonizedCoords[2], size - 1 - canonizedCoords[1]]);
if (canonizedCoords[0] == size)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_X, [size - 1 - canonizedCoords[2], size - 1 - canonizedCoords[1]]);
if (canonizedCoords[1] == -1)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Y, [canonizedCoords[0], size - 1 - canonizedCoords[2]]);
if (canonizedCoords[1] == size)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Y, [canonizedCoords[0], canonizedCoords[2]]);
if (canonizedCoords[2] == -1)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_NEGATIVE_Z, [size - 1 - canonizedCoords[0], size - 1 - canonizedCoords[1]]);
if (canonizedCoords[2] == size)
return new tcuTexture.CubeFaceCoords(tcuTexture.CubeFace.CUBEFACE_POSITIVE_Z, [canonizedCoords[0], size - 1 - canonizedCoords[1]]);
throw new Error('Cannot remap cube coordinates');
* @constructor
* @param {tcuTexture.ConstPixelBufferAccess} src
tcuTexture.RGBA8View = function(src) {
this.src = src; = new Uint8Array(src.getBuffer(), src.m_offset);
this.stride = src.getRowPitch();
this.width = src.getWidth();
this.height = src.getHeight();
this.pixelSize = src.getFormat().getPixelSize();
* @return {tcuTexture.TextureFormat}
tcuTexture.RGBA8View.prototype.getFormat = function() { return this.src.getFormat(); };
* Read a pixel
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number=} numChannels
* @return {Array<number>}
*/ = function(x, y, numChannels) {
numChannels = numChannels || 4;
var offset = y * this.stride + x * this.pixelSize;
/* Always return a vec4 */
var result = [0, 0, 0, 255];
for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
result[i] =[offset + i];
return result;
* Read a pixel into a Uint32
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @return {number}
tcuTexture.RGBA8View.prototype.readUintRGBA8 = function(x, y) {
var offset = y * this.stride + x * this.pixelSize;
return (([offset] & 0xff) << 24) +
(([offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16) +
(([offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8) +
([offset + 3] & 0xff);
* Write a pixel
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {Array<number>} value
* @param {number=} numChannels
tcuTexture.RGBA8View.prototype.write = function(x, y, value, numChannels) {
numChannels = numChannels || 4;
var offset = y * this.stride + x * this.pixelSize;
for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)[offset + i] = value[i];
tcuTexture.RGBA8View.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.width; };
tcuTexture.RGBA8View.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.height; };