blob: 61353c4a04e4625dd9e399b8596c39e1a8a66d42 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that the closed captions button, when toggled, updates the text track display area.
Set the user language preference so that the track will be chosen when the CC button is clicked.
** Caption button should be visible and enabled because we have a captions track.
EXPECTED (captionsButtonCoordinates[0] > '0') OK
EXPECTED (captionsButtonCoordinates[1] > '0') OK
EXPECTED (captionsButtonElement.disabled == 'false') OK
** The captions track should be listed in textTracks, but not yet loaded. **
EXPECTED (video.textTracks.length == '1') OK
EXPECTED (video.textTracks[0].mode == 'disabled') OK
Failed to find text track container element
** Captions track should load and captions should become visible after button is clicked **
*** Click the CC button.
EXPECTED (textTrackDisplayElement(video, 'display').innerText == 'Lorem') OK
** Captions should not be visible after button is clicked again **
*** Click the CC button.
No text track cue with display id '-webkit-media-text-track-display' is currently visible