| <script src="../../LayoutTests/editing/editing.js"></script> |
| typeCharacterCommand('t'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('h'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand(' '); |
| typeCharacterCommand('c'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('o'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('l'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('l'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('a'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('p'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('s'); |
| <title>Autocorrection Cancellation By ESC Test</title> |
| <div><p>This test verifies that autocorrection is not applied when user dismisses correction panel by pressing |
| <p>After seeing the correction panel, press ESC key, then press space. You should see the phrase "the collaps" |
| where "collaps" has red mispell underline. </p> |
| <p style="color:green">Note, this test can fail due to user specific spell checking data. If the user has previously |
| dismissed 'collapse' as the correct spelling of 'collaps' several times, the spell checker will not provide |
| 'collapse' as a suggestion anymore. To fix this, remove all files in ~/Library/Spelling.</p> |
| <div contenteditable id="root" class="editing"> |