blob: 2ca95575027fab89abeb467b3805c20605dffbd1 [file] [log] [blame]
ALERT: Persistent localStorage testItem is: Persistent item!
ALERT: Start of private browsing test, testItem is: null
ALERT: localStorage's length is: 0
ALERT: After set attempt, testItem is: FirstValue
ALERT: After second set attempt, testItem is: ChangedValue
ALERT: Opening window...
ALERT: localStorage's length is: 1
ALERT: The item in new window starts out as: ChangedValue
ALERT: The item in new window is now: NewWindowValue
ALERT: Back in parent window, localStorage's length is: 1
ALERT: Back in parent window, testItem is: ChangedValue
ALERT: Final window, localStorage's length is: 1
ALERT: Final window, item is: Persistent item!