| X |
| This tests that native elements and ARIA overrides result in the expected role, subrole and role description. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| a[href] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| a:not([href]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| abbr:not([title]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| abbr[title] |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| address |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkContentInfo |
| |
| article |
| AXRole: AXArticle |
| |
| aside |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkComplementary |
| |
| audio |
| AXRole: |
| |
| b |
| AXRole: |
| |
| bdo |
| AXRole: |
| |
| blockquote |
| AXRole: AXBlockquote |
| |
| button |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| canvas |
| AXRole: |
| |
| cite |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| code |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| del:not([datetime]) |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| del[datetime] |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| dfn |
| AXRole: AXDefinition |
| |
| dl |
| AXRole: AXDescriptionList |
| |
| dt |
| AXRole: AXDescriptionTerm |
| |
| dd |
| AXRole: AXDescriptionValue |
| |
| div |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| em |
| AXRole: |
| |
| fieldset |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| legend |
| AXRole: AXLabel |
| |
| footer |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkContentInfo |
| |
| form |
| AXRole: AXForm |
| |
| header |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkBanner |
| |
| hgroup |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| h1 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| h2 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| h3 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| h4 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| h5 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| h6 |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| hr |
| AXRole: AXSeparator |
| |
| i |
| AXRole: |
| |
| img:not([src]):not([alt]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| img[alt=''] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| img[src]:not([alt]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| img[alt='X'] |
| AXRole: AXImage |
| |
| img[usemap][alt='X'] |
| AXRole: AXImageMap |
| |
| img[usemap]:not([alt]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| input[type='button'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='color'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='checkbox'] |
| AXRole: AXCheckBox |
| |
| input[type='date'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='datetime'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='datetime-local'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='email'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='file'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='hidden'] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| input[type='image'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='month'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='number'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='password'] |
| AXRole: AXPasswordField |
| |
| input[type='radio'] |
| AXRole: AXRadioButton |
| |
| input[type='range'] |
| AXRole: AXSlider |
| |
| input[type='reset'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='search'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='submit'] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| input[type='tel'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='text'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='time'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='url'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| input[type='week'] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| ins:not([datetime]) |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| ins[datetime] |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| map |
| AXRole: |
| |
| area |
| AXRole: |
| |
| mark |
| AXRole: |
| |
| math |
| AXRole: AXMath |
| |
| merror |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| mfenced |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| mfrac |
| AXRole: AXMathFraction |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mn |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mo |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mroot |
| AXRole: AXMathRoot |
| |
| msqrt |
| AXRole: AXMathRoot |
| |
| mrow |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| ms |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| msub |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSubscript |
| |
| msup |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSuperscript |
| |
| msubsup |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSubscript |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSuperscript |
| |
| mmultiscripts |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSubscript |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSuperscript |
| |
| mprescripts |
| AXRole: |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSubscript |
| |
| mi |
| AXRole: AXSuperscript |
| |
| mtext |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| mtable |
| AXRole: AXTable |
| |
| mlabeledtr |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| mtd |
| AXRole: AXCell |
| |
| mtr |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| mtd |
| AXRole: AXCell |
| |
| nav |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkNavigation |
| |
| ol |
| AXRole: AXList |
| |
| li |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| p |
| AXRole: AXParagraph |
| |
| pre |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| progress |
| AXRole: AXProgressIndicator |
| |
| q |
| AXRole: |
| |
| s |
| AXRole: |
| |
| samp |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| section:not([aria-label]:not([aria-labelledby]) |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| section[aria-label] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| section[aria-labelledby] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| select:not([multiple]) |
| AXRole: AXComboBox |
| |
| option |
| AXRole: AXMenuItem |
| |
| optgroup |
| AXRole: |
| |
| select[multiple] |
| AXRole: AXListBox |
| |
| option |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| optgroup |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| small |
| AXRole: |
| |
| span:not([onclick]) |
| AXRole: |
| |
| span[onclick] |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| strong |
| AXRole: |
| |
| sub |
| AXRole: AXSubscript |
| |
| sup |
| AXRole: AXSuperscript |
| |
| svg |
| AXRole: |
| |
| table |
| AXRole: AXTable |
| |
| caption |
| AXRole: AXCaption |
| |
| thead |
| AXRole: |
| |
| tr |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| th |
| AXRole: AXColumnHeader |
| |
| tbody |
| AXRole: |
| |
| tr |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| td |
| AXRole: AXCell |
| |
| tfoot |
| AXRole: |
| |
| tr |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| th |
| AXRole: AXRowHeader |
| |
| textarea |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| time:not([datetime]) |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| time[datetime] |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| ul |
| AXRole: AXList |
| |
| li |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| var |
| AXRole: AXStatic |
| |
| wbr |
| AXRole: |
| |
| div[role=command] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=composite] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=input] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=landmark] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=range] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=roletype] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=section] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=sectionhead] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=select] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=structure] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=widget] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=window] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=alert] |
| AXRole: AXAlert |
| |
| div[role=alertdialog] |
| AXRole: AXDialog |
| |
| div[role=application] |
| AXRole: AXEmbedded |
| |
| div[role=article] |
| AXRole: AXArticle |
| |
| div[role=banner] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkBanner |
| |
| div[role=blockquote] |
| AXRole: AXBlockquote |
| |
| div[role=button] |
| AXRole: AXButton |
| |
| div[role=caption] |
| AXRole: AXCaption |
| |
| div[role=checkbox] |
| AXRole: AXCheckBox |
| |
| div[role=combobox] |
| AXRole: AXComboBox |
| |
| div[role=complementary] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkComplementary |
| |
| div[role=contentinfo] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkContentInfo |
| |
| div[role=definition] |
| AXRole: AXDefinition |
| |
| div[role=dialog] |
| AXRole: AXDialog |
| |
| div[role=directory] |
| AXRole: AXList |
| |
| div[role=doc-abstract] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-acknowledgments] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-afterword] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-appendix] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-backlink] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| div[role=doc-biblioentry] |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| div[role=doc-bibliography] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-biblioref] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| div[role=doc-chapter] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-colophon] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-conclusion] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-cover] |
| AXRole: AXImage |
| |
| div[role=doc-credit] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-credits] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-dedication] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-endnote] |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| div[role=doc-endnotes] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-epigraph] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-epilogue] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-errata] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-example] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-footnote] |
| AXRole: AXFootnote |
| |
| div[role=doc-foreword] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-glossary] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-glossref] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| div[role=doc-index] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-introduction] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-noteref] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| div[role=doc-notice] |
| AXRole: AXComment |
| |
| div[role=doc-pagebreak] |
| AXRole: AXSeparator |
| |
| div[role=doc-pagelist] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-part] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-preface] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-prologue] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=doc-pullquote] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-qna] |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=doc-subtitle] |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| div[role=doc-tip] |
| AXRole: AXComment |
| |
| div[role=doc-toc] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=document] |
| AXRole: AXDocument |
| |
| div[role=figure] |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| div[role=form] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkForm |
| |
| div[role=graphics-document] |
| AXRole: AXDocument |
| |
| div[role=graphics-object] |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| div[role=graphics-symbol] |
| AXRole: AXImage |
| |
| div[role=grid] |
| AXRole: AXTable |
| |
| div[role=rowgroup] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| div[role=row] |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| div[role=rowheader] |
| AXRole: AXRowHeader |
| |
| div[role=columnheader] |
| AXRole: AXColumnHeader |
| |
| div[role=gridcell] |
| AXRole: AXCell |
| |
| div[role=feed] |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| div[role=group] |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| div[role=heading] |
| AXRole: AXHeading |
| |
| div[role=img] |
| AXRole: AXImage |
| |
| div[role=link] |
| AXRole: AXLink |
| |
| div[role=list] |
| AXRole: AXList |
| |
| div[role=listitem] |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| div[role=listbox] |
| AXRole: AXListBox |
| |
| div[role=option] |
| AXRole: AXListItem |
| |
| div[role=log] |
| AXRole: AXLog |
| |
| div[role=main] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkMain |
| |
| div[role=marquee] |
| AXRole: AXMarquee |
| |
| div[role=math] |
| AXRole: AXMath |
| |
| div[role=menu] |
| AXRole: AXMenu |
| |
| div[role=menuitem] |
| AXRole: AXMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=menuitemcheckbox] |
| AXRole: AXCheckMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=menuitemradio] |
| AXRole: AXRadioMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=menubar] |
| AXRole: AXMenuBar |
| |
| div[role=menuitem] |
| AXRole: AXMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=menuitemcheckbox] |
| AXRole: AXCheckMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=menuitemradio] |
| AXRole: AXRadioMenuItem |
| |
| div[role=meter] |
| AXRole: AXLevelIndicator |
| |
| div[role=navigation] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkNavigation |
| |
| div[role=note] |
| AXRole: AXComment |
| |
| div[role=paragraph] |
| AXRole: AXParagraph |
| |
| div[role=presentation] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| div[role=progressbar] |
| AXRole: AXProgressIndicator |
| |
| div[role=radiogroup] |
| AXRole: AXGroup |
| |
| div[role=radio] |
| AXRole: AXRadioButton |
| |
| div[role=region]:not([aria-label]:not([aria-labelledby]) |
| AXRole: AXSection |
| |
| div[role=region][aria-label] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=region][aria-labelledby] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkRegion |
| |
| div[role=scrollbar] |
| AXRole: AXScrollBar |
| |
| div[role=search] |
| AXRole: AXLandmarkSearch |
| |
| div[role=searchbox] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| div[role=separator] |
| AXRole: AXSeparator |
| |
| div[role=slider] |
| AXRole: AXSlider |
| |
| div[role=spinbutton] |
| AXRole: AXSpinButton |
| |
| div[role=status] |
| AXRole: AXStatusBar |
| |
| div[role=switch] |
| AXRole: AXToggleButton |
| |
| div[role=tablist] |
| AXRole: AXTabGroup |
| |
| div[role=tab] |
| AXRole: AXTab |
| |
| div[role=tabpanel] |
| AXRole: AXScrollArea |
| |
| div[role=term] |
| AXRole: AXDescriptionTerm |
| |
| div[role=textbox] |
| AXRole: AXTextField |
| |
| div[role=timer] |
| AXRole: AXTimer |
| |
| div[role=toolbar] |
| AXRole: AXToolbar |
| |
| div[role=tooltip] |
| AXRole: AXUserInterfaceTooltip |
| |
| div[role=tree] |
| AXRole: AXTree |
| |
| div[role=treeitem] |
| AXRole: AXTreeItem |
| |
| div[role=group] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| div[role=treeitem] |
| AXRole: AXTreeItem |
| |
| div[role=treegrid] |
| AXRole: AXTreeGrid |
| |
| div[role=rowgroup] |
| AXRole: |
| |
| div[role=row] |
| AXRole: AXRow |
| |
| div[role=rowheader] |
| AXRole: AXRowHeader |
| |
| div[role=columnheader] |
| AXRole: AXColumnHeader |
| |
| div[role=gridcell] |
| AXRole: AXCell |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |