blob: ad39685f0eae101912997ab903a32f4c6c0924d5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Script should run with type=""
PASS Script shouldn't run with type=" "
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="APPLICATION/ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="APPLICATION/JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="APPLICATION/X-ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="APPLICATION/X-JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript "
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript "
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript "
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript "
PASS Script should run with type=" application/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" application/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" application/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" application/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="\tapplication/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\tapplication/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\tapplication/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\tapplication/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="\napplication/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\napplication/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\napplication/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\napplication/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="\rapplication/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rapplication/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rapplication/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rapplication/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="application/ecmascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="application/javascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-ecmascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="application/x-javascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="\fapplication/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\fapplication/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\fapplication/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\fapplication/x-javascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/x-ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/x-javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/javascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/x-ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="application/x-javascript\0foo"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/JSCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/LIVESCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/X-ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="TEXT/X-JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5 "
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript "
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript "
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript "
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript "
PASS Script should run with type=" text/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type=" text/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript\t"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ttext/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript\n"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ntext/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript\r"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\rtext/x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="text/ecmascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.0\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.1\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.2\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.3\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.4\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/javascript1.5\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/jscript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/livescript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-ecmascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="text/x-javascript\f"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/jscript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/livescript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with type="\ftext/x-javascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.0\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.1\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.2\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.3\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.4\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.5\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/jscript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/livescript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/x-ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/x-javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.0\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.1\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.2\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.3\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.4\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/javascript1.5\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/jscript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/livescript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/x-ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with type="text/x-javascript\0foo"
PASS Script should run with language=""
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" "
PASS Script should run with language="ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.0"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.1"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.2"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.3"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.4"
PASS Script should run with language="javascript1.5"
PASS Script should run with language="jscript"
PASS Script should run with language="livescript"
PASS Script should run with language="x-ecmascript"
PASS Script should run with language="x-javascript"
PASS Script should run with language="ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.0"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.1"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.2"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.3"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.4"
PASS Script should run with language="JAVASCRIPT1.5"
PASS Script should run with language="JSCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with language="LIVESCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with language="X-ECMASCRIPT"
PASS Script should run with language="X-JAVASCRIPT"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="ecmascript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.0 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.1 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.2 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.3 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.4 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.5 "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="jscript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="livescript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-ecmascript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-javascript "
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" ecmascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.1"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.2"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.3"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.4"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" javascript1.5"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" jscript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" livescript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" x-ecmascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language=" x-javascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="ecmascriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.0xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.1xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.2xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.3xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.4xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.5xyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="jscriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="livescriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-ecmascriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-javascriptxyz"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzecmascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.1"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.2"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.3"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.4"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjavascript1.5"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzjscript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzlivescript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzx-ecmascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="xyzx-javascript"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.0\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.1\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.2\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.3\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.4\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.5\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="jscript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="livescript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-ecmascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-javascript\0"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.0\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.1\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.2\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.3\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.4\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="javascript1.5\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="jscript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="livescript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-ecmascript\0foo"
PASS Script shouldn't run with language="x-javascript\0foo"