blob: 622c5fce76acc2d9e19b0d0cfbc6520c858b7140 [file] [log] [blame]
import urlparse
import error
import protocol
import transport
from six import string_types
from mozlog import get_default_logger
logger = get_default_logger()
def command(func):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self, "session"):
session = self.session
session = self
if session.session_id is None:
assert session.session_id is not None
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
inner.__name__ = func.__name__
inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return inner
class Timeouts(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def _get(self, key=None):
timeouts = self.session.send_session_command("GET", "timeouts")
if key is not None:
return timeouts[key]
return timeouts
def _set(self, key, secs):
body = {key: secs * 1000}
timeouts = self.session.send_session_command("POST", "timeouts", body)
return None
def script(self):
return self._get("script")
def script(self, secs):
return self._set("script", secs)
def page_load(self):
return self._get("pageLoad")
def page_load(self, secs):
return self._set("pageLoad", secs)
def implicit(self):
return self._get("implicit")
def implicit(self, secs):
return self._set("implicit", secs)
def __str__(self):
name = "%s.%s" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
return "<%s script=%d, load=%d, implicit=%d>" % \
(name, self.script, self.page_load, self.implicit)
class ActionSequence(object):
"""API for creating and performing action sequences.
Each action method adds one or more actions to a queue. When perform()
is called, the queued actions fire in order.
May be chained together as in::
ActionSequence(session, "key", id) \
.key_down("a") \
.key_up("a") \
def __init__(self, session, action_type, input_id, pointer_params=None):
"""Represents a sequence of actions of one type for one input source.
:param session: WebDriver session.
:param action_type: Action type; may be "none", "key", or "pointer".
:param input_id: ID of input source.
:param pointer_params: Optional dictionary of pointer parameters.
self.session = session
self._id = input_id
self._type = action_type
self._actions = []
self._pointer_params = pointer_params
def dict(self):
d = {
"type": self._type,
"id": self._id,
"actions": self._actions,
if self._pointer_params is not None:
d["parameters"] = self._pointer_params
return d
def perform(self):
"""Perform all queued actions."""
def _key_action(self, subtype, value):
self._actions.append({"type": subtype, "value": value})
def _pointer_action(self, subtype, button):
self._actions.append({"type": subtype, "button": button})
def pause(self, duration):
self._actions.append({"type": "pause", "duration": duration})
return self
def pointer_move(self, x, y, duration=None, origin=None):
"""Queue a pointerMove action.
:param x: Destination x-axis coordinate of pointer in CSS pixels.
:param y: Destination y-axis coordinate of pointer in CSS pixels.
:param duration: Number of milliseconds over which to distribute the
move. If None, remote end defaults to 0.
:param origin: Origin of coordinates, either "viewport", "pointer" or
an Element. If None, remote end defaults to "viewport".
action = {
"type": "pointerMove",
"x": x,
"y": y
if duration is not None:
action["duration"] = duration
if origin is not None:
action["origin"] = origin
return self
def pointer_up(self, button=0):
"""Queue a pointerUp action for `button`.
:param button: Pointer button to perform action with.
Default: 0, which represents main device button.
self._pointer_action("pointerUp", button)
return self
def pointer_down(self, button=0):
"""Queue a pointerDown action for `button`.
:param button: Pointer button to perform action with.
Default: 0, which represents main device button.
self._pointer_action("pointerDown", button)
return self
def click(self, element=None, button=0):
"""Queue a click with the specified button.
If an element is given, move the pointer to that element first,
otherwise click current pointer coordinates.
:param element: Optional element to click.
:param button: Integer representing pointer button to perform action
with. Default: 0, which represents main device button.
if element:
self.pointer_move(0, 0, origin=element)
return self.pointer_down(button).pointer_up(button)
def key_up(self, value):
"""Queue a keyUp action for `value`.
:param value: Character to perform key action with.
self._key_action("keyUp", value)
return self
def key_down(self, value):
"""Queue a keyDown action for `value`.
:param value: Character to perform key action with.
self._key_action("keyDown", value)
return self
def send_keys(self, keys):
"""Queue a keyDown and keyUp action for each character in `keys`.
:param keys: String of keys to perform key actions with.
for c in keys:
return self
class Actions(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def perform(self, actions=None):
"""Performs actions by tick from each action sequence in `actions`.
:param actions: List of input source action sequences. A single action
sequence may be created with the help of
body = {"actions": [] if actions is None else actions}
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "actions", body)
def release(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("DELETE", "actions")
def sequence(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return an empty ActionSequence of the designated type.
See ActionSequence for parameter list.
return ActionSequence(self.session, *args, **kwargs)
class Window(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def rect(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("GET", "window/rect")
def size(self):
"""Gets the window size as a tuple of `(width, height)`."""
rect = self.rect
return (rect["width"], rect["height"])
def size(self, new_size):
"""Set window size by passing a tuple of `(width, height)`."""
width, height = new_size
body = {"width": width, "height": height}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/rect", body)
def position(self):
"""Gets the window position as a tuple of `(x, y)`."""
rect = self.rect
return (rect["x"], rect["y"])
def position(self, new_position):
"""Set window position by passing a tuple of `(x, y)`."""
x, y = new_position
body = {"x": x, "y": y}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/rect", body)
def maximize(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/maximize")
def minimize(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/minimize")
def fullscreen(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", "window/fullscreen")
class Find(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def css(self, selector, all=True):
return self._find_element("css selector", selector, all)
def _find_element(self, strategy, selector, all):
route = "elements" if all else "element"
body = {"using": strategy,
"value": selector}
return self.session.send_session_command("POST", route, body)
class Cookies(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def __getitem__(self, name):
self.session.send_session_command("GET", "cookie/%s" % name, {})
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
cookie = {"name": name,
"value": None}
if isinstance(name, string_types):
cookie["value"] = value
elif hasattr(value, "value"):
cookie["value"] = value.value
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "cookie/%s" % name, {})
class UserPrompt(object):
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
def dismiss(self):
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/dismiss")
def accept(self):
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/accept")
def text(self):
return self.session.send_session_command("GET", "alert/text")
def text(self, value):
body = {"value": list(value)}
self.session.send_session_command("POST", "alert/text", body=body)
class Session(object):
def __init__(self,
self.transport = transport.HTTPWireProtocol(
host, port, url_prefix, timeout=timeout)
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.session_id = None
self.timeouts = None
self.window = None
self.find = None
self._element_cache = {}
self.extension = None
self.extension_cls = extension
self.timeouts = Timeouts(self)
self.window = Window(self)
self.find = Find(self)
self.alert = UserPrompt(self)
self.actions = Actions(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.session_id is not None and isinstance(other, Session) and
self.session_id == other.session_id)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def __del__(self):
def start(self):
if self.session_id is not None:
body = {}
if self.capabilities is not None:
body["capabilities"] = self.capabilities
value = self.send_command("POST", "session", body=body)
self.session_id = value["sessionId"]
self.capabilities = value["capabilities"]
if self.extension_cls:
self.extension = self.extension_cls(self)
return value
def end(self):
if self.session_id is None:
url = "session/%s" % self.session_id
self.send_command("DELETE", url)
self.session_id = None
def send_command(self, method, url, body=None):
Send a command to the remote end and validate its success.
:param method: HTTP method to use in request.
:param uri: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
e.g. `window/rect`.
:param body: Optional body of the HTTP request.
:return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
the `value` field returned after parsing the response
body as JSON.
:raises ValueError: If the response body does not contain a
`value` key.
:raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
an error.
response = self.transport.send(
method, url, body,
encoder=protocol.Encoder, decoder=protocol.Decoder,
if response.status != 200:
raise error.from_response(response)
if "value" in response.body:
value = response.body["value"]
Edge does not yet return the w3c session ID.
We want the tests to run in Edge anyway to help with REC.
In order to run the tests in Edge, we need to hack around
if url == "session" and method == "POST" and "sessionId" in response.body and "sessionId" not in value:
value["sessionId"] = response.body["sessionId"]
raise ValueError("Expected 'value' key in response body:\n"
"%s" % response)
return value
def send_session_command(self, method, uri, body=None):
Send a command to an established session and validate its success.
:param method: HTTP method to use in request.
:param url: "Command part" of the HTTP request URL,
e.g. `window/rect`.
:param body: Optional body of the HTTP request. Must be JSON
:return: `None` if the HTTP response body was empty, otherwise
the result of parsing the body as JSON.
:raises error.SessionNotCreatedException: If there is no active
:raises error.WebDriverException: If the remote end returns
an error.
if self.session_id is None:
raise error.SessionNotCreatedException()
url = urlparse.urljoin("session/%s/" % self.session_id, uri)
return self.send_command(method, url, body)
def url(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "url")
def url(self, url):
if urlparse.urlsplit(url).netloc is None:
return self.url(url)
body = {"url": url}
return self.send_session_command("POST", "url", body)
def back(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "back")
def forward(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "forward")
def refresh(self):
return self.send_session_command("POST", "refresh")
def title(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "title")
def source(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "source")
def window_handle(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "window")
def window_handle(self, handle):
body = {"handle": handle}
return self.send_session_command("POST", "window", body=body)
def switch_frame(self, frame):
if frame == "parent":
url = "frame/parent"
body = None
url = "frame"
body = {"id": frame}
return self.send_session_command("POST", url, body)
def close(self):
return self.send_session_command("DELETE", "window")
def handles(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "window/handles")
def active_element(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "element/active")
def cookies(self, name=None):
if name is None:
url = "cookie"
url = "cookie/%s" % name
return self.send_session_command("GET", url, {})
def set_cookie(self, name, value, path=None, domain=None, secure=None, expiry=None):
body = {"name": name,
"value": value}
if path is not None:
body["path"] = path
if domain is not None:
body["domain"] = domain
if secure is not None:
body["secure"] = secure
if expiry is not None:
body["expiry"] = expiry
self.send_session_command("POST", "cookie", {"cookie": body})
def delete_cookie(self, name=None):
if name is None:
url = "cookie"
url = "cookie/%s" % name
self.send_session_command("DELETE", url, {})
def execute_script(self, script, args=None):
if args is None:
args = []
body = {
"script": script,
"args": args
return self.send_session_command("POST", "execute/sync", body)
def execute_async_script(self, script, args=None):
if args is None:
args = []
body = {
"script": script,
"args": args
return self.send_session_command("POST", "execute/async", body)
def screenshot(self):
return self.send_session_command("GET", "screenshot")
class Element(object):
Representation of a web element.
A web element is an abstraction used to identify an element when
it is transported via the protocol, between remote- and local ends.
identifier = "element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf"
def __init__(self, id, session):
Construct a new web element representation.
:param id: Web element UUID which must be unique across
all browsing contexts.
:param session: Current ``webdriver.Session``.
""" = id
self.session = session
assert id not in self.session._element_cache
self.session._element_cache[] = self
def __eq__(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, Element) and == and
self.session == other.session)
def from_json(cls, json, session):
assert Element.identifier in json
uuid = json[Element.identifier]
if uuid in session._element_cache:
return session._element_cache[uuid]
return cls(uuid, session)
def send_element_command(self, method, uri, body=None):
url = "element/%s/%s" % (, uri)
return self.session.send_session_command(method, url, body)
def find_element(self, strategy, selector):
body = {"using": strategy,
"value": selector}
return self.send_element_command("POST", "element", body)
def click(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", "click", {})
def tap(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", "tap", {})
def clear(self):
self.send_element_command("POST", self.url("clear"), {})
def send_keys(self, text):
return self.send_element_command("POST", "value", {"text": text})
def text(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "text")
def name(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "name")
def style(self, property_name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "css/%s" % property_name)
def rect(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "rect")
def selected(self):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "selected")
def attribute(self, name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "attribute/%s" % name)
# This MUST come last because otherwise @property decorators above
# will be overridden by this.
def property(self, name):
return self.send_element_command("GET", "property/%s" % name)