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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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* The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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#pragma once
// Define ourselves as the clientPtr. Mozilla just hacked their C++ callback class into this old C decoder,
// so we will too.
#include "GIFImageDecoder.h"
#include "SharedBuffer.h"
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#define MAX_LZW_BITS 12
#define MAX_BYTES 4097 /* 2^MAX_LZW_BITS+1 */
#define MAX_COLORS 256
#define GIF_COLORS 3
const int cLoopCountNotSeen = -2;
// List of possible parsing states.
enum GIFState {
struct GIFFrameContext;
// LZW decoder state machine.
class GIFLZWContext {
GIFLZWContext(WebCore::GIFImageDecoder* client, const GIFFrameContext* frameContext)
: stackp(0)
, codesize(0)
, codemask(0)
, clearCode(0)
, avail(0)
, oldcode(0)
, firstchar(0)
, bits(0)
, datum(0)
, ipass(0)
, irow(0)
, rowPosition(0)
, rowsRemaining(0)
, m_client(client)
, m_frameContext(frameContext)
{ }
bool prepareToDecode();
bool outputRow();
bool doLZW(const unsigned char* block, size_t bytesInBlock);
bool hasRemainingRows() { return rowsRemaining; }
// LZW decoding states and output states.
size_t stackp; // Current stack pointer.
int codesize;
int codemask;
int clearCode; // Codeword used to trigger dictionary reset.
int avail; // Index of next available slot in dictionary.
int oldcode;
unsigned char firstchar;
int bits; // Number of unread bits in "datum".
int datum; // 32-bit input buffer.
int ipass; // Interlace pass; Ranges 1-4 if interlaced.
size_t irow; // Current output row, starting at zero.
size_t rowPosition;
size_t rowsRemaining; // Rows remaining to be output.
Vector<unsigned short> prefix;
Vector<unsigned char> suffix;
Vector<unsigned char> stack;
Vector<unsigned char> rowBuffer; // Single scanline temporary buffer.
// Initialized during construction and read-only.
WebCore::GIFImageDecoder* m_client;
const GIFFrameContext* m_frameContext;
// Data structure for one LZW block.
struct GIFLZWBlock {
GIFLZWBlock(size_t position, size_t size)
: blockPosition(position)
, blockSize(size)
size_t blockPosition;
size_t blockSize;
// Frame output state machine.
struct GIFFrameContext {
// FIXME: Move these members to private section.
int frameId;
unsigned xOffset;
unsigned yOffset; // With respect to "screen" origin.
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
int tpixel; // Index of transparent pixel.
WebCore::ScalableImageDecoderFrame::DisposalMethod disposalMethod; // Restore to background, leave in place, etc.
size_t localColormapPosition; // Per-image colormap.
int localColormapSize; // Size of local colormap array.
int datasize;
bool isLocalColormapDefined : 1;
bool progressiveDisplay : 1; // If true, do Haeberli interlace hack.
bool interlaced : 1; // True, if scanlines arrive interlaced order.
bool isTransparent : 1; // TRUE, if tpixel is valid.
unsigned delayTime; // Display time, in milliseconds, for this image in a multi-image GIF.
GIFFrameContext(int id)
: frameId(id)
, xOffset(0)
, yOffset(0)
, width(0)
, height(0)
, tpixel(0)
, disposalMethod(WebCore::ScalableImageDecoderFrame::DisposalMethod::Unspecified)
, localColormapPosition(0)
, localColormapSize(0)
, datasize(0)
, isLocalColormapDefined(false)
, progressiveDisplay(false)
, interlaced(false)
, isTransparent(false)
, delayTime(0)
, m_currentLzwBlock(0)
, m_isComplete(false)
, m_isHeaderDefined(false)
, m_isDataSizeDefined(false)
void addLzwBlock(size_t position, size_t size)
m_lzwBlocks.append(GIFLZWBlock(position, size));
bool decode(const unsigned char* data, size_t length, WebCore::GIFImageDecoder* client, bool* frameDecoded);
bool isComplete() const { return m_isComplete; }
void setComplete() { m_isComplete = true; }
bool isHeaderDefined() const { return m_isHeaderDefined; }
void setHeaderDefined() { m_isHeaderDefined = true; }
bool isDataSizeDefined() const { return m_isDataSizeDefined; }
void setDataSize(int size)
datasize = size;
m_isDataSizeDefined = true;
std::unique_ptr<GIFLZWContext> m_lzwContext;
Vector<GIFLZWBlock> m_lzwBlocks; // LZW blocks for this frame.
size_t m_currentLzwBlock;
bool m_isComplete;
bool m_isHeaderDefined;
bool m_isDataSizeDefined;
class GIFImageReader {
GIFImageReader(WebCore::GIFImageDecoder* client = 0)
: m_client(client)
, m_state(GIFType)
, m_bytesToConsume(6) // Number of bytes for GIF type, either "GIF87a" or "GIF89a".
, m_bytesRead(0)
, m_screenBgcolor(0)
, m_version(0)
, m_screenWidth(0)
, m_screenHeight(0)
, m_isGlobalColormapDefined(false)
, m_globalColormapPosition(0)
, m_globalColormapSize(0)
, m_loopCount(cLoopCountNotSeen)
, m_currentDecodingFrame(0)
, m_parseCompleted(false)
void setData(const WebCore::SharedBuffer& data) { m_data = &data; }
// FIXME: haltAtFrame should be size_t.
bool decode(WebCore::GIFImageDecoder::GIFQuery, unsigned haltAtFrame);
size_t imagesCount() const
if (m_frames.isEmpty())
return 0;
// This avoids counting an empty frame when the file is truncated right after
// GIFControlExtension but before GIFImageHeader.
// FIXME: This extra complexity is not necessary and we should just report m_frames.size().
return m_frames.last()->isHeaderDefined() ? m_frames.size() : m_frames.size() - 1;
int loopCount() const { return m_loopCount; }
const unsigned char* globalColormap() const
return m_isGlobalColormapDefined ? data(m_globalColormapPosition) : 0;
int globalColormapSize() const
return m_isGlobalColormapDefined ? m_globalColormapSize : 0;
const unsigned char* localColormap(const GIFFrameContext* frame) const
return frame->isLocalColormapDefined ? data(frame->localColormapPosition) : 0;
int localColormapSize(const GIFFrameContext* frame) const
return frame->isLocalColormapDefined ? frame->localColormapSize : 0;
const GIFFrameContext* frameContext() const
return m_currentDecodingFrame < m_frames.size() ? m_frames[m_currentDecodingFrame].get() : 0;
const GIFFrameContext* frameContext(size_t frame) const
return frame < m_frames.size() ? m_frames[frame].get() : nullptr;
bool parse(size_t dataPosition, size_t len, bool parseSizeOnly);
void setRemainingBytes(size_t);
const uint8_t* data(size_t dataPosition) const
return m_data->data() + dataPosition;
void addFrameIfNecessary();
bool currentFrameIsFirstFrame() const
return m_frames.isEmpty() || (m_frames.size() == 1u && !m_frames[0]->isComplete());
WebCore::GIFImageDecoder* m_client;
// Parsing state machine.
GIFState m_state; // Current decoder master state.
size_t m_bytesToConsume; // Number of bytes to consume for next stage of parsing.
size_t m_bytesRead; // Number of bytes processed.
// Global (multi-image) state.
int m_screenBgcolor; // Logical screen background color.
int m_version; // Either 89 for GIF89 or 87 for GIF87.
unsigned m_screenWidth; // Logical screen width & height.
unsigned m_screenHeight;
bool m_isGlobalColormapDefined;
size_t m_globalColormapPosition; // (3* MAX_COLORS in size) Default colormap if local not supplied, 3 bytes for each color.
int m_globalColormapSize; // Size of global colormap array.
int m_loopCount; // Netscape specific extension block to control the number of animation loops a GIF renders.
Vector<std::unique_ptr<GIFFrameContext> > m_frames;
size_t m_currentDecodingFrame;
RefPtr<const WebCore::SharedBuffer> m_data;
bool m_parseCompleted;