blob: 7178b2e28c374a70cd418200214df75f9a16f422 [file] [log] [blame]
import hashlib
import httplib
import os
import threading
import traceback
import socket
import urlparse
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from ..testrunner import Stop
here = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
# Extra timeout to use after internal test timeout at which the harness
# should force a timeout
extra_timeout = 5 # seconds
def executor_kwargs(test_type, server_config, cache_manager, **kwargs):
timeout_multiplier = kwargs["timeout_multiplier"]
if timeout_multiplier is None:
timeout_multiplier = 1
executor_kwargs = {"server_config": server_config,
"timeout_multiplier": timeout_multiplier,
"debug_info": kwargs["debug_info"]}
if test_type == "reftest":
executor_kwargs["screenshot_cache"] = cache_manager.dict()
if test_type == "wdspec":
executor_kwargs["binary"] = kwargs.get("binary")
executor_kwargs["webdriver_binary"] = kwargs.get("webdriver_binary")
executor_kwargs["webdriver_args"] = kwargs.get("webdriver_args")
return executor_kwargs
def strip_server(url):
"""Remove the scheme and netloc from a url, leaving only the path and any query
or fragment.
url - the url to strip
e.g. becomes /tests?id=1#2"""
url_parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
url_parts[0] = ""
url_parts[1] = ""
return urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts)
class TestharnessResultConverter(object):
harness_codes = {0: "OK",
1: "ERROR",
test_codes = {0: "PASS",
1: "FAIL",
3: "NOTRUN"}
def __call__(self, test, result):
"""Convert a JSON result into a (TestResult, [SubtestResult]) tuple"""
result_url, status, message, stack, subtest_results = result
assert result_url == test.url, ("Got results from %s, expected %s" %
(result_url, test.url))
harness_result = test.result_cls(self.harness_codes[status], message)
return (harness_result,
[test.subtest_result_cls(st_name, self.test_codes[st_status], st_message, st_stack)
for st_name, st_status, st_message, st_stack in subtest_results])
testharness_result_converter = TestharnessResultConverter()
def reftest_result_converter(self, test, result):
return (test.result_cls(result["status"], result["message"],
extra=result.get("extra")), [])
def pytest_result_converter(self, test, data):
harness_data, subtest_data = data
if subtest_data is None:
subtest_data = []
harness_result = test.result_cls(*harness_data)
subtest_results = [test.subtest_result_cls(*item) for item in subtest_data]
return (harness_result, subtest_results)
class ExecutorException(Exception):
def __init__(self, status, message):
self.status = status
self.message = message
class TestExecutor(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
test_type = None
convert_result = None
supports_testdriver = False
def __init__(self, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1,
debug_info=None, **kwargs):
"""Abstract Base class for object that actually executes the tests in a
specific browser. Typically there will be a different TestExecutor
subclass for each test type and method of executing tests.
:param browser: ExecutorBrowser instance providing properties of the
browser that will be tested.
:param server_config: Dictionary of wptserve server configuration of the
form stored in TestEnvironment.config
:param timeout_multiplier: Multiplier relative to base timeout to use
when setting test timeout.
self.runner = None
self.browser = browser
self.server_config = server_config
self.timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier
self.debug_info = debug_info
self.last_environment = {"protocol": "http",
"prefs": {}}
self.protocol = None # This must be set in subclasses
def logger(self):
"""StructuredLogger for this executor"""
if self.runner is not None:
return self.runner.logger
def setup(self, runner):
"""Run steps needed before tests can be started e.g. connecting to
browser instance
:param runner: TestRunner instance that is going to run the tests"""
self.runner = runner
if self.protocol is not None:
def teardown(self):
"""Run cleanup steps after tests have finished"""
if self.protocol is not None:
def run_test(self, test):
"""Run a particular test.
:param test: The test to run"""
if test.environment != self.last_environment:
result = self.do_test(test)
except Exception as e:
result = self.result_from_exception(test, e)
if result is Stop:
return result
# log result of parent test
if result[0].status == "ERROR":
self.last_environment = test.environment
self.runner.send_message("test_ended", test, result)
def server_url(self, protocol):
return "%s://%s:%s" % (protocol,
def test_url(self, test):
return urlparse.urljoin(self.server_url(test.environment["protocol"]), test.url)
def do_test(self, test):
"""Test-type and protocol specific implementation of running a
specific test.
:param test: The test to run."""
def on_environment_change(self, new_environment):
def result_from_exception(self, test, e):
if hasattr(e, "status") and e.status in test.result_cls.statuses:
status = e.status
status = "ERROR"
message = unicode(getattr(e, "message", ""))
if message:
message += "\n"
message += traceback.format_exc(e)
return test.result_cls(status, message), []
class TestharnessExecutor(TestExecutor):
convert_result = testharness_result_converter
class RefTestExecutor(TestExecutor):
convert_result = reftest_result_converter
def __init__(self, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1, screenshot_cache=None,
debug_info=None, **kwargs):
TestExecutor.__init__(self, browser, server_config,
self.screenshot_cache = screenshot_cache
class RefTestImplementation(object):
def __init__(self, executor):
self.timeout_multiplier = executor.timeout_multiplier
self.executor = executor
# Cache of url:(screenshot hash, screenshot). Typically the
# screenshot is None, but we set this value if a test fails
# and the screenshot was taken from the cache so that we may
# retrieve the screenshot from the cache directly in the future
self.screenshot_cache = self.executor.screenshot_cache
self.message = None
def setup(self):
def teardown(self):
def logger(self):
return self.executor.logger
def get_hash(self, test, viewport_size, dpi):
timeout = test.timeout * self.timeout_multiplier
key = (test.url, viewport_size, dpi)
if key not in self.screenshot_cache:
success, data = self.executor.screenshot(test, viewport_size, dpi)
if not success:
return False, data
screenshot = data
hash_value = hashlib.sha1(screenshot).hexdigest()
self.screenshot_cache[key] = (hash_value, None)
rv = (hash_value, screenshot)
rv = self.screenshot_cache[key]
self.message.append("%s %s" % (test.url, rv[0]))
return True, rv
def is_pass(self, lhs_hash, rhs_hash, relation):
assert relation in ("==", "!=")
self.message.append("Testing %s %s %s" % (lhs_hash, relation, rhs_hash))
return ((relation == "==" and lhs_hash == rhs_hash) or
(relation == "!=" and lhs_hash != rhs_hash))
def run_test(self, test):
viewport_size = test.viewport_size
dpi = test.dpi
self.message = []
# Depth-first search of reference tree, with the goal
# of reachings a leaf node with only pass results
stack = list(((test, item[0]), item[1]) for item in reversed(test.references))
while stack:
hashes = [None, None]
screenshots = [None, None]
nodes, relation = stack.pop()
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
success, data = self.get_hash(node, viewport_size, dpi)
if success is False:
return {"status": data[0], "message": data[1]}
hashes[i], screenshots[i] = data
if self.is_pass(hashes[0], hashes[1], relation):
if nodes[1].references:
stack.extend(list(((nodes[1], item[0]), item[1]) for item in reversed(nodes[1].references)))
# We passed
return {"status":"PASS", "message": None}
# We failed, so construct a failure message
for i, (node, screenshot) in enumerate(zip(nodes, screenshots)):
if screenshot is None:
success, screenshot = self.retake_screenshot(node, viewport_size, dpi)
if success:
screenshots[i] = screenshot
log_data = [{"url": nodes[0].url, "screenshot": screenshots[0]}, relation,
{"url": nodes[1].url, "screenshot": screenshots[1]}]
return {"status": "FAIL",
"message": "\n".join(self.message),
"extra": {"reftest_screenshots": log_data}}
def retake_screenshot(self, node, viewport_size, dpi):
success, data = self.executor.screenshot(node, viewport_size, dpi)
if not success:
return False, data
key = (node.url, viewport_size, dpi)
hash_val, _ = self.screenshot_cache[key]
self.screenshot_cache[key] = hash_val, data
return True, data
class WdspecExecutor(TestExecutor):
convert_result = pytest_result_converter
protocol_cls = None
def __init__(self, browser, server_config, webdriver_binary,
webdriver_args, timeout_multiplier=1, capabilities=None,
debug_info=None, **kwargs):
TestExecutor.__init__(self, browser, server_config,
self.webdriver_binary = webdriver_binary
self.webdriver_args = webdriver_args
self.timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.protocol = self.protocol_cls(self, browser)
def is_alive(self):
return self.protocol.is_alive
def on_environment_change(self, new_environment):
def do_test(self, test):
timeout = test.timeout * self.timeout_multiplier + extra_timeout
success, data = WdspecRun(self.do_wdspec,
if success:
return self.convert_result(test, data)
return (test.result_cls(*data), [])
def do_wdspec(self, session_config, path, timeout):
def do_delayed_imports(self):
global pytestrunner
from . import pytestrunner
class Protocol(object):
def __init__(self, executor, browser):
self.executor = executor
self.browser = browser
def logger(self):
return self.executor.logger
def setup(self, runner):
def teardown(self):
def wait(self):
class WdspecRun(object):
def __init__(self, func, session, path, timeout):
self.func = func
self.result = (None, None)
self.session = session
self.path = path
self.timeout = timeout
self.result_flag = threading.Event()
def run(self):
"""Runs function in a thread and interrupts it if it exceeds the
given timeout. Returns (True, (Result, [SubtestResult ...])) in
case of success, or (False, (status, extra information)) in the
event of failure.
executor = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
flag = self.result_flag.wait(self.timeout)
if self.result[1] is None:
self.result = False, ("EXTERNAL-TIMEOUT", None)
return self.result
def _run(self):
self.result = True, self.func(self.session, self.path, self.timeout)
except (socket.timeout, IOError):
self.result = False, ("CRASH", None)
except Exception as e:
message = getattr(e, "message")
if message:
message += "\n"
message += traceback.format_exc(e)
self.result = False, ("ERROR", message)
class WebDriverProtocol(Protocol):
server_cls = None
def __init__(self, executor, browser):
Protocol.__init__(self, executor, browser)
self.webdriver_binary = executor.webdriver_binary
self.webdriver_args = executor.webdriver_args
self.capabilities = self.executor.capabilities
self.session_config = None
self.server = None
def setup(self, runner):
"""Connect to browser via the HTTP server."""
self.server = self.server_cls(
"WebDriver HTTP server listening at %s" % self.server.url)
self.session_config = {"host":,
"port": self.server.port,
"capabilities": self.capabilities}
except Exception:
def teardown(self):
if self.server is not None and self.server.is_alive:
def is_alive(self):
"""Test that the connection is still alive.
Because the remote communication happens over HTTP we need to
make an explicit request to the remote. It is allowed for
WebDriver spec tests to not have a WebDriver session, since this
may be what is tested.
An HTTP request to an invalid path that results in a 404 is
proof enough to us that the server is alive and kicking.
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(, self.server.port)
conn.request("HEAD", self.server.base_path + "invalid")
res = conn.getresponse()
return res.status == 404