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| PASS Must have PerformanceObserver and PerformanceResourceTiming in DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope |
| PASS performance.clearResourceTimings clears the buffer |
| PASS performance.clearResourceTimings called multiple times is okay |
| PASS resourcetimingbufferfull event should not trigger for a small number of resources (browser default buffer size) |
| PASS PerformanceObserver sees all resource entries even after buffer is full |
| PASS resourcetimingbufferfull event should not trigger if less than the BufferSizeLimit number of resources are added to the buffer |
| PASS resourcetimingbufferfull event should not trigger if exactly the BufferSizeLimit number of resources are added to the buffer |
| PASS resourcetimingbufferfull event should only trigger once if more than the BufferSizeLimit number of resources are added to the buffer |
| PASS resourcetimingbufferfull event properties |
| PASS performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize set to value less than current BufferSize should not clear existing entries |
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