blob: ab3521f27eb0fa201b7c0959b6022012296f4912 [file] [log] [blame]
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
title = "LDAP"
desc = "Configure this first before choosing LDAP as an authentication method"
[% param_descs = {
LDAPserver => "The name (and optionally port) of your LDAP server " _
"(e.g., or " _
"URI syntax can also be used, such as "_
"ldaps:// (for a secure connection) or " _
"ldapi://%2fvar%2flib%2fldap_sock (for a socket-based " _
"local connection. Multiple hostnames or URIs can be comma " _
"separated; each will be tried in turn until a connection is " _
LDAPstarttls => "Whether to require encrypted communication once a normal " _
"LDAP connection is achieved with the server.",
LDAPbinddn => "If your LDAP server requires that you use a binddn and password " _
"instead of binding anonymously, enter it here " _
"(e.g. cn=default,cn=user:password). " _
"Leave this empty for the normal case of an anonymous bind.",
LDAPBaseDN => "The BaseDN for authenticating users against " _
"(e.g. ou=People,o=Company).",
LDAPuidattribute => "The name of the attribute containing the user's login name.",
LDAPmailattribute => "The name of the attribute of a user in your " _
"directory that contains the email address, to be " _
"used as Bugzilla username. If this parameter " _
"is empty, Bugzilla will use the LDAP username"_
" as the Bugzilla username. You may also want" _
" to set the \"emailsuffix\" parameter, in this case.",
LDAPfilter => "LDAP filter to AND with the <var>LDAPuidattribute</var> for " _
"filtering the list of valid users." }