| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "WasmB3IRGenerator.h" |
| |
| |
| #include "AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsageIf.h" |
| #include "B3BasicBlockInlines.h" |
| #include "B3CCallValue.h" |
| #include "B3Compile.h" |
| #include "B3ConstPtrValue.h" |
| #include "B3FixSSA.h" |
| #include "B3Generate.h" |
| #include "B3InsertionSet.h" |
| #include "B3SlotBaseValue.h" |
| #include "B3StackmapGenerationParams.h" |
| #include "B3SwitchValue.h" |
| #include "B3UpsilonValue.h" |
| #include "B3Validate.h" |
| #include "B3ValueInlines.h" |
| #include "B3ValueKey.h" |
| #include "B3Variable.h" |
| #include "B3VariableValue.h" |
| #include "B3WasmAddressValue.h" |
| #include "B3WasmBoundsCheckValue.h" |
| #include "JSCInlines.h" |
| #include "JSWebAssemblyInstance.h" |
| #include "JSWebAssemblyModule.h" |
| #include "JSWebAssemblyRuntimeError.h" |
| #include "ScratchRegisterAllocator.h" |
| #include "VirtualRegister.h" |
| #include "WasmCallingConvention.h" |
| #include "WasmContext.h" |
| #include "WasmExceptionType.h" |
| #include "WasmFunctionParser.h" |
| #include "WasmMemory.h" |
| #include "WasmOMGPlan.h" |
| #include "WasmOpcodeOrigin.h" |
| #include "WasmThunks.h" |
| #include <limits> |
| #include <wtf/Optional.h> |
| #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> |
| |
| void dumpProcedure(void* ptr) |
| { |
| JSC::B3::Procedure* proc = static_cast<JSC::B3::Procedure*>(ptr); |
| proc->dump(WTF::dataFile()); |
| } |
| |
| namespace JSC { namespace Wasm { |
| |
| using namespace B3; |
| |
| namespace { |
| const bool verbose = false; |
| } |
| |
| class B3IRGenerator { |
| public: |
| struct ControlData { |
| ControlData(Procedure& proc, Origin origin, Type signature, BlockType type, BasicBlock* continuation, BasicBlock* special = nullptr) |
| : blockType(type) |
| , continuation(continuation) |
| , special(special) |
| { |
| if (signature != Void) |
| result.append(proc.add<Value>(Phi, toB3Type(signature), origin)); |
| } |
| |
| ControlData() |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void dump(PrintStream& out) const |
| { |
| switch (type()) { |
| case BlockType::If: |
| out.print("If: "); |
| break; |
| case BlockType::Block: |
| out.print("Block: "); |
| break; |
| case BlockType::Loop: |
| out.print("Loop: "); |
| break; |
| case BlockType::TopLevel: |
| out.print("TopLevel: "); |
| break; |
| } |
| out.print("Continuation: ", *continuation, ", Special: "); |
| if (special) |
| out.print(*special); |
| else |
| out.print("None"); |
| } |
| |
| BlockType type() const { return blockType; } |
| |
| bool hasNonVoidSignature() const { return result.size(); } |
| |
| BasicBlock* targetBlockForBranch() |
| { |
| if (type() == BlockType::Loop) |
| return special; |
| return continuation; |
| } |
| |
| void convertIfToBlock() |
| { |
| ASSERT(type() == BlockType::If); |
| blockType = BlockType::Block; |
| special = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| using ResultList = Vector<Value*, 1>; // Value must be a Phi |
| |
| ResultList resultForBranch() const |
| { |
| if (type() == BlockType::Loop) |
| return ResultList(); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| friend class B3IRGenerator; |
| BlockType blockType; |
| BasicBlock* continuation; |
| BasicBlock* special; |
| ResultList result; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef Value* ExpressionType; |
| typedef ControlData ControlType; |
| typedef Vector<ExpressionType, 1> ExpressionList; |
| typedef ControlData::ResultList ResultList; |
| typedef FunctionParser<B3IRGenerator>::ControlEntry ControlEntry; |
| |
| static constexpr ExpressionType emptyExpression = nullptr; |
| |
| typedef String ErrorType; |
| typedef UnexpectedType<ErrorType> UnexpectedResult; |
| typedef Expected<std::unique_ptr<InternalFunction>, ErrorType> Result; |
| typedef Expected<void, ErrorType> PartialResult; |
| template <typename ...Args> |
| NEVER_INLINE UnexpectedResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN fail(Args... args) const |
| { |
| using namespace FailureHelper; // See ADL comment in WasmParser.h. |
| return UnexpectedResult(makeString(ASCIILiteral("WebAssembly.Module failed compiling: "), makeString(args)...)); |
| } |
| #define WASM_COMPILE_FAIL_IF(condition, ...) do { \ |
| if (UNLIKELY(condition)) \ |
| return fail(__VA_ARGS__); \ |
| } while (0) |
| |
| B3IRGenerator(const ModuleInformation&, Procedure&, InternalFunction*, Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>&, MemoryMode, CompilationMode, unsigned functionIndex, TierUpCount*); |
| |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addArguments(const Signature&); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addLocal(Type, uint32_t); |
| ExpressionType addConstant(Type, uint64_t); |
| |
| // Locals |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN getLocal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN setLocal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType value); |
| |
| // Globals |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN getGlobal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN setGlobal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType value); |
| |
| // Memory |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN load(LoadOpType, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType& result, uint32_t offset); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN store(StoreOpType, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType value, uint32_t offset); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addGrowMemory(ExpressionType delta, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addCurrentMemory(ExpressionType& result); |
| |
| // Basic operators |
| template<OpType> |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addOp(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result); |
| template<OpType> |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addOp(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addSelect(ExpressionType condition, ExpressionType nonZero, ExpressionType zero, ExpressionType& result); |
| |
| // Control flow |
| ControlData WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addTopLevel(Type signature); |
| ControlData WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addBlock(Type signature); |
| ControlData WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addLoop(Type signature); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addIf(ExpressionType condition, Type signature, ControlData& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addElse(ControlData&, const ExpressionList&); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addElseToUnreachable(ControlData&); |
| |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addReturn(const ControlData&, const ExpressionList& returnValues); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addBranch(ControlData&, ExpressionType condition, const ExpressionList& returnValues); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addSwitch(ExpressionType condition, const Vector<ControlData*>& targets, ControlData& defaultTargets, const ExpressionList& expressionStack); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN endBlock(ControlEntry&, ExpressionList& expressionStack); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addEndToUnreachable(ControlEntry&); |
| |
| // Calls |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addCall(uint32_t calleeIndex, const Signature&, Vector<ExpressionType>& args, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addCallIndirect(const Signature&, Vector<ExpressionType>& args, ExpressionType& result); |
| PartialResult WARN_UNUSED_RETURN addUnreachable(); |
| |
| void dump(const Vector<ControlEntry>& controlStack, const ExpressionList* expressionStack); |
| void setParser(FunctionParser<B3IRGenerator>* parser) { m_parser = parser; }; |
| |
| Value* constant(B3::Type, uint64_t bits, std::optional<Origin> = std::nullopt); |
| void insertConstants(); |
| |
| private: |
| void emitExceptionCheck(CCallHelpers&, ExceptionType); |
| |
| void emitTierUpCheck(uint32_t decrementCount, Origin); |
| |
| ExpressionType emitCheckAndPreparePointer(ExpressionType pointer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t sizeOfOp); |
| B3::Kind memoryKind(B3::Opcode memoryOp); |
| ExpressionType emitLoadOp(LoadOpType, ExpressionType pointer, uint32_t offset); |
| void emitStoreOp(StoreOpType, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType value, uint32_t offset); |
| |
| void unify(const ExpressionType phi, const ExpressionType source); |
| void unifyValuesWithBlock(const ExpressionList& resultStack, const ResultList& stack); |
| |
| void emitChecksForModOrDiv(B3::Opcode, ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right); |
| |
| int32_t WARN_UNUSED_RETURN fixupPointerPlusOffset(ExpressionType&, uint32_t); |
| |
| Value* materializeWasmContext(BasicBlock*); |
| void restoreWasmContext(Procedure&, BasicBlock*, Value*); |
| void restoreWebAssemblyGlobalState(const MemoryInformation&, Value* instance, Procedure&, BasicBlock*); |
| |
| Origin origin(); |
| |
| FunctionParser<B3IRGenerator>* m_parser; |
| const ModuleInformation& m_info; |
| const MemoryMode m_mode; |
| const CompilationMode m_compilationMode; |
| const unsigned m_functionIndex; |
| const TierUpCount* m_tierUp; |
| |
| Procedure& m_proc; |
| BasicBlock* m_currentBlock; |
| Vector<Variable*> m_locals; |
| Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>& m_unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls; // List each call site and the function index whose address it should be patched with. |
| HashMap<ValueKey, Value*> m_constantPool; |
| InsertionSet m_constantInsertionValues; |
| GPRReg m_memoryBaseGPR; |
| GPRReg m_memorySizeGPR { InvalidGPRReg }; |
| GPRReg m_wasmContextGPR; |
| Value* m_instanceValue; // FIXME: make this lazy https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169792 |
| bool m_makesCalls { false }; |
| uint32_t m_maxNumJSCallArguments { 0 }; |
| }; |
| |
| // Memory accesses in WebAssembly have unsigned 32-bit offsets, whereas they have signed 32-bit offsets in B3. |
| int32_t B3IRGenerator::fixupPointerPlusOffset(ExpressionType& ptr, uint32_t offset) |
| { |
| if (static_cast<uint64_t>(offset) > static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())) { |
| ptr = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Add, origin(), ptr, m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const64Value>(m_proc, origin(), offset)); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| return offset; |
| } |
| |
| Value* B3IRGenerator::materializeWasmContext(BasicBlock* block) |
| { |
| if (useFastTLSForContext()) { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = block->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, pointerType(), Origin()); |
| if (CCallHelpers::loadWasmContextNeedsMacroScratchRegister()) |
| patchpoint->clobber(RegisterSet::macroScratchRegisters()); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator( |
| [=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsageIf allowScratch(jit, CCallHelpers::loadWasmContextNeedsMacroScratchRegister()); |
| jit.loadWasmContext(params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| return patchpoint; |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: Because WasmToWasm call clobbers wasmContext register and does not restore it, we need to restore it in the caller side. |
| // This prevents us from using ArgumentReg to this (logically) immutable pinned register. |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = block->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, pointerType(), Origin()); |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = false; |
| patchpoint->effects.readsPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->resultConstraint = ValueRep::reg(m_wasmContextGPR); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([] (CCallHelpers&, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { }); |
| return patchpoint; |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::restoreWasmContext(Procedure& proc, BasicBlock* block, Value* arg) |
| { |
| if (useFastTLSForContext()) { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = block->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(proc, B3::Void, Origin()); |
| if (CCallHelpers::storeWasmContextNeedsMacroScratchRegister()) |
| patchpoint->clobber(RegisterSet::macroScratchRegisters()); |
| patchpoint->append(ConstrainedValue(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister)); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator( |
| [=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsageIf allowScratch(jit, CCallHelpers::storeWasmContextNeedsMacroScratchRegister()); |
| jit.storeWasmContext(params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: Because WasmToWasm call clobbers wasmContext register and does not restore it, we need to restore it in the caller side. |
| // This prevents us from using ArgumentReg to this (logically) immutable pinned register. |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = block->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(proc, B3::Void, Origin()); |
| Effects effects = Effects::none(); |
| effects.writesPinned = true; |
| effects.reads = B3::HeapRange::top(); |
| patchpoint->effects = effects; |
| patchpoint->clobberLate(RegisterSet(m_wasmContextGPR)); |
| patchpoint->append(m_instanceValue, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| GPRReg wasmContextGPR = m_wasmContextGPR; |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& param) { |
| jit.move(param[0].gpr(), wasmContextGPR); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| B3IRGenerator::B3IRGenerator(const ModuleInformation& info, Procedure& procedure, InternalFunction* compilation, Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>& unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, MemoryMode mode, CompilationMode compilationMode, unsigned functionIndex, TierUpCount* tierUp) |
| : m_info(info) |
| , m_mode(mode) |
| , m_compilationMode(compilationMode) |
| , m_functionIndex(functionIndex) |
| , m_tierUp(tierUp) |
| , m_proc(procedure) |
| , m_unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls(unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls) |
| , m_constantInsertionValues(m_proc) |
| { |
| m_currentBlock = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| |
| // FIXME we don't really need to pin registers here if there's no memory. It makes wasm -> wasm thunks simpler for now. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=166623 |
| const PinnedRegisterInfo& pinnedRegs = PinnedRegisterInfo::get(); |
| |
| m_memoryBaseGPR = pinnedRegs.baseMemoryPointer; |
| m_proc.pinRegister(m_memoryBaseGPR); |
| |
| m_wasmContextGPR = pinnedRegs.wasmContextPointer; |
| if (!useFastTLSForContext()) |
| m_proc.pinRegister(m_wasmContextGPR); |
| |
| if (mode != MemoryMode::Signaling) { |
| ASSERT(!pinnedRegs.sizeRegisters[0].sizeOffset); |
| m_memorySizeGPR = pinnedRegs.sizeRegisters[0].sizeRegister; |
| for (const PinnedSizeRegisterInfo& regInfo : pinnedRegs.sizeRegisters) |
| m_proc.pinRegister(regInfo.sizeRegister); |
| } |
| |
| if (info.memory) { |
| m_proc.setWasmBoundsCheckGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, GPRReg pinnedGPR) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| switch (m_mode) { |
| case MemoryMode::BoundsChecking: |
| ASSERT_UNUSED(pinnedGPR, m_memorySizeGPR == pinnedGPR); |
| break; |
| case MemoryMode::Signaling: |
| ASSERT_UNUSED(pinnedGPR, InvalidGPRReg == pinnedGPR); |
| break; |
| case MemoryMode::NumberOfMemoryModes: |
| } |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsMemoryAccess); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| wasmCallingConvention().setupFrameInPrologue(&compilation->calleeMoveLocation, m_proc, Origin(), m_currentBlock); |
| |
| m_instanceValue = materializeWasmContext(m_currentBlock); |
| |
| { |
| B3::Value* framePointer = m_currentBlock->appendNew<B3::Value>(m_proc, B3::FramePointer, Origin()); |
| B3::PatchpointValue* stackOverflowCheck = m_currentBlock->appendNew<B3::PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, Origin()); |
| stackOverflowCheck->appendSomeRegister(framePointer); |
| stackOverflowCheck->appendSomeRegister(m_instanceValue); |
| stackOverflowCheck->clobber(RegisterSet::macroScratchRegisters()); |
| stackOverflowCheck->numGPScratchRegisters = 2; |
| stackOverflowCheck->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| GPRReg fp = params[0].gpr(); |
| GPRReg context = params[1].gpr(); |
| GPRReg scratch1 = params.gpScratch(0); |
| GPRReg scratch2 = params.gpScratch(1); |
| |
| const Checked<int32_t> wasmFrameSize = params.proc().frameSize(); |
| const unsigned minimumParentCheckSize = WTF::roundUpToMultipleOf(stackAlignmentBytes(), 1024); |
| const unsigned extraFrameSize = WTF::roundUpToMultipleOf(stackAlignmentBytes(), std::max<uint32_t>( |
| // This allows us to elide stack checks for functions that are terminal nodes in the call |
| // tree, (e.g they don't make any calls) and have a small enough frame size. This works by |
| // having any such terminal node have its parent caller include some extra size in its |
| // own check for it. The goal here is twofold: |
| // 1. Emit less code. |
| // 2. Try to speed things up by skipping stack checks. |
| minimumParentCheckSize, |
| // This allows us to elide stack checks in the Wasm -> JS call IC stub. Since these will |
| // spill all arguments to the stack, we ensure that a stack check here covers the |
| // stack that such a stub would use. |
| (Checked<uint32_t>(m_maxNumJSCallArguments) * sizeof(Register) + jscCallingConvention().headerSizeInBytes()).unsafeGet() |
| )); |
| const int32_t checkSize = m_makesCalls ? (wasmFrameSize + extraFrameSize).unsafeGet() : wasmFrameSize.unsafeGet(); |
| // This allows leaf functions to not do stack checks if their frame size is within |
| // certain limits since their caller would have already done the check. |
| if (m_makesCalls || wasmFrameSize >= minimumParentCheckSize) { |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(context, Context::offsetOfCachedStackLimit()), scratch2); |
| jit.addPtr(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(-checkSize), fp, scratch1); |
| auto overflow = jit.branchPtr(CCallHelpers::Below, scratch1, scratch2); |
| jit.addLinkTask([overflow] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| linkBuffer.link(overflow, CodeLocationLabel(Thunks::singleton().stub(throwStackOverflowFromWasmThunkGenerator).code())); |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| emitTierUpCheck(TierUpCount::functionEntryDecrement(), Origin()); |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::restoreWebAssemblyGlobalState(const MemoryInformation& memory, Value* instance, Procedure& proc, BasicBlock* block) |
| { |
| restoreWasmContext(proc, block, instance); |
| |
| if (!!memory) { |
| const PinnedRegisterInfo* pinnedRegs = &PinnedRegisterInfo::get(); |
| RegisterSet clobbers; |
| clobbers.set(pinnedRegs->baseMemoryPointer); |
| for (auto info : pinnedRegs->sizeRegisters) |
| clobbers.set(info.sizeRegister); |
| |
| B3::PatchpointValue* patchpoint = block->appendNew<B3::PatchpointValue>(proc, B3::Void, origin()); |
| Effects effects = Effects::none(); |
| effects.writesPinned = true; |
| effects.reads = B3::HeapRange::top(); |
| patchpoint->effects = effects; |
| patchpoint->clobber(clobbers); |
| |
| patchpoint->append(instance, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([pinnedRegs] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| GPRReg baseMemory = pinnedRegs->baseMemoryPointer; |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(params[0].gpr(), JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); |
| const auto& sizeRegs = pinnedRegs->sizeRegisters; |
| ASSERT(sizeRegs.size() >= 1); |
| ASSERT(!sizeRegs[0].sizeOffset); // The following code assumes we start at 0, and calculates subsequent size registers relative to 0. |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfSize()), sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); |
| for (unsigned i = 1; i < sizeRegs.size(); ++i) |
| jit.add64(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(-sizeRegs[i].sizeOffset), sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister, sizeRegs[i].sizeRegister); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::emitExceptionCheck(CCallHelpers& jit, ExceptionType type) |
| { |
| jit.move(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(static_cast<uint32_t>(type)), GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); |
| auto jumpToExceptionStub = jit.jump(); |
| |
| jit.addLinkTask([jumpToExceptionStub] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| linkBuffer.link(jumpToExceptionStub, CodeLocationLabel(Thunks::singleton().stub(throwExceptionFromWasmThunkGenerator).code())); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Value* B3IRGenerator::constant(B3::Type type, uint64_t bits, std::optional<Origin> maybeOrigin) |
| { |
| auto result = m_constantPool.ensure(ValueKey(opcodeForConstant(type), type, static_cast<int64_t>(bits)), [&] { |
| Value* result = m_proc.addConstant(maybeOrigin ? *maybeOrigin : origin(), type, bits); |
| m_constantInsertionValues.insertValue(0, result); |
| return result; |
| }); |
| return result.iterator->value; |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::insertConstants() |
| { |
| m_constantInsertionValues.execute(m_proc.at(0)); |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addLocal(Type type, uint32_t count) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| WASM_COMPILE_FAIL_IF(!m_locals.tryReserveCapacity(m_locals.size() + count), "can't allocate memory for ", m_locals.size() + count, " locals"); |
| |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { |
| Variable* local = m_proc.addVariable(toB3Type(type)); |
| m_locals.uncheckedAppend(local); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<VariableValue>(m_proc, Set, Origin(), local, constant(toB3Type(type), 0, Origin())); |
| } |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addArguments(const Signature& signature) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(!m_locals.size()); |
| WASM_COMPILE_FAIL_IF(!m_locals.tryReserveCapacity(signature.argumentCount()), "can't allocate memory for ", signature.argumentCount(), " arguments"); |
| |
| m_locals.grow(signature.argumentCount()); |
| wasmCallingConvention().loadArguments(signature, m_proc, m_currentBlock, Origin(), |
| [=] (ExpressionType argument, unsigned i) { |
| Variable* argumentVariable = m_proc.addVariable(argument->type()); |
| m_locals[i] = argumentVariable; |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<VariableValue>(m_proc, Set, Origin(), argumentVariable, argument); |
| }); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::getLocal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_locals[index]); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<VariableValue>(m_proc, B3::Get, origin(), m_locals[index]); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addUnreachable() -> PartialResult |
| { |
| B3::PatchpointValue* unreachable = m_currentBlock->appendNew<B3::PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, origin()); |
| unreachable->setGenerator([this] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::Unreachable); |
| }); |
| unreachable->effects.terminal = true; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addGrowMemory(ExpressionType delta, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| int32_t (*growMemory) (Context*, int32_t) = [] (Context* wasmContext, int32_t delta) -> int32_t { |
| VM& vm = *wasmContext->vm(); |
| auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
| |
| JSWebAssemblyMemory* wasmMemory = wasmContext->memory(); |
| |
| if (delta < 0) |
| return -1; |
| |
| bool shouldThrowExceptionsOnFailure = false; |
| // grow() does not require ExecState* if it doesn't throw exceptions. |
| ExecState* exec = nullptr; |
| PageCount result = wasmMemory->grow(vm, exec, static_cast<uint32_t>(delta), shouldThrowExceptionsOnFailure); |
| scope.releaseAssertNoException(); |
| if (!result) |
| return -1; |
| |
| return result.pageCount(); |
| }; |
| |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CCallValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<ConstPtrValue>(m_proc, origin(), bitwise_cast<void*>(growMemory)), |
| m_instanceValue, delta); |
| |
| restoreWebAssemblyGlobalState(m_info.memory, m_instanceValue, m_proc, m_currentBlock); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addCurrentMemory(ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* memoryObject = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfMemory())); |
| |
| static_assert(sizeof(decltype(static_cast<JSWebAssemblyInstance*>(nullptr)->memory()->memory().size())) == sizeof(uint64_t), "codegen relies on this size"); |
| Value* size = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, Int64, origin(), memoryObject, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfSize())); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t shiftValue = 16; |
| static_assert(PageCount::pageSize == 1 << shiftValue, "This must hold for the code below to be correct."); |
| Value* numPages = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZShr, origin(), |
| size, m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), shiftValue)); |
| |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Trunc, origin(), numPages); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::setLocal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType value) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_locals[index]); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<VariableValue>(m_proc, B3::Set, origin(), m_locals[index], value); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::getGlobal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* globalsArray = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfGlobals())); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, toB3Type(m_info.globals[index].type), origin(), globalsArray, safeCast<int32_t>(index * sizeof(Register))); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::setGlobal(uint32_t index, ExpressionType value) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(toB3Type(m_info.globals[index].type) == value->type()); |
| Value* globalsArray = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfGlobals())); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Store, origin(), value, globalsArray, safeCast<int32_t>(index * sizeof(Register))); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| inline Value* B3IRGenerator::emitCheckAndPreparePointer(ExpressionType pointer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t sizeOfOperation) |
| { |
| ASSERT(m_memoryBaseGPR); |
| |
| switch (m_mode) { |
| case MemoryMode::BoundsChecking: |
| // We're not using signal handling at all, we must therefore check that no memory access exceeds the current memory size. |
| ASSERT(m_memorySizeGPR); |
| ASSERT(sizeOfOperation + offset > offset); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<WasmBoundsCheckValue>(m_proc, origin(), m_memorySizeGPR, pointer, sizeOfOperation + offset - 1); |
| break; |
| |
| case MemoryMode::Signaling: |
| // We've virtually mapped 4GiB+redzone for this memory. Only the user-allocated pages are addressable, contiguously in range [0, current], |
| // and everything above is mapped PROT_NONE. We don't need to perform any explicit bounds check in the 4GiB range because WebAssembly register |
| // memory accesses are 32-bit. However WebAssembly register + offset accesses perform the addition in 64-bit which can push an access above |
| // the 32-bit limit (the offset is unsigned 32-bit). The redzone will catch most small offsets, and we'll explicitly bounds check any |
| // register + large offset access. We don't think this will be generated frequently. |
| // |
| // We could check that register + large offset doesn't exceed 4GiB+redzone since that's technically the limit we need to avoid overflowing the |
| // PROT_NONE region, but it's better if we use a smaller immediate because it can codegens better. We know that anything equal to or greater |
| // than the declared 'maximum' will trap, so we can compare against that number. If there was no declared 'maximum' then we still know that |
| // any access equal to or greater than 4GiB will trap, no need to add the redzone. |
| if (offset >= Memory::fastMappedRedzoneBytes()) { |
| size_t maximum = m_info.memory.maximum() ? m_info.memory.maximum().bytes() : std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<WasmBoundsCheckValue>(m_proc, origin(), pointer, sizeOfOperation + offset - 1, maximum); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case MemoryMode::NumberOfMemoryModes: |
| } |
| pointer = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), pointer); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<WasmAddressValue>(m_proc, origin(), pointer, m_memoryBaseGPR); |
| } |
| |
| inline uint32_t sizeOfLoadOp(LoadOpType op) |
| { |
| switch (op) { |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8S: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8U: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8U: |
| return 1; |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16S: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16U: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16U: |
| return 2; |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32U: |
| case LoadOpType::F32Load: |
| return 4; |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load: |
| case LoadOpType::F64Load: |
| return 8; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| inline B3::Kind B3IRGenerator::memoryKind(B3::Opcode memoryOp) |
| { |
| if (m_mode == MemoryMode::Signaling) |
| return trapping(memoryOp); |
| return memoryOp; |
| } |
| |
| inline Value* B3IRGenerator::emitLoadOp(LoadOpType op, ExpressionType pointer, uint32_t uoffset) |
| { |
| int32_t offset = fixupPointerPlusOffset(pointer, uoffset); |
| |
| switch (op) { |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8S: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load8S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8S: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load8S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, SExt32, origin(), value); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8U: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load8Z), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8U: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load8Z), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), value); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16S: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load16S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16S: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load16S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, SExt32, origin(), value); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Int32, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32U: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Int32, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), value); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32S: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Int32, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, SExt32, origin(), value); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Int64, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::F32Load: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Float, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| case LoadOpType::F64Load: { |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load), Double, origin(), pointer, offset); |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: B3 doesn't support Load16Z yet. We should lower to that value when |
| // it's added. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165884 |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16U: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load16S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), value, |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), 0x0000ffff)); |
| } |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16U: { |
| Value* value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Load16S), origin(), pointer, offset); |
| Value* partialResult = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), value, |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), 0x0000ffff)); |
| |
| return m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), partialResult); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::load(LoadOpType op, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType& result, uint32_t offset) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(pointer->type() == Int32); |
| |
| if (UNLIKELY(sumOverflows<uint32_t>(offset, sizeOfLoadOp(op)))) { |
| // FIXME: Even though this is provably out of bounds, it's not a validation error, so we have to handle it |
| // as a runtime exception. However, this may change: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=166435 |
| B3::PatchpointValue* throwException = m_currentBlock->appendNew<B3::PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, origin()); |
| throwException->setGenerator([this] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsMemoryAccess); |
| }); |
| |
| switch (op) { |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8S: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16S: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load16U: |
| case LoadOpType::I32Load8U: |
| result = constant(Int32, 0); |
| break; |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load8U: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32U: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load32S: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load: |
| case LoadOpType::I64Load16U: |
| result = constant(Int64, 0); |
| break; |
| case LoadOpType::F32Load: |
| result = constant(Float, 0); |
| break; |
| case LoadOpType::F64Load: |
| result = constant(Double, 0); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| } else |
| result = emitLoadOp(op, emitCheckAndPreparePointer(pointer, offset, sizeOfLoadOp(op)), offset); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| inline uint32_t sizeOfStoreOp(StoreOpType op) |
| { |
| switch (op) { |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store8: |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store8: |
| return 1; |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store16: |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store16: |
| return 2; |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store: |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store32: |
| case StoreOpType::F32Store: |
| return 4; |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store: |
| case StoreOpType::F64Store: |
| return 8; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| inline void B3IRGenerator::emitStoreOp(StoreOpType op, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType value, uint32_t uoffset) |
| { |
| int32_t offset = fixupPointerPlusOffset(pointer, uoffset); |
| |
| switch (op) { |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store8: |
| value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Trunc, origin(), value); |
| |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store8: |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Store8), origin(), value, pointer, offset); |
| return; |
| |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store16: |
| value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Trunc, origin(), value); |
| |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store16: |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Store16), origin(), value, pointer, offset); |
| return; |
| |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store32: |
| value = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Trunc, origin(), value); |
| |
| case StoreOpType::I64Store: |
| case StoreOpType::I32Store: |
| case StoreOpType::F32Store: |
| case StoreOpType::F64Store: |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, memoryKind(Store), origin(), value, pointer, offset); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::store(StoreOpType op, ExpressionType pointer, ExpressionType value, uint32_t offset) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(pointer->type() == Int32); |
| |
| if (UNLIKELY(sumOverflows<uint32_t>(offset, sizeOfStoreOp(op)))) { |
| // FIXME: Even though this is provably out of bounds, it's not a validation error, so we have to handle it |
| // as a runtime exception. However, this may change: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=166435 |
| B3::PatchpointValue* throwException = m_currentBlock->appendNew<B3::PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, origin()); |
| throwException->setGenerator([this] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsMemoryAccess); |
| }); |
| } else |
| emitStoreOp(op, emitCheckAndPreparePointer(pointer, offset, sizeOfStoreOp(op)), value, offset); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addSelect(ExpressionType condition, ExpressionType nonZero, ExpressionType zero, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, B3::Select, origin(), condition, nonZero, zero); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| B3IRGenerator::ExpressionType B3IRGenerator::addConstant(Type type, uint64_t value) |
| { |
| return constant(toB3Type(type), value); |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::emitTierUpCheck(uint32_t decrementCount, Origin origin) |
| { |
| if (!m_tierUp) |
| return; |
| |
| ASSERT(m_tierUp); |
| Value* countDownLocation = constant(pointerType(), reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(m_tierUp), origin); |
| Value* oldCountDown = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, Int32, origin, countDownLocation); |
| Value* newCountDown = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Sub, origin, oldCountDown, constant(Int32, decrementCount, origin)); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Store, origin, newCountDown, countDownLocation); |
| |
| PatchpointValue* patch = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, origin); |
| Effects effects = Effects::none(); |
| // FIXME: we should have a more precise heap range for the tier up count. |
| effects.reads = B3::HeapRange::top(); |
| effects.writes = B3::HeapRange::top(); |
| patch->effects = effects; |
| |
| patch->append(newCountDown, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patch->append(oldCountDown, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patch->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| MacroAssembler::Jump tierUp = jit.branch32(MacroAssembler::Above, params[0].gpr(), params[1].gpr()); |
| MacroAssembler::Label tierUpResume = jit.label(); |
| |
| params.addLatePath([=] (CCallHelpers& jit) { |
| tierUp.link(&jit); |
| |
| const unsigned extraPaddingBytes = 0; |
| RegisterSet registersToSpill = RegisterSet(); |
| registersToSpill.add(GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); |
| unsigned numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation = ScratchRegisterAllocator::preserveRegistersToStackForCall(jit, registersToSpill, extraPaddingBytes); |
| |
| jit.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(m_functionIndex), GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); |
| MacroAssembler::Call call = jit.nearCall(); |
| |
| ScratchRegisterAllocator::restoreRegistersFromStackForCall(jit, registersToSpill, RegisterSet(), numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation, extraPaddingBytes); |
| jit.jump(tierUpResume); |
| |
| jit.addLinkTask([=] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| MacroAssembler::repatchNearCall(linkBuffer.locationOfNearCall(call), CodeLocationLabel(Thunks::singleton().stub(triggerOMGTierUpThunkGenerator).code())); |
| |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| B3IRGenerator::ControlData B3IRGenerator::addLoop(Type signature) |
| { |
| BasicBlock* body = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* continuation = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), body); |
| |
| m_currentBlock = body; |
| emitTierUpCheck(TierUpCount::loopDecrement(), origin()); |
| |
| return ControlData(m_proc, origin(), signature, BlockType::Loop, continuation, body); |
| } |
| |
| B3IRGenerator::ControlData B3IRGenerator::addTopLevel(Type signature) |
| { |
| return ControlData(m_proc, Origin(), signature, BlockType::TopLevel, m_proc.addBlock()); |
| } |
| |
| B3IRGenerator::ControlData B3IRGenerator::addBlock(Type signature) |
| { |
| return ControlData(m_proc, origin(), signature, BlockType::Block, m_proc.addBlock()); |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addIf(ExpressionType condition, Type signature, ControlType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| // FIXME: This needs to do some kind of stack passing. |
| |
| BasicBlock* taken = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* notTaken = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* continuation = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, B3::Branch, origin(), condition); |
| m_currentBlock->setSuccessors(FrequentedBlock(taken), FrequentedBlock(notTaken)); |
| taken->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| notTaken->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| |
| m_currentBlock = taken; |
| result = ControlData(m_proc, origin(), signature, BlockType::If, continuation, notTaken); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addElse(ControlData& data, const ExpressionList& currentStack) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| unifyValuesWithBlock(currentStack, data.result); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), data.continuation); |
| return addElseToUnreachable(data); |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addElseToUnreachable(ControlData& data) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(data.type() == BlockType::If); |
| m_currentBlock = data.special; |
| data.convertIfToBlock(); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addReturn(const ControlData&, const ExpressionList& returnValues) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(returnValues.size() <= 1); |
| if (returnValues.size()) |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, B3::Return, origin(), returnValues[0]); |
| else |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, B3::Return, origin()); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addBranch(ControlData& data, ExpressionType condition, const ExpressionList& returnValues) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| unifyValuesWithBlock(returnValues, data.resultForBranch()); |
| |
| BasicBlock* target = data.targetBlockForBranch(); |
| if (condition) { |
| BasicBlock* continuation = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, B3::Branch, origin(), condition); |
| m_currentBlock->setSuccessors(FrequentedBlock(target), FrequentedBlock(continuation)); |
| target->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| continuation->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| m_currentBlock = continuation; |
| } else { |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), FrequentedBlock(target)); |
| target->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| } |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addSwitch(ExpressionType condition, const Vector<ControlData*>& targets, ControlData& defaultTarget, const ExpressionList& expressionStack) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i) |
| unifyValuesWithBlock(expressionStack, targets[i]->resultForBranch()); |
| unifyValuesWithBlock(expressionStack, defaultTarget.resultForBranch()); |
| |
| SwitchValue* switchValue = m_currentBlock->appendNew<SwitchValue>(m_proc, origin(), condition); |
| switchValue->setFallThrough(FrequentedBlock(defaultTarget.targetBlockForBranch())); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i) |
| switchValue->appendCase(SwitchCase(i, FrequentedBlock(targets[i]->targetBlockForBranch()))); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::endBlock(ControlEntry& entry, ExpressionList& expressionStack) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ControlData& data = entry.controlData; |
| |
| unifyValuesWithBlock(expressionStack, data.result); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), data.continuation); |
| data.continuation->addPredecessor(m_currentBlock); |
| |
| return addEndToUnreachable(entry); |
| } |
| |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addEndToUnreachable(ControlEntry& entry) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ControlData& data = entry.controlData; |
| m_currentBlock = data.continuation; |
| |
| if (data.type() == BlockType::If) { |
| data.special->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), m_currentBlock); |
| m_currentBlock->addPredecessor(data.special); |
| } |
| |
| for (Value* result : data.result) { |
| m_currentBlock->append(result); |
| entry.enclosedExpressionStack.append(result); |
| } |
| |
| // TopLevel does not have any code after this so we need to make sure we emit a return here. |
| if (data.type() == BlockType::TopLevel) |
| return addReturn(entry.controlData, entry.enclosedExpressionStack); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addCall(uint32_t functionIndex, const Signature& signature, Vector<ExpressionType>& args, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ASSERT(signature.argumentCount() == args.size()); |
| |
| m_makesCalls = true; |
| |
| Type returnType = signature.returnType(); |
| Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>* unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls = &m_unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls; |
| |
| if (m_info.isImportedFunctionFromFunctionIndexSpace(functionIndex)) { |
| m_maxNumJSCallArguments = std::max(m_maxNumJSCallArguments, static_cast<uint32_t>(args.size())); |
| |
| // FIXME imports can be linked here, instead of generating a patchpoint, because all import stubs are generated before B3 compilation starts. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=166462 |
| Value* functionImport = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfImportFunction(functionIndex))); |
| Value* jsTypeOfImport = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load8Z, origin(), functionImport, safeCast<int32_t>(JSCell::typeInfoTypeOffset())); |
| Value* isWasmCall = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), jsTypeOfImport, m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), WebAssemblyFunctionType)); |
| |
| BasicBlock* isWasmBlock = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* isJSBlock = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* continuation = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, B3::Branch, origin(), isWasmCall, FrequentedBlock(isWasmBlock), FrequentedBlock(isJSBlock)); |
| |
| Value* wasmCallResult = wasmCallingConvention().setupCall(m_proc, isWasmBlock, origin(), args, toB3Type(returnType), |
| [=] (PatchpointValue* patchpoint) { |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->effects.readsPinned = true; |
| // We need to clobber all potential pinned registers since we might be leaving the instance. |
| // We pessimistically assume we could be calling to something that is bounds checking. |
| // FIXME: We shouldn't have to do this: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172181 |
| patchpoint->clobberLate(PinnedRegisterInfo::get().toSave(MemoryMode::BoundsChecking)); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, functionIndex] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| CCallHelpers::Call call = jit.threadSafePatchableNearCall(); |
| jit.addLinkTask([unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, call, functionIndex] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls->append({ linkBuffer.locationOfNearCall(call), functionIndex }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| UpsilonValue* wasmCallResultUpsilon = returnType == Void ? nullptr : isWasmBlock->appendNew<UpsilonValue>(m_proc, origin(), wasmCallResult); |
| isWasmBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), continuation); |
| |
| // FIXME: Lets remove this indirection by creating a PIC friendly IC |
| // for calls out to JS. This shouldn't be that hard to do. We could probably |
| // implement the IC to be over Wasm::Context*. |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=170375 |
| Value* codeBlock = isJSBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, |
| Load, pointerType(), origin(), m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfCodeBlock())); |
| Value* jumpDestination = isJSBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, |
| Load, pointerType(), origin(), codeBlock, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyCodeBlock::offsetOfImportWasmToJSStub(functionIndex))); |
| Value* jsCallResult = wasmCallingConvention().setupCall(m_proc, isJSBlock, origin(), args, toB3Type(returnType), |
| [&] (PatchpointValue* patchpoint) { |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->effects.readsPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->append(jumpDestination, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| // We need to clobber all potential pinned registers since we might be leaving the instance. |
| // We pessimistically assume we could be calling to something that is bounds checking. |
| // FIXME: We shouldn't have to do this: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172181 |
| patchpoint->clobberLate(PinnedRegisterInfo::get().toSave(MemoryMode::BoundsChecking)); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([returnType] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| jit.call(params[returnType == Void ? 0 : 1].gpr()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| UpsilonValue* jsCallResultUpsilon = returnType == Void ? nullptr : isJSBlock->appendNew<UpsilonValue>(m_proc, origin(), jsCallResult); |
| isJSBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), continuation); |
| |
| m_currentBlock = continuation; |
| |
| if (returnType == Void) |
| result = nullptr; |
| else { |
| result = continuation->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Phi, toB3Type(returnType), origin()); |
| wasmCallResultUpsilon->setPhi(result); |
| jsCallResultUpsilon->setPhi(result); |
| } |
| |
| // The call could have been to another WebAssembly instance, and / or could have modified our Memory. |
| restoreWebAssemblyGlobalState(m_info.memory, m_instanceValue, m_proc, continuation); |
| } else { |
| result = wasmCallingConvention().setupCall(m_proc, m_currentBlock, origin(), args, toB3Type(returnType), |
| [=] (PatchpointValue* patchpoint) { |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->effects.readsPinned = true; |
| |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, functionIndex] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| CCallHelpers::Call call = jit.threadSafePatchableNearCall(); |
| jit.addLinkTask([unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, call, functionIndex] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls->append({ linkBuffer.locationOfNearCall(call), functionIndex }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addCallIndirect(const Signature& signature, Vector<ExpressionType>& args, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| ExpressionType calleeIndex = args.takeLast(); |
| ASSERT(signature.argumentCount() == args.size()); |
| |
| m_makesCalls = true; |
| // Note: call indirect can call either WebAssemblyFunction or WebAssemblyWrapperFunction. Because |
| // WebAssemblyWrapperFunction is like calling into JS, we conservatively assume all call indirects |
| // can be to JS for our stack check calculation. |
| m_maxNumJSCallArguments = std::max(m_maxNumJSCallArguments, static_cast<uint32_t>(args.size())); |
| |
| ExpressionType callableFunctionBuffer; |
| ExpressionType jsFunctionBuffer; |
| ExpressionType callableFunctionBufferSize; |
| { |
| ExpressionType table = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| m_instanceValue, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfTable())); |
| callableFunctionBuffer = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| table, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyTable::offsetOfFunctions())); |
| jsFunctionBuffer = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| table, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyTable::offsetOfJSFunctions())); |
| callableFunctionBufferSize = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, Int32, origin(), |
| table, safeCast<int32_t>(JSWebAssemblyTable::offsetOfSize())); |
| } |
| |
| // Check the index we are looking for is valid. |
| { |
| CheckValue* check = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, AboveEqual, origin(), calleeIndex, callableFunctionBufferSize)); |
| |
| check->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsCallIndirect); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Compute the offset in the table index space we are looking for. |
| ExpressionType offset = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Mul, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), calleeIndex), |
| constant(pointerType(), sizeof(CallableFunction))); |
| ExpressionType callableFunction = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Add, origin(), callableFunctionBuffer, offset); |
| |
| // Check that the CallableFunction is initialized. We trap if it isn't. An "invalid" SignatureIndex indicates it's not initialized. |
| static_assert(sizeof(CallableFunction::signatureIndex) == sizeof(uint32_t), "Load codegen assumes i32"); |
| ExpressionType calleeSignatureIndex = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, Int32, origin(), callableFunction, safeCast<int32_t>(OBJECT_OFFSETOF(CallableFunction, signatureIndex))); |
| { |
| CheckValue* check = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), |
| calleeSignatureIndex, |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), Signature::invalidIndex))); |
| |
| check->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::NullTableEntry); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Check the signature matches the value we expect. |
| { |
| ExpressionType expectedSignatureIndex = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Const32Value>(m_proc, origin(), SignatureInformation::get(signature)); |
| CheckValue* check = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, NotEqual, origin(), calleeSignatureIndex, expectedSignatureIndex)); |
| |
| check->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::BadSignature); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Do a context switch if needed. |
| { |
| Value* offset = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Mul, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, ZExt32, origin(), calleeIndex), |
| constant(pointerType(), sizeof(WriteBarrier<JSObject>))); |
| Value* jsObject = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Add, origin(), jsFunctionBuffer, offset)); |
| |
| BasicBlock* continuation = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| BasicBlock* doContextSwitch = m_proc.addBlock(); |
| |
| Value* newContext = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| jsObject, safeCast<int32_t>(WebAssemblyFunctionBase::offsetOfInstance())); |
| Value* isSameContext = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), |
| newContext, m_instanceValue); |
| m_currentBlock->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, B3::Branch, origin(), |
| isSameContext, FrequentedBlock(continuation), FrequentedBlock(doContextSwitch)); |
| |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = doContextSwitch->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, B3::Void, origin()); |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = true; |
| // We pessimistically assume we're calling something with BoundsChecking memory. |
| // FIXME: We shouldn't have to do this: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172181 |
| patchpoint->clobber(PinnedRegisterInfo::get().toSave(MemoryMode::BoundsChecking)); |
| patchpoint->clobber(RegisterSet::macroScratchRegisters()); |
| patchpoint->append(newContext, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->append(m_instanceValue, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| GPRReg newContext = params[0].gpr(); |
| GPRReg oldContext = params[1].gpr(); |
| const PinnedRegisterInfo& pinnedRegs = PinnedRegisterInfo::get(); |
| const auto& sizeRegs = pinnedRegs.sizeRegisters; |
| GPRReg baseMemory = pinnedRegs.baseMemoryPointer; |
| ASSERT(newContext != baseMemory); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(oldContext, Context::offsetOfCachedStackLimit()), baseMemory); |
| jit.storePtr(baseMemory, CCallHelpers::Address(newContext, Context::offsetOfCachedStackLimit())); |
| jit.storeWasmContext(newContext); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(newContext, Context::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); // JSWebAssemblyMemory*. |
| ASSERT(sizeRegs.size() == 1); |
| ASSERT(sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister != baseMemory); |
| ASSERT(sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister != newContext); |
| ASSERT(!sizeRegs[0].sizeOffset); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfSize()), sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister); // Memory size. |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); // WasmMemory::void*. |
| }); |
| doContextSwitch->appendNewControlValue(m_proc, Jump, origin(), continuation); |
| |
| m_currentBlock = continuation; |
| } |
| |
| ExpressionType calleeCode = m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<MemoryValue>(m_proc, Load, pointerType(), origin(), callableFunction, |
| safeCast<int32_t>(OBJECT_OFFSETOF(CallableFunction, code)))); |
| |
| Type returnType = signature.returnType(); |
| result = wasmCallingConvention().setupCall(m_proc, m_currentBlock, origin(), args, toB3Type(returnType), |
| [=] (PatchpointValue* patchpoint) { |
| patchpoint->effects.writesPinned = true; |
| patchpoint->effects.readsPinned = true; |
| // We need to clobber all potential pinned registers since we might be leaving the instance. |
| // We pessimistically assume we're always calling something that is bounds checking so |
| // because the wasm->wasm thunk unconditionally overrides the size registers. |
| // FIXME: We should not have to do this, but the wasm->wasm stub assumes it can |
| // use all the pinned registers as scratch: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=172181 |
| patchpoint->clobberLate(PinnedRegisterInfo::get().toSave(MemoryMode::BoundsChecking)); |
| |
| patchpoint->append(calleeCode, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| jit.call(params[returnType == Void ? 0 : 1].gpr()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| // The call could have been to another WebAssembly instance, and / or could have modified our Memory. |
| restoreWebAssemblyGlobalState(m_info.memory, m_instanceValue, m_proc, m_currentBlock); |
| |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::unify(const ExpressionType phi, const ExpressionType source) |
| { |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<UpsilonValue>(m_proc, origin(), source, phi); |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::unifyValuesWithBlock(const ExpressionList& resultStack, const ResultList& result) |
| { |
| ASSERT(result.size() <= resultStack.size()); |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) |
| unify(result[result.size() - 1 - i], resultStack[resultStack.size() - 1 - i]); |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpExpressionStack(const CommaPrinter& comma, const B3IRGenerator::ExpressionList& expressionStack) |
| { |
| dataLog(comma, "ExpressionStack:"); |
| for (const auto& expression : expressionStack) |
| dataLog(comma, *expression); |
| } |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::dump(const Vector<ControlEntry>& controlStack, const ExpressionList* expressionStack) |
| { |
| dataLogLn("Constants:"); |
| for (const auto& constant : m_constantPool) |
| dataLogLn(deepDump(m_proc, constant.value)); |
| |
| dataLogLn("Processing Graph:"); |
| dataLog(m_proc); |
| dataLogLn("With current block:", *m_currentBlock); |
| dataLogLn("Control stack:"); |
| ASSERT(controlStack.size()); |
| for (size_t i = controlStack.size(); i--;) { |
| dataLog(" ", controlStack[i].controlData, ": "); |
| CommaPrinter comma(", ", ""); |
| dumpExpressionStack(comma, *expressionStack); |
| expressionStack = &controlStack[i].enclosedExpressionStack; |
| dataLogLn(); |
| } |
| dataLogLn(); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<InternalFunction> createJSToWasmWrapper(CompilationContext& compilationContext, const Signature& signature, Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>* unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, const ModuleInformation& info, MemoryMode mode, unsigned functionIndex) |
| { |
| CCallHelpers& jit = *compilationContext.jsEntrypointJIT; |
| |
| auto result = std::make_unique<InternalFunction>(); |
| jit.emitFunctionPrologue(); |
| |
| // FIXME Stop using 0 as codeBlocks. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165321 |
| jit.store64(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm64(0), CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, CallFrameSlot::codeBlock * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)))); |
| MacroAssembler::DataLabelPtr calleeMoveLocation = jit.moveWithPatch(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(nullptr), GPRInfo::nonPreservedNonReturnGPR); |
| jit.storePtr(GPRInfo::nonPreservedNonReturnGPR, CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, CallFrameSlot::callee * static_cast<int>(sizeof(Register)))); |
| CodeLocationDataLabelPtr* linkedCalleeMove = &result->calleeMoveLocation; |
| jit.addLinkTask([=] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| *linkedCalleeMove = linkBuffer.locationOf(calleeMoveLocation); |
| }); |
| |
| const PinnedRegisterInfo& pinnedRegs = PinnedRegisterInfo::get(); |
| RegisterSet toSave = pinnedRegs.toSave(mode); |
| |
| unsigned toSaveSize = toSave.numberOfSetGPRs(); |
| // They should all be callee saves. |
| toSave.filter(RegisterSet::calleeSaveRegisters()); |
| ASSERT(toSave.numberOfSetGPRs() == toSaveSize); |
| #endif |
| |
| RegisterAtOffsetList registersToSpill(toSave, RegisterAtOffsetList::OffsetBaseType::FramePointerBased); |
| result->entrypoint.calleeSaveRegisters = registersToSpill; |
| |
| unsigned totalFrameSize = registersToSpill.size() * sizeof(void*); |
| totalFrameSize += WasmCallingConvention::headerSizeInBytes(); |
| totalFrameSize -= sizeof(CallerFrameAndPC); |
| unsigned numGPRs = 0; |
| unsigned numFPRs = 0; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < signature.argumentCount(); i++) { |
| switch (signature.argument(i)) { |
| case Wasm::I64: |
| case Wasm::I32: |
| if (numGPRs >= wasmCallingConvention().m_gprArgs.size()) |
| totalFrameSize += sizeof(void*); |
| ++numGPRs; |
| break; |
| case Wasm::F32: |
| case Wasm::F64: |
| if (numFPRs >= wasmCallingConvention().m_fprArgs.size()) |
| totalFrameSize += sizeof(void*); |
| ++numFPRs; |
| break; |
| default: |
| } |
| } |
| |
| totalFrameSize = WTF::roundUpToMultipleOf(stackAlignmentBytes(), totalFrameSize); |
| jit.subPtr(MacroAssembler::TrustedImm32(totalFrameSize), MacroAssembler::stackPointerRegister); |
| |
| // We save all these registers regardless of having a memory or not. |
| // The reason is that we use one of these as a scratch. That said, |
| // almost all real wasm programs use memory, so it's not really |
| // worth optimizing for the case that they don't. |
| for (const RegisterAtOffset& regAtOffset : registersToSpill) { |
| GPRReg reg = regAtOffset.reg().gpr(); |
| ptrdiff_t offset = regAtOffset.offset(); |
| jit.storePtr(reg, CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, offset)); |
| } |
| |
| GPRReg wasmContextGPR = pinnedRegs.wasmContextPointer; |
| |
| { |
| CCallHelpers::Address calleeFrame = CCallHelpers::Address(MacroAssembler::stackPointerRegister, -static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(sizeof(CallerFrameAndPC))); |
| numGPRs = 0; |
| numFPRs = 0; |
| // We're going to set the pinned registers after this. So |
| // we can use this as a scratch for now since we saved it above. |
| GPRReg scratchReg = pinnedRegs.baseMemoryPointer; |
| |
| ptrdiff_t jsOffset = CallFrameSlot::thisArgument * sizeof(EncodedJSValue); |
| |
| // vmEntryToWasm passes Wasm::Context* as the first JS argument when we're |
| // not using fast TLS to hold the Wasm::Context*. |
| if (!useFastTLSForContext()) { |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), wasmContextGPR); |
| jsOffset += sizeof(EncodedJSValue); |
| } |
| |
| ptrdiff_t wasmOffset = CallFrame::headerSizeInRegisters * sizeof(void*); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < signature.argumentCount(); i++) { |
| switch (signature.argument(i)) { |
| case Wasm::I32: |
| case Wasm::I64: |
| if (numGPRs >= wasmCallingConvention().m_gprArgs.size()) { |
| if (signature.argument(i) == Wasm::I32) { |
| jit.load32(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), scratchReg); |
| jit.store32(scratchReg, calleeFrame.withOffset(wasmOffset)); |
| } else { |
| jit.load64(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), scratchReg); |
| jit.store64(scratchReg, calleeFrame.withOffset(wasmOffset)); |
| } |
| wasmOffset += sizeof(void*); |
| } else { |
| if (signature.argument(i) == Wasm::I32) |
| jit.load32(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), wasmCallingConvention().m_gprArgs[numGPRs].gpr()); |
| else |
| jit.load64(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), wasmCallingConvention().m_gprArgs[numGPRs].gpr()); |
| } |
| ++numGPRs; |
| break; |
| case Wasm::F32: |
| case Wasm::F64: |
| if (numFPRs >= wasmCallingConvention().m_fprArgs.size()) { |
| if (signature.argument(i) == Wasm::F32) { |
| jit.load32(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), scratchReg); |
| jit.store32(scratchReg, calleeFrame.withOffset(wasmOffset)); |
| } else { |
| jit.load64(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), scratchReg); |
| jit.store64(scratchReg, calleeFrame.withOffset(wasmOffset)); |
| } |
| wasmOffset += sizeof(void*); |
| } else { |
| if (signature.argument(i) == Wasm::F32) |
| jit.loadFloat(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), wasmCallingConvention().m_fprArgs[numFPRs].fpr()); |
| else |
| jit.loadDouble(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, jsOffset), wasmCallingConvention().m_fprArgs[numFPRs].fpr()); |
| } |
| ++numFPRs; |
| break; |
| default: |
| } |
| |
| jsOffset += sizeof(EncodedJSValue); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!!info.memory) { |
| GPRReg baseMemory = pinnedRegs.baseMemoryPointer; |
| |
| if (!useFastTLSForContext()) |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(wasmContextGPR, JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); |
| else { |
| jit.loadWasmContext(baseMemory); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyInstance::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); |
| } |
| |
| if (mode != MemoryMode::Signaling) { |
| const auto& sizeRegs = pinnedRegs.sizeRegisters; |
| ASSERT(sizeRegs.size() >= 1); |
| ASSERT(!sizeRegs[0].sizeOffset); // The following code assumes we start at 0, and calculates subsequent size registers relative to 0. |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfSize()), sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister); |
| for (unsigned i = 1; i < sizeRegs.size(); ++i) |
| jit.add64(CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(-sizeRegs[i].sizeOffset), sizeRegs[0].sizeRegister, sizeRegs[i].sizeRegister); |
| } |
| |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(baseMemory, JSWebAssemblyMemory::offsetOfMemory()), baseMemory); |
| } |
| |
| CCallHelpers::Call call = jit.threadSafePatchableNearCall(); |
| unsigned functionIndexSpace = functionIndex + info.importFunctionCount(); |
| ASSERT(functionIndexSpace < info.functionIndexSpaceSize()); |
| jit.addLinkTask([unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, call, functionIndexSpace] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer) { |
| unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls->append({ linkBuffer.locationOfNearCall(call), functionIndexSpace }); |
| }); |
| |
| |
| for (const RegisterAtOffset& regAtOffset : registersToSpill) { |
| GPRReg reg = regAtOffset.reg().gpr(); |
| ASSERT(reg != GPRInfo::returnValueGPR); |
| ptrdiff_t offset = regAtOffset.offset(); |
| jit.loadPtr(CCallHelpers::Address(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, offset), reg); |
| } |
| |
| switch (signature.returnType()) { |
| case Wasm::F32: |
| jit.moveFloatTo32(FPRInfo::returnValueFPR, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR); |
| break; |
| case Wasm::F64: |
| jit.moveDoubleTo64(FPRInfo::returnValueFPR, GPRInfo::returnValueGPR); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| jit.emitFunctionEpilogue(); |
| jit.ret(); |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| auto B3IRGenerator::origin() -> Origin |
| { |
| OpcodeOrigin origin(m_parser->currentOpcode(), m_parser->currentOpcodeStartingOffset()); |
| ASSERT(isValidOpType(static_cast<uint8_t>(origin.opcode()))); |
| return bitwise_cast<Origin>(origin); |
| } |
| |
| Expected<std::unique_ptr<InternalFunction>, String> parseAndCompile(CompilationContext& compilationContext, const uint8_t* functionStart, size_t functionLength, const Signature& signature, Vector<UnlinkedWasmToWasmCall>& unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, const ModuleInformation& info, MemoryMode mode, CompilationMode compilationMode, uint32_t functionIndex, TierUpCount* tierUp) |
| { |
| auto result = std::make_unique<InternalFunction>(); |
| |
| compilationContext.jsEntrypointJIT = std::make_unique<CCallHelpers>(); |
| compilationContext.wasmEntrypointJIT = std::make_unique<CCallHelpers>(); |
| |
| Procedure procedure; |
| |
| procedure.setOriginPrinter([] (PrintStream& out, Origin origin) { |
| if (origin.data()) |
| out.print("Wasm: ", bitwise_cast<OpcodeOrigin>(origin)); |
| }); |
| |
| // This means we cannot use either StackmapGenerationParams::usedRegisters() or |
| // StackmapGenerationParams::unavailableRegisters(). In exchange for this concession, we |
| // don't strictly need to run Air::reportUsedRegisters(), which saves a bit of CPU time at |
| // optLevel=1. |
| procedure.setNeedsUsedRegisters(false); |
| |
| procedure.setOptLevel(compilationMode == CompilationMode::BBQMode |
| ? Options::webAssemblyBBQOptimizationLevel() |
| : Options::webAssemblyOMGOptimizationLevel()); |
| |
| B3IRGenerator context(info, procedure, result.get(), unlinkedWasmToWasmCalls, mode, compilationMode, functionIndex, tierUp); |
| FunctionParser<B3IRGenerator> parser(context, functionStart, functionLength, signature, info); |
| WASM_FAIL_IF_HELPER_FAILS(parser.parse()); |
| |
| context.insertConstants(); |
| |
| procedure.resetReachability(); |
| validate(procedure, "After parsing:\n"); |
| |
| dataLogIf(verbose, "Pre SSA: ", procedure); |
| fixSSA(procedure); |
| dataLogIf(verbose, "Post SSA: ", procedure); |
| |
| { |
| B3::prepareForGeneration(procedure); |
| B3::generate(procedure, *compilationContext.wasmEntrypointJIT); |
| compilationContext.wasmEntrypointByproducts = procedure.releaseByproducts(); |
| result->entrypoint.calleeSaveRegisters = procedure.calleeSaveRegisterAtOffsetList(); |
| } |
| |
| return WTFMove(result); |
| } |
| |
| // Custom wasm ops. These are the ones too messy to do in wasm.json. |
| |
| void B3IRGenerator::emitChecksForModOrDiv(B3::Opcode operation, ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right) |
| { |
| ASSERT(operation == Div || operation == Mod || operation == UDiv || operation == UMod); |
| const B3::Type type = left->type(); |
| |
| { |
| CheckValue* check = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), right, constant(type, 0))); |
| |
| check->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::DivisionByZero); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (operation == Div) { |
| int64_t min = type == Int32 ? std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min() : std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(); |
| |
| CheckValue* check = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), left, constant(type, min)), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), right, constant(type, -1)))); |
| |
| check->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const B3::StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::IntegerOverflow); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32DivS>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = Div; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32RemS>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = Mod; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, chill(op), origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32DivU>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = UDiv; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32RemU>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = UMod; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64DivS>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = Div; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64RemS>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = Mod; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, chill(op), origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64DivU>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = UDiv; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64RemU>(ExpressionType left, ExpressionType right, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| const B3::Opcode op = UMod; |
| emitChecksForModOrDiv(op, left, right); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, op, origin(), left, right); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32Ctz>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.countTrailingZeros32(params[1].gpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64Ctz>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.countTrailingZeros64(params[1].gpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32Popcnt>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| // FIXME: This should use the popcnt instruction if SSE4 is available but we don't have code to detect SSE4 yet. |
| // see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165363 |
| uint32_t (*popcount)(int32_t) = [] (int32_t value) -> uint32_t { return __builtin_popcount(value); }; |
| Value* funcAddress = m_currentBlock->appendNew<ConstPtrValue>(m_proc, origin(), bitwise_cast<void*>(popcount)); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CCallValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin(), Effects::none(), funcAddress, arg); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64Popcnt>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| // FIXME: This should use the popcnt instruction if SSE4 is available but we don't have code to detect SSE4 yet. |
| // see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165363 |
| uint64_t (*popcount)(int64_t) = [] (int64_t value) -> uint64_t { return __builtin_popcountll(value); }; |
| Value* funcAddress = m_currentBlock->appendNew<ConstPtrValue>(m_proc, origin(), bitwise_cast<void*>(popcount)); |
| result = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CCallValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin(), Effects::none(), funcAddress, arg); |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<F64ConvertUI64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Double, origin()); |
| if (isX86()) |
| patchpoint->numGPScratchRegisters = 1; |
| patchpoint->append(ConstrainedValue(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister)); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| #if CPU(X86_64) |
| jit.convertUInt64ToDouble(params[1].gpr(), params[0].fpr(), params.gpScratch(0)); |
| #else |
| jit.convertUInt64ToDouble(params[1].gpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| #endif |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::F32ConvertUI64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Float, origin()); |
| if (isX86()) |
| patchpoint->numGPScratchRegisters = 1; |
| patchpoint->append(ConstrainedValue(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister)); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| #if CPU(X86_64) |
| jit.convertUInt64ToFloat(params[1].gpr(), params[0].fpr(), params.gpScratch(0)); |
| #else |
| jit.convertUInt64ToFloat(params[1].gpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| #endif |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::F64Nearest>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Double, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.roundTowardNearestIntDouble(params[1].fpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::F32Nearest>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Float, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.roundTowardNearestIntFloat(params[1].fpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::F64Trunc>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Double, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.roundTowardZeroDouble(params[1].fpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::F32Trunc>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Float, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.roundTowardZeroFloat(params[1].fpr(), params[0].fpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32TruncSF64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(-static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()))); |
| Value* min = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterEqual, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateDoubleToInt32(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32TruncSF32>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(-static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()))); |
| Value* min = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterEqual, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateFloatToInt32(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32TruncUF64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) * -2.0)); |
| Value* min = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(-1.0)); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterThan, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateDoubleToUint32(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I32TruncUF32>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min()) * static_cast<float>(-2.0))); |
| Value* min = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(-1.0))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterThan, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int32, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateFloatToUint32(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64TruncSF64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(-static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()))); |
| Value* min = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterEqual, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateDoubleToInt64(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64TruncUF64>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) * -2.0)); |
| Value* min = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(-1.0)); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterThan, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| |
| Value* signBitConstant; |
| if (isX86()) { |
| // Since x86 doesn't have an instruction to convert floating points to unsigned integers, we at least try to do the smart thing if |
| // the numbers are would be positive anyway as a signed integer. Since we cannot materialize constants into fprs we have b3 do it |
| // so we can pool them if needed. |
| signBitConstant = constant(Double, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()))); |
| } |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| if (isX86()) { |
| patchpoint->append(signBitConstant, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->numFPScratchRegisters = 1; |
| } |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| FPRReg scratch = InvalidFPRReg; |
| FPRReg constant = InvalidFPRReg; |
| if (isX86()) { |
| scratch = params.fpScratch(0); |
| constant = params[2].fpr(); |
| } |
| jit.truncateDoubleToUint64(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr(), scratch, constant); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64TruncSF32>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(-static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()))); |
| Value* min = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterEqual, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| jit.truncateFloatToInt64(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr()); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| template<> |
| auto B3IRGenerator::addOp<OpType::I64TruncUF32>(ExpressionType arg, ExpressionType& result) -> PartialResult |
| { |
| Value* max = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) * static_cast<float>(-2.0))); |
| Value* min = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(-1.0))); |
| Value* outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, BitAnd, origin(), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, LessThan, origin(), arg, max), |
| m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, GreaterThan, origin(), arg, min)); |
| outOfBounds = m_currentBlock->appendNew<Value>(m_proc, Equal, origin(), outOfBounds, constant(Int32, 0)); |
| CheckValue* trap = m_currentBlock->appendNew<CheckValue>(m_proc, Check, origin(), outOfBounds); |
| trap->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams&) { |
| this->emitExceptionCheck(jit, ExceptionType::OutOfBoundsTrunc); |
| }); |
| |
| Value* signBitConstant; |
| if (isX86()) { |
| // Since x86 doesn't have an instruction to convert floating points to unsigned integers, we at least try to do the smart thing if |
| // the numbers would be positive anyway as a signed integer. Since we cannot materialize constants into fprs we have b3 do it |
| // so we can pool them if needed. |
| signBitConstant = constant(Float, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()))); |
| } |
| PatchpointValue* patchpoint = m_currentBlock->appendNew<PatchpointValue>(m_proc, Int64, origin()); |
| patchpoint->append(arg, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| if (isX86()) { |
| patchpoint->append(signBitConstant, ValueRep::SomeRegister); |
| patchpoint->numFPScratchRegisters = 1; |
| } |
| patchpoint->setGenerator([=] (CCallHelpers& jit, const StackmapGenerationParams& params) { |
| AllowMacroScratchRegisterUsage allowScratch(jit); |
| FPRReg scratch = InvalidFPRReg; |
| FPRReg constant = InvalidFPRReg; |
| if (isX86()) { |
| scratch = params.fpScratch(0); |
| constant = params[2].fpr(); |
| } |
| jit.truncateFloatToUint64(params[1].fpr(), params[0].gpr(), scratch, constant); |
| }); |
| patchpoint->effects = Effects::none(); |
| result = patchpoint; |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| } } // namespace JSC::Wasm |
| |
| #include "WasmB3IRGeneratorInlines.h" |
| |