blob: aaed56d406c4c881b89a9c23b274d575c22ba56a [file] [log] [blame]
<video controls></video>
<p>Test that playback can be resumed by seeking backwards after load stalls.</p>
<script src=../../media-resources/media-file.js></script>
<script src=../../media-resources/video-test.js></script>
var waitingCount = 0;
video.addEventListener('waiting', function onWaiting() {
// Skip the first 'waiting' event because it is fired when we call play()
// and there isn't enough media to begin playback immediately.
if (++waitingCount == 1)
video.removeEventListener('waiting', onWaiting);
// now that playback has paused to wait for data, seek back and verify that we
// get a 'canplay' event
waitForEvent('canplay' , function () {
testExpected("video.readyState", HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA, ">=");
setTimeout(1, function() { video.pause(); });
} );
testExpected("video.readyState", HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA);
run("video.currentTime = 0.1");
} );
// Find a supported media file.
var mediaFile = findMediaFile("video", "content/test");
var mimeType = mimeTypeForFile(mediaFile);
video.src = "" + mediaFile + "&mimeType=" + mimeType + "&stallAt=100000";