blob: c0ec4c5edd6a163b2506fa3f048b2fbf5df69578 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// RewriteAtomicCounters: Emulate atomic counter buffers with storage buffers.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteAtomicCounters.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Compiler.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/StaticType.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/ReplaceVariable.h"
namespace sh
constexpr ImmutableString kAtomicCounterTypeName = ImmutableString("ANGLE_atomic_uint");
constexpr ImmutableString kAtomicCounterBlockName = ImmutableString("ANGLEAtomicCounters");
constexpr ImmutableString kAtomicCounterFieldName = ImmutableString("counters");
// DeclareAtomicCountersBuffer adds a storage buffer array that's used with atomic counters.
const TVariable *DeclareAtomicCountersBuffers(TIntermBlock *root, TSymbolTable *symbolTable)
// Define `uint counters[];` as the only field in the interface block.
TFieldList *fieldList = new TFieldList;
TType *counterType = new TType(EbtUInt);
TField *countersField =
new TField(counterType, kAtomicCounterFieldName, TSourceLoc(), SymbolType::AngleInternal);
TMemoryQualifier coherentMemory = TMemoryQualifier::Create();
coherentMemory.coherent = true;
// There are a maximum of 8 atomic counter buffers per IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS
// in libANGLE/Constants.h.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxAtomicCounterBuffers = 8;
// Define a storage block "ANGLEAtomicCounters" with instance name "atomicCounters".
return DeclareInterfaceBlock(root, symbolTable, fieldList, EvqBuffer, coherentMemory,
kMaxAtomicCounterBuffers, kAtomicCounterBlockName,
TIntermConstantUnion *CreateUIntConstant(uint32_t value)
TType *constantType = new TType(*StaticType::GetBasic<EbtUInt, 1>());
TConstantUnion *constantValue = new TConstantUnion;
return new TIntermConstantUnion(constantValue, *constantType);
TIntermTyped *CreateAtomicCounterConstant(TType *atomicCounterType,
uint32_t binding,
uint32_t offset)
ASSERT(atomicCounterType->getBasicType() == EbtStruct);
TIntermSequence *arguments = new TIntermSequence();
return TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(*atomicCounterType, arguments);
TIntermBinary *CreateAtomicCounterRef(const TVariable *atomicCounters,
const TIntermTyped *bindingOffset,
const TIntermTyped *bufferOffsets)
// The atomic counters storage buffer declaration looks as such:
// layout(...) buffer ANGLEAtomicCounters
// {
// uint counters[];
// } atomicCounters[N];
// Where N is large enough to accommodate atomic counter buffer bindings used in the shader.
// Given an ANGLEAtomicCounter variable (which is a struct of {binding, offset}), we need to
// return:
// atomicCounters[binding].counters[offset]
// The offset itself is the provided one plus an offset given through uniforms.
TIntermSymbol *atomicCountersRef = new TIntermSymbol(atomicCounters);
TIntermConstantUnion *bindingFieldRef = CreateIndexNode(0);
TIntermConstantUnion *offsetFieldRef = CreateIndexNode(1);
TIntermConstantUnion *countersFieldRef = CreateIndexNode(0);
// Create references to bindingOffset.binding and bindingOffset.offset.
TIntermBinary *binding =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirectStruct, bindingOffset->deepCopy(), bindingFieldRef);
TIntermBinary *offset =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirectStruct, bindingOffset->deepCopy(), offsetFieldRef);
// Create reference to atomicCounters[bindingOffset.binding]
TIntermBinary *countersBlock = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, atomicCountersRef, binding);
// Create reference to atomicCounters[bindingOffset.binding].counters
TIntermBinary *counters =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock, countersBlock, countersFieldRef);
// Create bufferOffsets[binding / 4]. Each uint in bufferOffsets contains offsets for 4
// bindings.
TIntermBinary *bindingDivFour =
new TIntermBinary(EOpDiv, binding->deepCopy(), CreateUIntConstant(4));
TIntermBinary *bufferOffsetUint =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, bufferOffsets->deepCopy(), bindingDivFour);
// Create (binding % 4) * 8
TIntermBinary *bindingModFour =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIMod, binding->deepCopy(), CreateUIntConstant(4));
TIntermBinary *bufferOffsetShift =
new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, bindingModFour, CreateUIntConstant(8));
// Create bufferOffsets[binding / 4] >> ((binding % 4) * 8) & 0xFF
TIntermBinary *bufferOffsetShifted =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitShiftRight, bufferOffsetUint, bufferOffsetShift);
TIntermBinary *bufferOffset =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseAnd, bufferOffsetShifted, CreateUIntConstant(0xFF));
// return atomicCounters[bindingOffset.binding].counters[bindingOffset.offset + bufferOffset]
offset = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, offset, bufferOffset);
return new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, counters, offset);
// Traverser that:
// 1. Converts the |atomic_uint| types to |{uint,uint}| for binding and offset.
// 2. Substitutes the |uniform atomic_uint| declarations with a global declaration that holds the
// binding and offset.
// 3. Substitutes |atomicVar[n]| with |buffer[binding].counters[offset + n]|.
class RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TVariable *atomicCounters,
const TIntermTyped *acbBufferOffsets)
: TIntermTraverser(true, true, true, symbolTable),
bool visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) override
if (visit != PreVisit)
return true;
const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence());
TIntermTyped *variable = sequence.front()->getAsTyped();
const TType &type = variable->getType();
bool isAtomicCounter = type.getQualifier() == EvqUniform && type.isAtomicCounter();
if (isAtomicCounter)
// Atomic counters cannot have initializers, so the declaration must necessarily be a
// symbol.
TIntermSymbol *samplerVariable = variable->getAsSymbolNode();
ASSERT(samplerVariable != nullptr);
declareAtomicCounter(&samplerVariable->variable(), node);
return false;
return true;
void visitFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *node) override
const TFunction *function = node->getFunction();
// Go over the parameters and replace the atomic arguments with a uint type.
for (size_t paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < function->getParamCount(); ++paramIndex)
const TVariable *param = function->getParam(paramIndex);
TVariable *replacement = convertFunctionParameter(node, param);
if (replacement)
mRetyper.replaceFunctionParam(param, replacement);
TIntermFunctionPrototype *replacementPrototype =
mRetyper.convertFunctionPrototype(mSymbolTable, function);
if (replacementPrototype)
queueReplacement(replacementPrototype, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override
if (visit == PreVisit)
if (visit != PostVisit)
return true;
if (node->getOp() == EOpCallBuiltInFunction)
else if (node->getOp() == EOpCallFunctionInAST)
TIntermAggregate *substituteCall = mRetyper.convertASTFunction(node);
if (substituteCall)
queueReplacement(substituteCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
return true;
void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *symbol) override
const TVariable *symbolVariable = &symbol->variable();
if (!symbol->getType().isAtomicCounter())
// The symbol is either referencing a global atomic counter, or is a function parameter. In
// either case, it could be an array. The are the following possibilities:
// layout(..) uniform atomic_uint ac;
// layout(..) uniform atomic_uint acArray[N];
// void func(inout atomic_uint c)
// {
// otherFunc(c);
// }
// void funcArray(inout atomic_uint cArray[N])
// {
// otherFuncArray(cArray);
// otherFunc(cArray[n]);
// }
// void funcGlobal()
// {
// func(ac);
// func(acArray[n]);
// funcArray(acArray);
// atomicIncrement(ac);
// atomicIncrement(acArray[n]);
// }
// This should translate to:
// buffer ANGLEAtomicCounters
// {
// uint counters[];
// } atomicCounters;
// struct ANGLEAtomicCounter
// {
// uint binding;
// uint offset;
// };
// const ANGLEAtomicCounter ac = {<binding>, <offset>};
// const ANGLEAtomicCounter acArray = {<binding>, <offset>};
// void func(inout ANGLEAtomicCounter c)
// {
// otherFunc(c);
// }
// void funcArray(inout uint cArray)
// {
// otherFuncArray(cArray);
// otherFunc({cArray.binding, cArray.offset + n});
// }
// void funcGlobal()
// {
// func(ac);
// func(acArray+n);
// funcArray(acArray);
// atomicAdd(atomicCounters[ac.binding]counters[ac.offset]);
// atomicAdd(atomicCounters[ac.binding]counters[ac.offset+n]);
// }
// In all cases, the argument transformation is stored in mRetyper. In the function call's
// PostVisit, if it's a builtin, the look up in |atomicCounters.counters| is done as well as
// the builtin function change. Otherwise, the transformed argument is passed on as is.
TIntermTyped *bindingOffset =
new TIntermSymbol(mRetyper.getVariableReplacement(symbolVariable));
ASSERT(bindingOffset != nullptr);
TIntermNode *argument = convertFunctionArgument(symbol, &bindingOffset);
if (mRetyper.isInAggregate())
mRetyper.replaceFunctionCallArg(argument, bindingOffset);
// If there's a stray ac[i] lying around, just delete it. This can happen if the shader
// uses ac[i].length(), which in RemoveArrayLengthMethod() will result in an ineffective
// statement that's just ac[i]; (similarly for a stray ac;, it doesn't have to be
// subscripted). Note that the subscript could have side effects, but the
// convertFunctionArgument above has already generated code that includes the subscript
// (and therefore its side-effect).
TIntermBlock *block = nullptr;
for (uint32_t ancestorIndex = 0; block == nullptr; ++ancestorIndex)
block = getAncestorNode(ancestorIndex)->getAsBlock();
TIntermSequence emptySequence;
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(block, argument, emptySequence);
TIntermDeclaration *getAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration() { return mAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration; }
void declareAtomicCounter(const TVariable *atomicCounterVar, TIntermDeclaration *node)
// Create a global variable that contains the binding and offset of this atomic counter
// declaration.
if (mAtomicCounterType == nullptr)
TVariable *bindingOffset = new TVariable(mSymbolTable, atomicCounterVar->name(),
mAtomicCounterTypeConst, SymbolType::UserDefined);
const TType &atomicCounterType = atomicCounterVar->getType();
uint32_t offset = atomicCounterType.getLayoutQualifier().offset;
uint32_t binding = atomicCounterType.getLayoutQualifier().binding;
ASSERT(offset % 4 == 0);
TIntermTyped *bindingOffsetInitValue =
CreateAtomicCounterConstant(mAtomicCounterTypeConst, binding, offset / 4);
TIntermSymbol *bindingOffsetSymbol = new TIntermSymbol(bindingOffset);
TIntermBinary *bindingOffsetInit =
new TIntermBinary(EOpInitialize, bindingOffsetSymbol, bindingOffsetInitValue);
TIntermDeclaration *bindingOffsetDeclaration = new TIntermDeclaration();
// Replace the atomic_uint declaration with the binding/offset declaration.
TIntermSequence replacement;
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(getParentNode()->getAsBlock(), node, replacement);
// Remember the binding/offset variable.
mRetyper.replaceGlobalVariable(atomicCounterVar, bindingOffset);
void declareAtomicCounterType()
ASSERT(mAtomicCounterType == nullptr);
TFieldList *fields = new TFieldList();
fields->push_back(new TField(new TType(EbtUInt, EbpUndefined, EvqGlobal, 1, 1),
ImmutableString("binding"), TSourceLoc(),
fields->push_back(new TField(new TType(EbtUInt, EbpUndefined, EvqGlobal, 1, 1),
ImmutableString("arrayIndex"), TSourceLoc(),
TStructure *atomicCounterTypeStruct =
new TStructure(mSymbolTable, kAtomicCounterTypeName, fields, SymbolType::AngleInternal);
mAtomicCounterType = new TType(atomicCounterTypeStruct, false);
mAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration = new TIntermDeclaration;
TVariable *emptyVariable = new TVariable(mSymbolTable, kEmptyImmutableString,
mAtomicCounterType, SymbolType::Empty);
mAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration->appendDeclarator(new TIntermSymbol(emptyVariable));
// Keep a const variant around as well.
mAtomicCounterTypeConst = new TType(*mAtomicCounterType);
TVariable *convertFunctionParameter(TIntermNode *parent, const TVariable *param)
if (!param->getType().isAtomicCounter())
return nullptr;
if (mAtomicCounterType == nullptr)
const TType *paramType = &param->getType();
TType *newType =
paramType->getQualifier() == EvqConst ? mAtomicCounterTypeConst : mAtomicCounterType;
TVariable *replacementVar =
new TVariable(mSymbolTable, param->name(), newType, SymbolType::UserDefined);
return replacementVar;
TIntermTyped *convertFunctionArgumentHelper(
const TVector<unsigned int> &runningArraySizeProducts,
TIntermTyped *flattenedSubscript,
uint32_t depth,
uint32_t *subscriptCountOut)
std::string prefix(depth, ' ');
TIntermNode *parent = getAncestorNode(depth);
TIntermBinary *arrayExpression = parent->getAsBinaryNode();
if (!arrayExpression)
// If the parent is not an array subscript operation, we have reached the end of the
// subscript chain. Note the depth that's traversed so the corresponding node can be
// taken as the function argument.
*subscriptCountOut = depth;
return flattenedSubscript;
ASSERT(arrayExpression->getOp() == EOpIndexDirect ||
arrayExpression->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect);
// Assume i = n - depth. Get Pi. See comment in convertFunctionArgument.
ASSERT(depth < runningArraySizeProducts.size());
uint32_t thisDimensionSize =
runningArraySizeProducts[runningArraySizeProducts.size() - 1 - depth];
// Get Ii.
TIntermTyped *thisDimensionOffset = arrayExpression->getRight();
TIntermConstantUnion *subscriptAsConstant = thisDimensionOffset->getAsConstantUnion();
const bool subscriptIsZero = subscriptAsConstant && subscriptAsConstant->isZero(0);
// If Ii is zero, don't need to add Ii*Pi; that's zero.
if (!subscriptIsZero)
thisDimensionOffset = thisDimensionOffset->deepCopy();
// If Pi is 1, don't multiply. Just accumulate Ii.
if (thisDimensionSize != 1)
thisDimensionOffset = new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, thisDimensionOffset,
// Accumulate with the previous running offset, if any.
if (flattenedSubscript)
flattenedSubscript =
new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, flattenedSubscript, thisDimensionOffset);
flattenedSubscript = thisDimensionOffset;
// Note: GLSL only allows 2 nested levels of arrays, so this recursion is bounded.
return convertFunctionArgumentHelper(runningArraySizeProducts, flattenedSubscript,
depth + 1, subscriptCountOut);
TIntermNode *convertFunctionArgument(TIntermNode *symbol, TIntermTyped **bindingOffset)
// Assume a general case of array declaration with N dimensions:
// atomic_uint ac[Dn]..[D2][D1];
// Let's define
// Pn = D(n-1)*...*D2*D1
// In that case, we have:
// ac[In] = ac + In*Pn
// ac[In][I(n-1)] = ac + In*Pn + I(n-1)*P(n-1)
// ac[In]...[Ii] = ac + In*Pn + ... + Ii*Pi
// We have just visited a symbol; ac. Walking the parent chain, we will visit the
// expressions in the above order (ac, ac[In], ac[In][I(n-1)], ...). We therefore can
// simply walk the parent chain and accumulate Ii*Pi to obtain the offset from the base of
// ac.
TIntermSymbol *argumentAsSymbol = symbol->getAsSymbolNode();
const TSpan<const unsigned int> &arraySizes = argumentAsSymbol->getType().getArraySizes();
// Calculate Pi
TVector<unsigned int> runningArraySizeProducts;
if (!arraySizes.empty())
uint32_t runningProduct = 1;
for (size_t dimension = 0; dimension < arraySizes.size(); ++dimension)
runningArraySizeProducts[dimension] = runningProduct;
runningProduct *= arraySizes[dimension];
// Walk the parent chain and accumulate Ii*Pi
uint32_t subscriptCount = 0;
TIntermTyped *flattenedSubscript =
convertFunctionArgumentHelper(runningArraySizeProducts, nullptr, 0, &subscriptCount);
// Find the function argument, which is either in the form of ac (i.e. there are no
// subscripts, in which case that's the function argument), or ac[In]...[Ii] (in which case
// the function argument is the (n-i)th ancestor of ac.
// Note that this is the case because no other operation is allowed on ac other than
// subscript.
TIntermNode *argument = subscriptCount == 0 ? symbol : getAncestorNode(subscriptCount - 1);
ASSERT(argument != nullptr);
// If not subscripted, keep the argument as-is.
if (flattenedSubscript == nullptr)
return argument;
// Copy the atomic counter binding/offset constant and modify it by adding the array
// subscript to its offset field.
TVariable *modified = CreateTempVariable(mSymbolTable, mAtomicCounterType);
TIntermDeclaration *modifiedDecl = CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(modified, *bindingOffset);
TIntermSymbol *modifiedSymbol = new TIntermSymbol(modified);
TConstantUnion *offsetFieldIndex = new TConstantUnion;
TIntermConstantUnion *offsetFieldRef =
new TIntermConstantUnion(offsetFieldIndex, *StaticType::GetBasic<EbtUInt>());
TIntermBinary *offsetField =
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirectStruct, modifiedSymbol, offsetFieldRef);
TIntermBinary *modifiedOffset =
new TIntermBinary(EOpAddAssign, offsetField, flattenedSubscript);
TIntermSequence *modifySequence = new TIntermSequence({modifiedDecl, modifiedOffset});
*bindingOffset = modifiedSymbol->deepCopy();
return argument;
void convertBuiltinFunction(TIntermAggregate *node)
// If the function is |memoryBarrierAtomicCounter|, simply replace it with
// |memoryBarrierBuffer|.
if (node->getFunction()->name() == "memoryBarrierAtomicCounter")
TIntermTyped *substituteCall = CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode(
"memoryBarrierBuffer", new TIntermSequence, *mSymbolTable, 310);
queueReplacement(substituteCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
// If it's an |atomicCounter*| function, replace the function with an |atomic*| equivalent.
if (!node->getFunction()->isAtomicCounterFunction())
const ImmutableString &functionName = node->getFunction()->name();
TIntermSequence *arguments = node->getSequence();
// Note: atomicAdd(0) is used for atomic reads.
uint32_t valueChange = 0;
constexpr char kAtomicAddFunction[] = "atomicAdd";
bool isDecrement = false;
if (functionName == "atomicCounterIncrement")
valueChange = 1;
else if (functionName == "atomicCounterDecrement")
// uint values are required to wrap around, so 0xFFFFFFFFu is used as -1.
valueChange = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) == std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(),
"uint32_t max is not -1");
isDecrement = true;
ASSERT(functionName == "atomicCounter");
const TIntermNode *param = (*arguments)[0];
TIntermTyped *bindingOffset = mRetyper.getFunctionCallArgReplacement(param);
TIntermSequence *substituteArguments = new TIntermSequence;
CreateAtomicCounterRef(mAtomicCounters, bindingOffset, mAcbBufferOffsets));
TIntermTyped *substituteCall = CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode(
kAtomicAddFunction, substituteArguments, *mSymbolTable, 310);
// Note that atomicCounterDecrement returns the *new* value instead of the prior value,
// unlike atomicAdd. So we need to do a -1 on the result as well.
if (isDecrement)
substituteCall = new TIntermBinary(EOpSub, substituteCall, CreateUIntConstant(1));
queueReplacement(substituteCall, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
const TVariable *mAtomicCounters;
const TIntermTyped *mAcbBufferOffsets;
RetypeOpaqueVariablesHelper mRetyper;
TType *mAtomicCounterType;
TType *mAtomicCounterTypeConst;
// Stored to be put at the top of the shader after the pass.
TIntermDeclaration *mAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration;
} // anonymous namespace
bool RewriteAtomicCounters(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TIntermTyped *acbBufferOffsets)
const TVariable *atomicCounters = DeclareAtomicCountersBuffers(root, symbolTable);
RewriteAtomicCountersTraverser traverser(symbolTable, atomicCounters, acbBufferOffsets);
if (!traverser.updateTree(compiler, root))
return false;
TIntermDeclaration *atomicCounterTypeDeclaration = traverser.getAtomicCounterTypeDeclaration();
if (atomicCounterTypeDeclaration)
root->getSequence()->insert(root->getSequence()->begin(), atomicCounterTypeDeclaration);
return compiler->validateAST(root);
} // namespace sh