blob: 3f80cde1fd37a581b129fae17eca9358e0e0d5d4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="help" href="">
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
iframe {
width: 800px;
height: 1000px;
var iframeTarget;
var pageScrollPositionBefore;
var iFrameScrollPositionBefore;
var continueCount = 5;
function checkForScroll() {
// The IFrame should not have scrolled at all.
var pageScrollPositionAfter = document.body.scrollTop;
var iFrameScrollPositionAfter = window.frames['scrollable_iframe'].document.body.scrollTop;
if (iFrameScrollPositionBefore != iFrameScrollPositionAfter)
testPassed("iframe did scroll.");
testFailed("iframe did NOT scroll.");
function scrollTest() {
// See where our IFrame lives:
pageScrollPositionBefore = document.body.scrollTop;
iframeTarget = document.getElementById('scrollable_iframe');
var iFrameBody = window.frames['scrollable_iframe'].document.body;
iFrameBody.scrollTop = iFrameBody.scrollHeight - iframeTarget.clientHeight - 100;
iFrameScrollPositionBefore = iFrameBody.scrollTop;
// Scroll the #source until we reach the #target.
var startPosX = iframeTarget.offsetLeft + 20;
debug("IFrame display height = " + iframeTarget.clientHeight);
var startPosY = iframeTarget.offsetTop + 60; // One wheel turn before end.
eventSender.mouseMoveTo(startPosX, startPosY); // Make sure we are just outside the iFrame
debug("Mouse moved to (" + startPosX + ", " + startPosY + ")");
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'began', 'none', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'changed', 'none', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'ended', 'none', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'none', 'begin', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, -1, 'none', 'continue', true);
eventSender.mouseScrollByWithWheelAndMomentumPhases(0, 0, 'none', 'end', true);
setTimeout(checkForScroll, 100);
function setupTopLevel() {
if (window.eventSender) {
setTimeout(scrollTest, 1000);
} else {
var messageLocation = document.getElementById('parent');
var message = document.createElement('div');
message.innerHTML = "<p>This test is better run under DumpRenderTree. To manually test it, place the mouse pointer<br/>"
+ "inside the IFrame, then use the mouse wheel or a two-finger swipe to scroll the IFrame to the bottom (and beyond).<br/>"
+ "<br/><br/>"
+ "The test passes if you scroll far enough to see the row of END labels but the main page does not scroll.</p>";
<div id="parent" style="height: 2000px">
<div id="source" style="height: 20px">
Put mouse inside the iframe (below) and flick downwards
<iframe id="scrollable_iframe" name="scrollable_iframe" src="resources/scroll_nested_iframe_test_outer.html" onload="setupTopLevel();">
<div id="console"></div>
description("Tests that iframe does scroll when inner iframe is NOT scrollable.");
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>