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[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
title = "Attachments"
desc = "Set up attachment options"
[% param_descs = {
allow_attachment_display =>
"If this option is on, users will be able to view attachments from"
_ " their browser, if their browser supports the attachment's MIME type."
_ " If this option is off, users are forced to download attachments,"
_ " even if the browser is able to display them."
_ "<p>This is a security restriction for installations where untrusted"
_ " users may upload attachments that could be potentially damaging if"
_ " viewed directly in the browser.</p>"
_ "<p>It is highly recommended that you set the <var>attachment_base</var>"
_ " parameter if you turn this parameter on.",
attachment_base =>
"When the <var>allow_attachment_display</var> parameter is on, it is "
_ " possible for a malicious attachment to steal your cookies or"
_ " perform an attack on Bugzilla using your credentials."
_ "<p>If you would like additional security on attachments to avoid"
_ " this, set this parameter to an alternate URL for your Bugzilla"
_ " that is not the same as <var>urlbase</var> or <var>sslbase</var>."
_ " That is, a different domain name that resolves to this exact"
_ " same Bugzilla installation.</p>"
_ "<p>Note that if you have set the"
_ " <a href=\"editparams.cgi?section=advanced#cookiedomain_desc\"><var>cookiedomain</var>"
_" parameter</a>, you should set <var>attachment_base</var> to use a"
_ " domain that would <em>not</em> be matched by"
_ " <var>cookiedomain</var>.</p>"
_ "<p>For added security, you can insert <var>%bugid%</var> into the URL,"
_ " which will be replaced with the ID of the current $terms.bug that"
_ " the attachment is on, when you access an attachment. This will limit"
_ " attachments to accessing only other attachments on the same"
_ " ${terms.bug}. Remember, though, that all those possible domain names "
_ " (such as <kbd></kbd>) must point to this same"
_ " Bugzilla instance.",
allow_attachment_deletion => "If this option is on, administrators will be able to delete " _
"the content of attachments.",
maxattachmentsize => "The maximum size (in kilobytes) of attachments to be stored " _
"in the database. If a file larger than this size is attached " _
"to ${terms.abug}, Bugzilla will look at the " _
"<a href=\"#maxlocalattachment\"><var>maxlocalattachment</var> parameter</a> " _
"to determine if the file can be stored locally on the web server. " _
"If the file size exceeds both limits, then the attachment is rejected. " _
"Settings both parameters to 0 will prevent attaching files to ${terms.bugs}.",
maxlocalattachment => "The maximum size (in megabytes) of attachments to be stored " _
"locally on the web server. If set to a value lower than the " _
"<a href=\"#maxattachmentsize\"><var>maxattachmentsize</var> parameter</a>, " _
"attachments will never be kept on the local filesystem." }