blob: e9257e6fe0aff45840c782cf23ddf32932928bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
# META: timeout=long
from import assert_error, assert_dialog_handled, assert_success
from import create_dialog
from import inline
alert_doc = inline("<script>window.alert()</script>")
def maximize(session):
return session.transport.send("POST", "session/%s/window/maximize" % session.session_id)
# 10.7.3 Maximize Window
def test_no_browsing_context(session, create_window):
2. If the current top-level browsing context is no longer open,
return error with error code no such window.
session.window_handle = create_window()
response = maximize(session)
assert_error(response, "no such window")
def test_handle_prompt_dismiss_and_notify():
def test_handle_prompt_accept_and_notify():
def test_handle_prompt_ignore():
def test_handle_prompt_accept(new_session, add_browser_capabilites):
3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
In order to handle any user prompts a remote end must take the
following steps:
2. Perform the following substeps based on the current session's
user prompt handler:
- accept state
Accept the current user prompt.
_, session = new_session({"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": add_browser_capabilites({"unhandledPromptBehavior": "accept"})}})
session.url = inline("<title>WD doc title</title>")
create_dialog(session)("alert", text="dismiss #1", result_var="dismiss1")
response = maximize(session)
assert response.status == 200
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #1")
create_dialog(session)("confirm", text="dismiss #2", result_var="dismiss2")
response = maximize(session)
assert response.status == 200
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #2")
create_dialog(session)("prompt", text="dismiss #3", result_var="dismiss3")
response = maximize(session)
assert response.status == 200
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #3")
def test_handle_prompt_missing_value(session, create_dialog):
3. Handle any user prompts and return its value if it is an error.
In order to handle any user prompts a remote end must take the
following steps:
2. Perform the following substeps based on the current session's
user prompt handler:
- missing value default state
1. Dismiss the current user prompt.
2. Return error with error code unexpected alert open.
session.url = inline("<title>WD doc title</title>")
create_dialog("alert", text="dismiss #1", result_var="dismiss1")
response = maximize(session)
assert_error(response, "unexpected alert open")
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #1")
create_dialog("confirm", text="dismiss #2", result_var="dismiss2")
response = maximize(session)
assert_error(response, "unexpected alert open")
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #2")
create_dialog("prompt", text="dismiss #3", result_var="dismiss3")
response = maximize(session)
assert_error(response, "unexpected alert open")
assert_dialog_handled(session, "dismiss #3")
def test_fully_exit_fullscreen(session):
4. Fully exit fullscreen.
To fully exit fullscreen a document document, run these steps:
1. If document's fullscreen element is null, terminate these steps.
2. Unfullscreen elements whose fullscreen flag is set, within
document's top layer, except for document's fullscreen element.
3. Exit fullscreen document.
assert session.execute_script("return window.fullScreen") is True
response = maximize(session)
assert session.execute_script("return window.fullScreen") is False
def test_restore_the_window(session):
5. Restore the window.
To restore the window, given an operating system level window with
an associated top-level browsing context, run implementation-specific
steps to restore or unhide the window to the visible screen. Do not
return from this operation until the visibility state of the top-level
browsing context's active document has reached the visible state,
or until the operation times out.
assert session.execute_script("return document.hidden") is True
response = maximize(session)
def test_maximize(session):
6. Maximize the window of the current browsing context.
To maximize the window, given an operating system level window with an
associated top-level browsing context, run the implementation-specific
steps to transition the operating system level window into the
maximized window state. If the window manager supports window
resizing but does not have a concept of window maximation, the window
dimensions must be increased to the maximum available size permitted
by the window manager for the current screen. Return when the window
has completed the transition, or within an implementation-defined
before_size = session.window.size
response = maximize(session)
assert before_size != session.window.size
def test_payload(session):
7. Return success with the JSON serialization of the current top-level
browsing context's window rect.
A top-level browsing context's window rect is defined as a
dictionary of the screenX, screenY, width and height attributes of
the WindowProxy. Its JSON representation is the following:
WindowProxy's screenX attribute.
WindowProxy's screenY attribute.
Width of the top-level browsing context's outer dimensions,
including any browser chrome and externally drawn window
decorations in CSS reference pixels.
Height of the top-level browsing context's outer dimensions,
including any browser chrome and externally drawn window
decorations in CSS reference pixels.
before_size = session.window.size
response = maximize(session)
# step 5
assert response.status == 200
assert isinstance(response.body["value"], dict)
value = response.body["value"]
assert "width" in value
assert "height" in value
assert "x" in value
assert "y" in value
assert isinstance(value["width"], int)
assert isinstance(value["height"], int)
assert isinstance(value["x"], int)
assert isinstance(value["y"], int)
assert before_size != session.window.size
def test_maximize_twice_is_idempotent(session):
first_response = maximize(session)
max_size = session.window.size
second_response = maximize(session)
assert session.window.size == max_size
TODO(ato): Implicit session start does not use configuration passed on
from wptrunner. This causes an exception.
def test_maximize_when_resized_to_max_size(session):
# Determine the largest available window size by first maximising
# the window and getting the window rect dimensions.
# Then resize the window to the maximum available size.
available = session.window.maximize()
session.window.size = available
# In certain window managers a window extending to the full available
# dimensions of the screen may not imply that the window is maximised,
# since this is often a special state. If a remote end expects a DOM
# resize event, this may not fire if the window has already reached
# its expected dimensions.
before = session.window.size
assert session.window.size == before