blob: 93ee98fbf544ed11079c6f4c81478de15e06025a [file] [log] [blame]
This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
(C) 1997 Torben Weis (
(C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
(C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "CachedObjectClient.h"
#include "SegmentedString.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include "QualifiedName.h"
#include "xml_tokenizer.h"
#include <qptrqueue.h>
namespace KXMLCore {
template <class T> class PassRefPtr;
using KXMLCore::PassRefPtr;
namespace WebCore {
class CachedScript;
class DocumentFragmentImpl;
class DocumentImpl;
class FrameView;
class HTMLParser;
class NamedMappedAttrMapImpl;
class NodeImpl;
* @internal
* represents one HTML tag. Consists of a numerical id, and the list
* of attributes. Can also represent text. In this case the id = 0 and
* text contains the text.
class Token
Token() : beginTag(true), flat(false) { }
void addAttribute(DocumentImpl*, const AtomicString& attrName, const AtomicString& v);
bool isOpenTag(const QualifiedName& fullName) const { return beginTag && fullName.localName() == tagName; }
bool isCloseTag(const QualifiedName& fullName) const { return !beginTag && fullName.localName() == tagName; }
void reset()
attrs = 0;
text = 0;
tagName = nullAtom;
beginTag = true;
flat = false;
RefPtr<NamedMappedAttrMapImpl> attrs;
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> text;
AtomicString tagName;
bool beginTag;
bool flat;
class HTMLTokenizer : public Tokenizer, public CachedObjectClient
virtual ~HTMLTokenizer();
virtual bool write(const SegmentedString &str, bool appendData);
virtual void finish();
virtual void setForceSynchronous(bool force);
virtual bool isWaitingForScripts() const;
virtual void stopParsing();
virtual bool processingData() const;
class State;
// Where we are in parsing a tag
void begin();
void end();
void reset();
PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> processToken();
State processListing(SegmentedString, State);
State parseComment(SegmentedString&, State);
State parseServer(SegmentedString&, State);
State parseText(SegmentedString&, State);
State parseSpecial(SegmentedString&, State);
State parseTag(SegmentedString&, State);
State parseEntity(SegmentedString &, QChar*& dest, State, unsigned& _cBufferPos, bool start, bool parsingTag);
State parseProcessingInstruction(SegmentedString&, State);
State scriptHandler(State);
State scriptExecution(const QString& script, State state, QString scriptURL = QString(), int baseLine = 0);
void setSrc(const SegmentedString &source);
// check if we have enough space in the buffer.
// if not enlarge it
inline void checkBuffer(int len = 10)
if ( (dest - buffer) > size-len )
inline void checkScriptBuffer(int len = 10)
if ( scriptCodeSize + len >= scriptCodeMaxSize )
void enlargeBuffer(int len);
void enlargeScriptBuffer(int len);
bool continueProcessing(int& processedCount, double startTime, State &state);
void timerFired(Timer<HTMLTokenizer>*);
void allDataProcessed();
// from CachedObjectClient
void notifyFinished(CachedObject *finishedObj);
// Internal buffers
QChar *buffer;
QChar *dest;
Token currToken;
// the size of buffer
int size;
// Tokenizer flags
// are we in quotes within a html tag
NoQuote = 0,
} tquote;
// Are we in a &... character entity description?
enum EntityState {
NoEntity = 0,
SearchEntity = 1,
NumericSearch = 2,
Hexadecimal = 3,
Decimal = 4,
EntityName = 5,
SearchSemicolon = 6
unsigned EntityUnicodeValue;
enum TagState {
NoTag = 0,
TagName = 1,
SearchAttribute = 2,
AttributeName = 3,
SearchEqual = 4,
SearchValue = 5,
QuotedValue = 6,
Value = 7,
SearchEnd = 8
class State {
State() : m_bits(0) {}
TagState tagState() const { return static_cast<TagState>(m_bits & TagMask); }
void setTagState(TagState t) { m_bits = (m_bits & ~TagMask) | t; }
EntityState entityState() const { return static_cast<EntityState>((m_bits & EntityMask) >> EntityShift); }
void setEntityState(EntityState e) { m_bits = (m_bits & ~EntityMask) | (e << EntityShift); }
bool inScript() const { return testBit(InScript); }
void setInScript(bool v) { setBit(InScript, v); }
bool inStyle() const { return testBit(InStyle); }
void setInStyle(bool v) { setBit(InStyle, v); }
bool inSelect() const { return testBit(InSelect); }
void setInSelect(bool v) { setBit(InSelect, v); }
bool inXmp() const { return testBit(InXmp); }
void setInXmp(bool v) { setBit(InXmp, v); }
bool inTitle() const { return testBit(InTitle); }
void setInTitle(bool v) { setBit(InTitle, v); }
bool inPlainText() const { return testBit(InPlainText); }
void setInPlainText(bool v) { setBit(InPlainText, v); }
bool inProcessingInstruction() const { return testBit(InProcessingInstruction); }
void setInProcessingInstruction(bool v) { return setBit(InProcessingInstruction, v); }
bool inComment() const { return testBit(InComment); }
void setInComment(bool v) { setBit(InComment, v); }
bool inTextArea() const { return testBit(InTextArea); }
void setInTextArea(bool v) { setBit(InTextArea, v); }
bool escaped() const { return testBit(Escaped); }
void setEscaped(bool v) { setBit(Escaped, v); }
bool inServer() const { return testBit(InServer); }
void setInServer(bool v) { setBit(InServer, v); }
bool skipLF() const { return testBit(SkipLF); }
void setSkipLF(bool v) { setBit(SkipLF, v); }
bool startTag() const { return testBit(StartTag); }
void setStartTag(bool v) { setBit(StartTag, v); }
bool discardLF() const { return testBit(DiscardLF); }
void setDiscardLF(bool v) { setBit(DiscardLF, v); }
bool allowYield() const { return testBit(AllowYield); }
void setAllowYield(bool v) { setBit(AllowYield, v); }
bool loadingExtScript() const { return testBit(LoadingExtScript); }
void setLoadingExtScript(bool v) { setBit(LoadingExtScript, v); }
bool forceSynchronous() const { return testBit(ForceSynchronous); }
void setForceSynchronous(bool v) { setBit(ForceSynchronous, v); }
bool inAnySpecial() const { return m_bits & (InScript | InStyle | InXmp | InTextArea | InTitle); }
bool hasTagState() const { return m_bits & TagMask; }
bool hasEntityState() const { return m_bits & EntityMask; }
bool needsSpecialWriteHandling() const { return m_bits & (InScript | InStyle | InXmp | InTextArea | InTitle | TagMask | EntityMask | InPlainText | InComment | InServer | InProcessingInstruction | StartTag); }
static const int EntityShift = 4;
enum StateBits {
TagMask = (1 << 4) - 1,
EntityMask = (1 << 7) - (1 << 4),
InScript = 1 << 7,
InStyle = 1 << 8,
InSelect = 1 << 9,
InXmp = 1 << 10,
InTitle = 1 << 11,
InPlainText = 1 << 12,
InProcessingInstruction = 1 << 13,
InComment = 1 << 14,
InTextArea = 1 << 15,
Escaped = 1 << 16,
InServer = 1 << 17,
SkipLF = 1 << 18,
StartTag = 1 << 19,
DiscardLF = 1 << 20, // FIXME: should clarify difference between skip and discard
AllowYield = 1 << 21,
LoadingExtScript = 1 << 22,
ForceSynchronous = 1 << 23,
void setBit(StateBits bit, bool value)
if (value)
m_bits |= bit;
m_bits &= ~bit;
bool testBit(StateBits bit) const { return m_bits & bit; }
unsigned m_bits;
State m_state;
bool brokenServer;
// Name of an attribute that we just scanned.
AtomicString attrName;
// Used to store the code of a srcipting sequence
QChar *scriptCode;
// Size of the script sequenze stored in @ref #scriptCode
int scriptCodeSize;
// Maximal size that can be stored in @ref #scriptCode
int scriptCodeMaxSize;
// resync point of script code size
int scriptCodeResync;
// Stores characters if we are scanning for a string like "</script>"
QChar searchBuffer[ 10 ];
// Counts where we are in the string we are scanning for
int searchCount;
// The string we are searching for
const QChar *searchFor;
// the stopper string
const char* searchStopper;
// the stopper len
int searchStopperLen;
// if no more data is coming, just parse what we have (including ext scripts that
// may be still downloading) and finish
bool noMoreData;
// URL to get source code of script from
QString scriptSrc;
QString scriptSrcCharset;
bool javascript;
// the HTML code we will parse after the external script we are waiting for has loaded
SegmentedString pendingSrc;
// the HTML code we will parse after this particular script has
// loaded, but before all pending HTML
SegmentedString *currentPrependingSrc;
// true if we are executing a script while parsing a document. This causes the parsing of
// the output of the script to be postponed until after the script has finished executing
int m_executingScript;
QPtrQueue<CachedScript> pendingScripts;
RefPtr<NodeImpl> scriptNode;
// if we found one broken comment, there are most likely others as well
// store a flag to get rid of the O(n^2) behaviour in such a case.
bool brokenComments;
// current line number
int lineno;
// line number at which the current <script> started
int scriptStartLineno;
int tagStartLineno;
// The timer for continued processing.
Timer<HTMLTokenizer> m_timer;
// This buffer can hold arbitrarily long user-defined attribute names, such as in EMBED tags.
// So any fixed number might be too small, but rather than rewriting all usage of this buffer
// we'll just make it large enough to handle all imaginable cases.
#define CBUFLEN 1024
char cBuffer[CBUFLEN+2];
unsigned int m_cBufferPos;
SegmentedString src;
DocumentImpl* m_doc;
HTMLParser* parser;
bool inWrite;
bool m_fragment;
void parseHTMLDocumentFragment(const String&, DocumentFragmentImpl*);
unsigned short decodeNamedEntity(const char*);