blob: 141a4c04fa146c0354fc7bddaaa2a96a4bd7b097 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing the functions of WI.AuditTestGroup.
== Running test suite: AuditTestGroup
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.nullObject
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.nonObject
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.emptyObject
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.invalidTopLevelMembers
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.missingSubMembers
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.invalidSubMembers
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.valid
"type": "test-group",
"name": "valid group name",
"tests": [
"type": "test-case",
"name": "valid test name",
"test": "valid test function"
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.validWithInvalidOptionals
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals test name" has a non-string "description" value
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals test name" has a non-string "setup" value
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals test name" is too new to run in this Web Inspector
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals group name" has a non-string "description" value
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals group name" has a non-string "setup" value
WARN: Audit Warning: "validWithInvalidOptionals group name" is too new to run in this Web Inspector
"type": "test-group",
"name": "validWithInvalidOptionals group name",
"supports": 4,
"tests": [
"type": "test-case",
"name": "validWithInvalidOptionals test name",
"supports": 5,
"test": "validWithInvalidOptionals test function"
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.validWithValidOptionals
"type": "test-group",
"name": "validWithValidOptionals group name",
"description": "validWithValidOptionals group description",
"supports": 2,
"setup": "validWithValidOptionals group setup",
"tests": [
"type": "test-case",
"name": "validWithValidOptionals test name",
"description": "validWithValidOptionals test description",
"supports": 1,
"setup": "validWithValidOptionals test setup",
"test": "validWithValidOptionals test function"
-- Running test case: AuditTestGroup.fromPayload.validNested
"type": "test-group",
"name": "validNested group name",
"description": "validNested group description",
"supports": 2,
"setup": "validNested group setup",
"tests": [
"type": "test-group",
"name": "validNested nested group name",
"description": "validNested nested group description",
"supports": 1,
"setup": "validNested nested group setup",
"tests": [
"type": "test-case",
"name": "validNested nested test name",
"description": "validNested nested test description",
"supports": 0,
"setup": "validNested nested test setup",
"test": "validNested nested test function"
"type": "test-case",
"name": "validNested test name",
"description": "validNested test description",
"supports": -1,
"setup": "validNested test setup",
"test": "validNested test function"