| /* |
| WebKitSystemInterface.h |
| Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| |
| Public header file. |
| */ |
| |
| #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> |
| #import <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
| #import <dispatch/dispatch.h> |
| |
| @class AVAsset; |
| @class QTMovie; |
| @class QTMovieView; |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| typedef struct _CFURLResponse* CFURLResponseRef; |
| typedef const struct _CFURLRequest* CFURLRequestRef; |
| typedef struct _CFURLRequest* CFMutableURLRequestRef; |
| |
| typedef struct _CFURLCredential* WKCFURLCredentialRef; |
| typedef struct _CFURLProtectionSpace* CFURLProtectionSpaceRef; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKCertificateParseResultSucceeded = 0, |
| WKCertificateParseResultFailed = 1, |
| WKCertificateParseResultPKCS7 = 2, |
| } WKCertificateParseResult; |
| |
| CFStringRef WKCopyCFLocalizationPreferredName(CFStringRef localization); |
| void WKSetDefaultLocalization(CFStringRef localization); |
| |
| CFStringRef WKSignedPublicKeyAndChallengeString(unsigned keySize, CFStringRef challenge, CFStringRef keyDescription); |
| WKCertificateParseResult WKAddCertificatesToKeychainFromData(const void *bytes, unsigned length); |
| |
| NSString *WKGetPreferredExtensionForMIMEType(NSString *type); |
| NSArray *WKGetExtensionsForMIMEType(NSString *type); |
| NSString *WKGetMIMETypeForExtension(NSString *extension); |
| |
| NSDate *WKGetNSURLResponseLastModifiedDate(NSURLResponse *response); |
| NSTimeInterval WKGetNSURLResponseFreshnessLifetime(NSURLResponse *response); |
| NSString *WKCopyNSURLResponseStatusLine(NSURLResponse *response); |
| |
| CFArrayRef WKCopyNSURLResponseCertificateChain(NSURLResponse *response); |
| |
| CFStringEncoding WKGetWebDefaultCFStringEncoding(void); |
| |
| void WKSetMetadataURL(NSString *URLString, NSString *referrer, NSString *path); |
| void WKSetNSURLConnectionDefersCallbacks(NSURLConnection *connection, BOOL defers); |
| |
| void WKShowKeyAndMain(void); |
| #ifndef __LP64__ |
| OSStatus WKSyncWindowWithCGAfterMove(WindowRef); |
| unsigned WKCarbonWindowMask(void); |
| void *WKGetNativeWindowFromWindowRef(WindowRef); |
| OSType WKCarbonWindowPropertyCreator(void); |
| OSType WKCarbonWindowPropertyTag(void); |
| #endif |
| |
| typedef id WKNSURLConnectionDelegateProxyPtr; |
| |
| WKNSURLConnectionDelegateProxyPtr WKCreateNSURLConnectionDelegateProxy(void); |
| |
| void WKDisableCGDeferredUpdates(void); |
| |
| Class WKNSURLProtocolClassForRequest(NSURLRequest *request); |
| void WKSetNSURLRequestShouldContentSniff(NSMutableURLRequest *request, BOOL shouldContentSniff); |
| |
| unsigned WKGetNSAutoreleasePoolCount(void); |
| |
| void WKAdvanceDefaultButtonPulseAnimation(NSButtonCell *button); |
| |
| NSString *WKMouseMovedNotification(void); |
| NSString *WKWindowWillOrderOnScreenNotification(void); |
| NSString *WKWindowWillOrderOffScreenNotification(void); |
| void WKSetNSWindowShouldPostEventNotifications(NSWindow *window, BOOL post); |
| |
| CFTypeID WKGetAXTextMarkerTypeID(void); |
| CFTypeID WKGetAXTextMarkerRangeTypeID(void); |
| CFTypeRef WKCreateAXTextMarker(const void *bytes, size_t len); |
| BOOL WKGetBytesFromAXTextMarker(CFTypeRef textMarker, void *bytes, size_t length); |
| CFTypeRef WKCreateAXTextMarkerRange(CFTypeRef start, CFTypeRef end); |
| CFTypeRef WKCopyAXTextMarkerRangeStart(CFTypeRef range); |
| CFTypeRef WKCopyAXTextMarkerRangeEnd(CFTypeRef range); |
| void WKAccessibilityHandleFocusChanged(void); |
| AXUIElementRef WKCreateAXUIElementRef(id element); |
| void WKUnregisterUniqueIdForElement(id element); |
| |
| BOOL WKShouldBlockPlugin(NSString *bundleIdentifier, NSString *bundleVersionString); |
| |
| // Remote Accessibility API. |
| void WKAXRegisterRemoteApp(void); |
| void WKAXInitializeElementWithPresenterPid(id, pid_t); |
| NSData *WKAXRemoteTokenForElement(id); |
| id WKAXRemoteElementForToken(NSData *); |
| void WKAXSetWindowForRemoteElement(id remoteWindow, id remoteElement); |
| void WKAXRegisterRemoteProcess(bool registerProcess, pid_t); |
| pid_t WKAXRemoteProcessIdentifier(id remoteElement); |
| |
| void WKSetUpFontCache(void); |
| |
| void WKSignalCFReadStreamEnd(CFReadStreamRef stream); |
| void WKSignalCFReadStreamHasBytes(CFReadStreamRef stream); |
| void WKSignalCFReadStreamError(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamError *error); |
| |
| CFReadStreamRef WKCreateCustomCFReadStream(void *(*formCreate)(CFReadStreamRef, void *), |
| void (*formFinalize)(CFReadStreamRef, void *), |
| Boolean (*formOpen)(CFReadStreamRef, CFStreamError *, Boolean *, void *), |
| CFIndex (*formRead)(CFReadStreamRef, UInt8 *, CFIndex, CFStreamError *, Boolean *, void *), |
| Boolean (*formCanRead)(CFReadStreamRef, void *), |
| void (*formClose)(CFReadStreamRef, void *), |
| void (*formSchedule)(CFReadStreamRef, CFRunLoopRef, CFStringRef, void *), |
| void (*formUnschedule)(CFReadStreamRef, CFRunLoopRef, CFStringRef, void *), |
| void *context); |
| |
| void WKDrawCapsLockIndicator(CGContextRef, CGRect); |
| |
| void WKDrawFocusRing(CGContextRef context, CGColorRef color, int radius); |
| // The CG context's current path is the focus ring's path. |
| // A color of 0 means "use system focus ring color". |
| // A radius of 0 means "use default focus ring radius". |
| |
| void WKSetDragImage(NSImage *image, NSPoint offset); |
| |
| void WKDrawBezeledTextFieldCell(NSRect, BOOL enabled); |
| void WKDrawTextFieldCellFocusRing(NSTextFieldCell*, NSRect); |
| void WKDrawBezeledTextArea(NSRect, BOOL enabled); |
| void WKPopupMenu(NSMenu*, NSPoint location, float width, NSView*, int selectedItem, NSFont*); |
| void WKPopupContextMenu(NSMenu *menu, NSPoint screenLocation); |
| void WKSendUserChangeNotifications(void); |
| #ifndef __LP64__ |
| BOOL WKConvertNSEventToCarbonEvent(EventRecord *carbonEvent, NSEvent *cocoaEvent); |
| void WKSendKeyEventToTSM(NSEvent *theEvent); |
| void WKCallDrawingNotification(CGrafPtr port, Rect *bounds); |
| #endif |
| |
| BOOL WKGetGlyphTransformedAdvances(CGFontRef, NSFont*, CGAffineTransform *m, ATSGlyphRef *glyph, CGSize *advance); |
| NSFont *WKGetFontInLanguageForRange(NSFont *font, NSString *string, NSRange range); |
| NSFont *WKGetFontInLanguageForCharacter(NSFont *font, UniChar ch); |
| void WKSetCGFontRenderingMode(CGContextRef cgContext, NSFont *font, BOOL shouldSubpixelQuantize); |
| BOOL WKCGContextGetShouldSmoothFonts(CGContextRef cgContext); |
| |
| |
| void WKSetBaseCTM(CGContextRef, CGAffineTransform); |
| void WKSetPatternPhaseInUserSpace(CGContextRef, CGPoint); |
| CGAffineTransform WKGetUserToBaseCTM(CGContextRef); |
| |
| void WKGetGlyphsForCharacters(CGFontRef, const UniChar[], CGGlyph[], size_t); |
| bool WKGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters(CTFontRef, const UniChar[], CGGlyph[], size_t); |
| |
| CTLineRef WKCreateCTLineWithUniCharProvider(const UniChar* (*provide)(CFIndex stringIndex, CFIndex* charCount, CFDictionaryRef* attributes, void*), void (*dispose)(const UniChar* chars, void*), void*); |
| |
| enum { |
| WKCTFontTransformApplyShaping = (1 << 0), |
| WKCTFontTransformApplyPositioning = (1 << 1) |
| }; |
| |
| typedef int WKCTFontTransformOptions; |
| |
| bool WKCTFontTransformGlyphs(CTFontRef font, CGGlyph glyphs[], CGSize advances[], CFIndex count, WKCTFontTransformOptions options); |
| #endif |
| |
| CTTypesetterRef WKCreateCTTypesetterWithUniCharProviderAndOptions(const UniChar* (*provide)(CFIndex stringIndex, CFIndex* charCount, CFDictionaryRef* attributes, void*), void (*dispose)(const UniChar* chars, void*), void*, CFDictionaryRef options); |
| |
| CGContextRef WKIOSurfaceContextCreate(IOSurfaceRef, unsigned width, unsigned height, CGColorSpaceRef); |
| CGImageRef WKIOSurfaceContextCreateImage(CGContextRef context); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKPatternTilingNoDistortion, |
| WKPatternTilingConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion, |
| WKPatternTilingConstantSpacing |
| } WKPatternTiling; |
| |
| CGPatternRef WKCGPatternCreateWithImageAndTransform(CGImageRef image, CGAffineTransform transform, int tiling); |
| void WKCGContextResetClip(CGContextRef); |
| |
| bool WKCGContextDrawsWithCorrectShadowOffsets(CGContextRef); |
| #endif |
| |
| #ifndef __LP64__ |
| NSEvent *WKCreateNSEventWithCarbonEvent(EventRef eventRef); |
| NSEvent *WKCreateNSEventWithCarbonMouseMoveEvent(EventRef inEvent, NSWindow *window); |
| NSEvent *WKCreateNSEventWithCarbonClickEvent(EventRef inEvent, WindowRef windowRef); |
| #endif |
| |
| CGContextRef WKNSWindowOverrideCGContext(NSWindow *, CGContextRef); |
| void WKNSWindowRestoreCGContext(NSWindow *, CGContextRef); |
| |
| void WKNSWindowMakeBottomCornersSquare(NSWindow *); |
| |
| // These constants match the ones used by ThemeScrollbarArrowStyle (some of the values are private, so we can't just |
| // use that enum directly). |
| typedef enum { |
| WKThemeScrollBarArrowsSingle = 0, |
| WKThemeScrollBarArrowsLowerRight = 1, |
| WKThemeScrollBarArrowsDouble = 2, |
| WKThemeScrollBarArrowsUpperLeft = 3, |
| } WKThemeScrollBarArrowStyle; |
| |
| OSStatus WKThemeDrawTrack(const HIThemeTrackDrawInfo* inDrawInfo, CGContextRef inContext, int inArrowStyle); |
| |
| |
| BOOL WKCGContextIsBitmapContext(CGContextRef context); |
| |
| void WKGetWheelEventDeltas(NSEvent *, float *deltaX, float *deltaY, BOOL *continuous); |
| |
| BOOL WKAppVersionCheckLessThan(NSString *, int, double); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKMovieTypeUnknown, |
| WKMovieTypeDownload, |
| WKMovieTypeStoredStream, |
| WKMovieTypeLiveStream |
| } WKMovieType; |
| |
| int WKQTMovieGetType(QTMovie* movie); |
| |
| BOOL WKQTMovieHasClosedCaptions(QTMovie* movie); |
| void WKQTMovieSetShowClosedCaptions(QTMovie* movie, BOOL showClosedCaptions); |
| void WKQTMovieSelectPreferredAlternates(QTMovie* movie); |
| void WKQTMovieSelectPreferredAlternateTrackForMediaType(QTMovie* movie, NSString* mediaType); |
| |
| unsigned WKQTIncludeOnlyModernMediaFileTypes(void); |
| int WKQTMovieDataRate(QTMovie* movie); |
| float WKQTMovieMaxTimeLoaded(QTMovie* movie); |
| float WKQTMovieMaxTimeSeekable(QTMovie* movie); |
| NSString *WKQTMovieMaxTimeLoadedChangeNotification(void); |
| void WKQTMovieViewSetDrawSynchronously(QTMovieView* view, BOOL sync); |
| void WKQTMovieDisableComponent(uint32_t[5]); |
| NSURL *WKQTMovieResolvedURL(QTMovie* movie); |
| |
| CFStringRef WKCopyFoundationCacheDirectory(void); |
| |
| typedef const struct __CFURLStorageSession* CFURLStorageSessionRef; |
| CFURLStorageSessionRef WKCreatePrivateStorageSession(CFStringRef); |
| NSURLRequest *WKCopyRequestWithStorageSession(CFURLStorageSessionRef, NSURLRequest*); |
| NSCachedURLResponse *WKCachedResponseForRequest(CFURLStorageSessionRef, NSURLRequest*); |
| void WKSetRequestStorageSession(CFURLStorageSessionRef, CFMutableURLRequestRef); |
| |
| typedef struct OpaqueCFHTTPCookieStorage* CFHTTPCookieStorageRef; |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageRef WKCopyHTTPCookieStorage(CFURLStorageSessionRef); |
| unsigned WKGetHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef); |
| void WKSetHTTPCookieAcceptPolicy(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef, unsigned policy); |
| NSArray *WKHTTPCookies(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef); |
| NSArray *WKHTTPCookiesForURL(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef, NSURL *); |
| void WKSetHTTPCookiesForURL(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef, NSArray *, NSURL *, NSURL *); |
| void WKDeleteAllHTTPCookies(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef); |
| void WKDeleteHTTPCookie(CFHTTPCookieStorageRef, NSHTTPCookie *); |
| |
| CFHTTPCookieStorageRef WKGetDefaultHTTPCookieStorage(void); |
| WKCFURLCredentialRef WKCopyCredentialFromCFPersistentStorage(CFURLProtectionSpaceRef); |
| void WKSetCFURLRequestShouldContentSniff(CFMutableURLRequestRef, bool flag); |
| CFArrayRef WKCFURLRequestCopyHTTPRequestBodyParts(CFURLRequestRef); |
| void WKCFURLRequestSetHTTPRequestBodyParts(CFMutableURLRequestRef, CFArrayRef bodyParts); |
| |
| void WKSetVisibleApplicationName(CFStringRef); |
| |
| CFURLRef WKCopyBundleURLForExecutableURL(CFURLRef); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKMediaUIPartFullscreenButton = 0, |
| WKMediaUIPartMuteButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartPlayButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartSeekBackButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartSeekForwardButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartTimelineSlider, |
| WKMediaUIPartTimelineSliderThumb, |
| WKMediaUIPartRewindButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartSeekToRealtimeButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartShowClosedCaptionsButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartHideClosedCaptionsButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartUnMuteButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartPauseButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartBackground, |
| WKMediaUIPartCurrentTimeDisplay, |
| WKMediaUIPartTimeRemainingDisplay, |
| WKMediaUIPartStatusDisplay, |
| WKMediaUIPartControlsPanel, |
| WKMediaUIPartVolumeSliderContainer, |
| WKMediaUIPartVolumeSlider, |
| WKMediaUIPartVolumeSliderThumb, |
| WKMediaUIPartFullScreenVolumeSlider, |
| WKMediaUIPartFullScreenVolumeSliderThumb, |
| WKMediaUIPartVolumeSliderMuteButton, |
| WKMediaUIPartTextTrackDisplayContainer, |
| WKMediaUIPartTextTrackDisplay, |
| WKMediaUIPartExitFullscreenButton, |
| } WKMediaUIPart; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKMediaControllerThemeClassic = 1, |
| WKMediaControllerThemeQuickTime = 2 |
| } WKMediaControllerThemeStyle; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKMediaControllerFlagDisabled = 1 << 0, |
| WKMediaControllerFlagPressed = 1 << 1, |
| WKMediaControllerFlagDrawEndCaps = 1 << 3, |
| WKMediaControllerFlagFocused = 1 << 4 |
| } WKMediaControllerThemeState; |
| |
| BOOL WKMediaControllerThemeAvailable(int themeStyle); |
| BOOL WKHitTestMediaUIPart(int part, int themeStyle, CGRect bounds, CGPoint point); |
| void WKMeasureMediaUIPart(int part, int themeStyle, CGRect *bounds, CGSize *naturalSize); |
| void WKDrawMediaUIPart(int part, int themeStyle, CGContextRef context, CGRect rect, unsigned state); |
| void WKDrawMediaSliderTrack(int themeStyle, CGContextRef context, CGRect rect, float timeLoaded, float currentTime, float duration, unsigned state); |
| NSView *WKCreateMediaUIBackgroundView(void); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKMediaUIControlTimeline, |
| WKMediaUIControlSlider, |
| WKMediaUIControlPlayPauseButton, |
| WKMediaUIControlExitFullscreenButton, |
| WKMediaUIControlRewindButton, |
| WKMediaUIControlFastForwardButton, |
| WKMediaUIControlVolumeUpButton, |
| WKMediaUIControlVolumeDownButton |
| } WKMediaUIControlType; |
| |
| NSControl *WKCreateMediaUIControl(int controlType); |
| |
| NSArray *WKQTGetSitesInMediaDownloadCache(); |
| void WKQTClearMediaDownloadCacheForSite(NSString *site); |
| void WKQTClearMediaDownloadCache(); |
| |
| mach_port_t WKInitializeRenderServer(void); |
| |
| @class CALayer; |
| |
| CALayer *WKMakeRenderLayer(uint32_t contextID); |
| |
| typedef struct __WKSoftwareCARendererRef *WKSoftwareCARendererRef; |
| |
| WKSoftwareCARendererRef WKSoftwareCARendererCreate(uint32_t contextID); |
| void WKSoftwareCARendererDestroy(WKSoftwareCARendererRef); |
| void WKSoftwareCARendererRender(WKSoftwareCARendererRef, CGContextRef, CGRect); |
| |
| typedef struct __WKCARemoteLayerClientRef *WKCARemoteLayerClientRef; |
| |
| WKCARemoteLayerClientRef WKCARemoteLayerClientMakeWithServerPort(mach_port_t port); |
| void WKCARemoteLayerClientInvalidate(WKCARemoteLayerClientRef); |
| uint32_t WKCARemoteLayerClientGetClientId(WKCARemoteLayerClientRef); |
| void WKCARemoteLayerClientSetLayer(WKCARemoteLayerClientRef, CALayer *); |
| CALayer *WKCARemoteLayerClientGetLayer(WKCARemoteLayerClientRef); |
| |
| typedef struct __WKCAContextRef *WKCAContextRef; |
| |
| WKCAContextRef WKCAContextMakeRemoteWithServerPort(mach_port_t port); |
| WKCAContextRef WKCAContextMakeRemoteForWindowServer(void); |
| void WKCAContextInvalidate(WKCAContextRef); |
| uint32_t WKCAContextGetContextId(WKCAContextRef); |
| void WKCAContextSetLayer(WKCAContextRef, CALayer *); |
| CALayer *WKCAContextGetLayer(WKCAContextRef); |
| void WKCAContextSetColorSpace(WKCAContextRef, CGColorSpaceRef); |
| CGColorSpaceRef WKCAContextGetColorSpace(WKCAContextRef); |
| |
| void WKCALayerEnumerateRectsBeingDrawnWithBlock(CALayer *layer, CGContextRef context, void (^block)(CGRect rect)); |
| |
| @class CARenderer; |
| |
| void WKCARendererAddChangeNotificationObserver(CARenderer *, void (*callback)(void*), void* context); |
| void WKCARendererRemoveChangeNotificationObserver(CARenderer *, void (*callback)(void*), void* context); |
| |
| typedef struct __WKWindowBounceAnimationContext *WKWindowBounceAnimationContextRef; |
| |
| WKWindowBounceAnimationContextRef WKWindowBounceAnimationContextCreate(NSWindow *window); |
| void WKWindowBounceAnimationContextDestroy(WKWindowBounceAnimationContextRef context); |
| void WKWindowBounceAnimationSetAnimationProgress(WKWindowBounceAnimationContextRef context, double animationProgress); |
| |
| void WKWindowSetClipRect(NSWindow*, NSRect); |
| |
| #if defined(__x86_64__) |
| #import <mach/mig.h> |
| CFRunLoopSourceRef WKCreateMIGServerSource(mig_subsystem_t subsystem, mach_port_t serverPort); |
| #endif // defined(__x86_64__) |
| |
| NSUInteger WKGetInputPanelWindowStyle(void); |
| UInt8 WKGetNSEventKeyChar(NSEvent *); |
| |
| @class CAPropertyAnimation; |
| void WKSetCAAnimationValueFunction(CAPropertyAnimation*, NSString* function); |
| |
| unsigned WKInitializeMaximumHTTPConnectionCountPerHost(unsigned preferredConnectionCount); |
| int WKGetHTTPPipeliningPriority(CFURLRequestRef); |
| void WKSetHTTPPipeliningMaximumPriority(int maximumPriority); |
| void WKSetHTTPPipeliningPriority(CFURLRequestRef, int priority); |
| void WKSetHTTPPipeliningMinimumFastLanePriority(int priority); |
| |
| void WKSetCONNECTProxyForStream(CFReadStreamRef, CFStringRef proxyHost, CFNumberRef proxyPort); |
| void WKSetCONNECTProxyAuthorizationForStream(CFReadStreamRef, CFStringRef proxyAuthorizationString); |
| CFHTTPMessageRef WKCopyCONNECTProxyResponse(CFReadStreamRef, CFURLRef responseURL); |
| |
| void WKWindowSetAlpha(NSWindow *window, float alphaValue); |
| void WKWindowSetScaledFrame(NSWindow *window, NSRect scaleFrame, NSRect nonScaledFrame); |
| |
| void WKSyncSurfaceToView(NSView *view); |
| |
| void WKEnableSettingCursorWhenInBackground(void); |
| |
| CFDictionaryRef WKNSURLRequestCreateSerializableRepresentation(NSURLRequest *request, CFTypeRef tokenNull); |
| NSURLRequest *WKNSURLRequestFromSerializableRepresentation(CFDictionaryRef representation, CFTypeRef tokenNull); |
| |
| CFDictionaryRef WKNSURLResponseCreateSerializableRepresentation(NSURLResponse *response, CFTypeRef tokenNull); |
| NSURLResponse *WKNSURLResponseFromSerializableRepresentation(CFDictionaryRef representation, CFTypeRef tokenNull); |
| |
| #ifndef __LP64__ |
| ScriptCode WKGetScriptCodeFromCurrentKeyboardInputSource(void); |
| #endif |
| |
| CFArrayRef WKCFURLCacheCopyAllHostNamesInPersistentStore(void); |
| void WKCFURLCacheDeleteHostNamesInPersistentStore(CFArrayRef hostArray); |
| |
| CFStringRef WKGetCFURLResponseMIMEType(CFURLResponseRef); |
| CFURLRef WKGetCFURLResponseURL(CFURLResponseRef); |
| CFHTTPMessageRef WKGetCFURLResponseHTTPResponse(CFURLResponseRef); |
| CFStringRef WKCopyCFURLResponseSuggestedFilename(CFURLResponseRef); |
| void WKSetCFURLResponseMIMEType(CFURLResponseRef, CFStringRef mimeType); |
| |
| CIFormat WKCIGetRGBA8Format(void); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKSandboxExtensionTypeReadOnly, |
| WKSandboxExtensionTypeWriteOnly, |
| WKSandboxExtensionTypeReadWrite, |
| } WKSandboxExtensionType; |
| typedef struct __WKSandboxExtension *WKSandboxExtensionRef; |
| |
| WKSandboxExtensionRef WKSandboxExtensionCreate(const char* path, WKSandboxExtensionType type); |
| void WKSandboxExtensionDestroy(WKSandboxExtensionRef sandboxExtension); |
| |
| bool WKSandboxExtensionConsume(WKSandboxExtensionRef sandboxExtension); |
| bool WKSandboxExtensionInvalidate(WKSandboxExtensionRef sandboxExtension); |
| |
| const char* WKSandboxExtensionGetSerializedFormat(WKSandboxExtensionRef sandboxExtension, size_t* length); |
| WKSandboxExtensionRef WKSandboxExtensionCreateFromSerializedFormat(const char* serializationFormat, size_t length); |
| |
| OSStatus WKEnableSandboxStyleFileQuarantine(void); |
| |
| bool WKEnterPluginSandbox(const char* profile, const char* parameters[], const char* readOnlyPaths[], const char* readWritePaths[]); |
| |
| int WKRecommendedScrollerStyle(void); |
| |
| bool WKExecutableWasLinkedOnOrBeforeSnowLeopard(void); |
| |
| NSRange WKExtractWordDefinitionTokenRangeFromContextualString(NSString *contextString, NSRange range, NSDictionary **options); |
| void WKShowWordDefinitionWindow(NSAttributedString *term, NSPoint screenPoint, NSDictionary *options); |
| void WKHideWordDefinitionWindow(void); |
| |
| CFStringRef WKCopyDefaultSearchProviderDisplayName(void); |
| |
| void WKSetCrashReportApplicationSpecificInformation(CFStringRef); |
| |
| NSURL* WKAVAssetResolvedURL(AVAsset*); |
| |
| NSCursor *WKCursor(const char *name); |
| |
| dispatch_source_t WKCreateVMPressureDispatchOnMainQueue(void); |
| |
| NSString *WKGetMacOSXVersionString(void); |
| bool WKExecutableWasLinkedOnOrBeforeLion(void); |
| #endif |
| |
| void WKCGPathAddRoundedRect(CGMutablePathRef path, const CGAffineTransform* matrix, CGRect rect, CGFloat cornerWidth, CGFloat cornerHeight); |
| |
| void WKCFURLRequestAllowAllPostCaching(CFURLRequestRef); |
| |
| @class WebFilterEvaluator; |
| |
| BOOL WKFilterIsManagedSession(void); |
| WebFilterEvaluator *WKFilterCreateInstance(NSURLResponse *); |
| void WKFilterRelease(WebFilterEvaluator *); |
| BOOL WKFilterWasBlocked(WebFilterEvaluator *); |
| const char* WKFilterAddData(WebFilterEvaluator *, const char* data, int* length); |
| const char* WKFilterDataComplete(WebFilterEvaluator *, int* length); |
| |
| CGFloat WKNSElasticDeltaForTimeDelta(CGFloat initialPosition, CGFloat initialVelocity, CGFloat elapsedTime); |
| CGFloat WKNSElasticDeltaForReboundDelta(CGFloat delta); |
| CGFloat WKNSReboundDeltaForElasticDelta(CGFloat delta); |
| #endif |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKCaptionFontStyleDefault = 0, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleMonospacedWithSerif, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleProportionalWithSerif, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleMonospacedWithoutSerif, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleProportionalWithoutSerif, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleCasual, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleCursive, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleSmallCapital, |
| WKCaptionFontStyleMax |
| } WKCaptionFontStyle; |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleUndefined = 0, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleNone, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleRaised, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleDepressed, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleUniform, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleDropShadow, |
| WKCaptionTextEdgeStyleMax |
| } WKCaptionTextEdgeStyle; |
| |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceHasUserPreferences(void); |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceShowCaptionsWhenAvailable(void); |
| CGColorRef WKCaptionAppearanceCopyForegroundColor(void); |
| CGColorRef WKCaptionAppearanceCopyBackgroundColor(void); |
| CGColorRef WKCaptionAppearanceCopyWindowColor(void); |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceGetForegroundOpacity(CGFloat*); |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceGetBackgroundOpacity(CGFloat*); |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceGetWindowOpacity(CGFloat*); |
| CGFontRef WKCaptionAppearanceCopyFontForStyle(int fontStyle); |
| bool WKCaptionAppearanceGetRelativeCharacterSize(CGFloat*); |
| int WKCaptionAppearanceGetTextEdgeStyle(void); |
| CFStringRef WKCaptionAppearanceGetSettingsChangedNotification(void); |
| |
| typedef enum { |
| WKOcclusionNotificationTypeApplicationBecameVisible, |
| WKOcclusionNotificationTypeApplicationBecameOccluded |
| } WKOcclusionNotificationType; |
| |
| typedef void (*WKOcclusionNotificationHandler)(uint32_t, void*, uint32_t, void*, uint32_t); |
| |
| bool WKRegisterOcclusionNotificationHandler(WKOcclusionNotificationType, WKOcclusionNotificationHandler); |
| bool WKUnregisterOcclusionNotificationHandler(WKOcclusionNotificationType, WKOcclusionNotificationHandler); |
| #endif |
| |
| bool WKIsJavaPlugInActive(void); |
| void WKActivateJavaPlugIn(void); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |